View Full Version : Could do with some diazepam right now!

20-07-12, 01:50
So fed up with health anxiety. Even just a little break for a day or two of thoughts of me having something seriously wrong with me would be amazing (normally worry about blood clots, strokes, high blood pressure, brain problems and sometimes heart and lung problems). I don't think any longer than 3 minutes goes past without an intrusive thought entering my brain when I don't even want it to. Its just all so tiring on top of all the usual anxiety symptoms!

Still waiting for my letter for my first counselling date which seems to be taking forever. Going to ring my doctor tomorrow about back pain and nerve problems down my leg which I've convinced myself is actually a blood clot.

Stupid I know, but I can't help it. Anyone else relate? Health anxiety is horrible!

20-07-12, 04:08
Yea...health anxiety is really not a lot of fun.

I thought I had a stroke a few times. Thought I had heart trouble many times and even came very close to wearing one of those halter monitors because I was complaining so much.

I now know that my doctor was calling my bluff...I think he wanted me to finally get that I wasn't sick.

I even spent about 5 years CONVINCED that I had AIDS.

During that time I was actually on Xanax and Valium (at different times sometimes and at the same time for a while) and I can tell you it didn't help much.

I know the feeling of wanting some time off from the thoughts. I really can relate.

I'm not sure if you are going to be doing CBT therapy or not, but if so...you will love it. I think I had about 10 "A HAAA" moments during each session I did...it's amazing how they know every single thing that anxious people are up to.

I guess we must all be the same..haha.

Anyway, if it helps you to feel better I am 100000% sure that you are fine. You will absolutely not die from any blood clots, but I also know for about 129% certainty that you will likely not believe me until some time later.

But try to.

20-07-12, 23:42
I've only ever had 2mg valium once, it seemed to help a little. Obviously not a magic cure but anything helps!

I'm waiting to hear back from my counsellor from a date :) so I'm hoping my appointment is soon. You know what some of the waiting lists are like! I'm glad to hear that you were successful with your dvt!

And I hope you're right with that, which you probably are, but you know how our minds doubt these things even though it's obvious!