View Full Version : pea sized bump by my jaw/ear..I googled :(

19-07-12, 23:45
So, I have this stupid bump that is right on my jaw by my ear that when I open my mouth it disappears. I am pretty sure its been there for a few years now but for whatever reason I became obsessed with it yesterday. I do have TMJ and my ear hurts off and on. But I can't stop worrying about this darn bump!
So...I googled and came up with "partoid mass" that is benign but still has to be removed and can cause facial paralysis.
So needless to say, I am a wreck. Does anyone else have this bump? I can sort of move it around and squish it but it hurts after awhile. You can' see it or anything, I even had my fiance try and touch it and he doesn't even feel it.
I am starting week 2 of prozac and thought I was doing better and now I've freaked myself out and feel like I am back at square one.
I don't want to call the doc on this especially since its been there for years and I don't want to seem absolutely pathetic.
okay, thats my vent.... any thoughts? :)

20-07-12, 00:17
Lymph gland/node I would bet

20-07-12, 00:18

20-07-12, 00:19
Oh and these:


20-07-12, 01:40
Nothing to worry about. Definately a lymph node. I have one exactly where you descibe. Do not poke it its there to help your body fight infections, if you do so it will become inflamed, hence it hurting, and may temporarily not work as well.

If you are worrying about it, see your doctor who will tell you the same and that its nothing to worry about :)

20-07-12, 12:20
Thank you everyone! I talked to my sister in law and she said her Mom has had the same thing for years- directly related to tmj.
I am vowing not to touch it anymore because I don't want to make it bigger or painful. If it is still on my mind, I will mention it to the doc when I see him in August.
Your posts made me feel so much better!! Love this forum <3