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View Full Version : nausea please help!!

20-07-12, 01:35
Well here is my story. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for like 20 years.
Anyway I was on cipralex up to about 2 months ago and psych thought that zoloft might be a better choice of drug because of my ocd symptoms. I am also post partum as I just had a baby 7 months ago.
Well I was on the zoloft up to 100mg without side effects just heightened anxiety. When I went to 150 nausea started to kick in after I ate. My period was also like 2 weeks late (not pregnant). So anyway, I went up to 250mg on zoloft and was still nauseous and anxious.
so now since sunday I have switched back to cipralex and I thought the nausea would go away but it hasn't.I also have my period right now and it is pretty heavy. I am so scared and anxious now everytime I eat and I have this constant anxious feeling in my stomach. I do have a low dose benzo that calms me down.
I keep thinking the nausea is stomach cancer or something horrible. I went to my doctor and she did some blood tests and everything was fine but I still am so scared. I went back to her and asked her if she would do more tests but she wont and said point blank you don't have cancer just a severe anxiety disorder.
this really sucks!!!! I am so up and down. I just want the nausea to go away!!!!!!
any advice please!!!!

20-07-12, 10:13
A severe anxiety disorder can cause quite a bit of nausea. I thought I had stomach cancer for a while because I'd get sick every time I ate, was never hungry, always bloated and that weird "ill" feeling, but when the anxiety started to get less it all disappeared.

Your period can cause nausea too, especially if it's quite a bad/late one this month. I get terrible nausea when I have heavy and painful periods so that won't be helping how you're feeling lately.

Trust your doctor, if she's investigated your symptoms and found nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong. :) Try to relax and eat a bit, I know it's hard to eat when you feel so sick but carrying on as normal could help you get out your vicious cycle (scared when you eat - anxiety - nausea) and you'll start to feel a bit better again.

Hope you feel better really soon x