View Full Version : I hate this! I just want to escape from this living hell! x

20-07-12, 14:47
Well the title say's it all. Health Anxiety is crippling me at the moment, just been diagnosed with a UTI, but in my mind I have (CANCER) somewhere lurking in my body ! Im so fed up and tired, drained of feeling like this, why cant I be like normal again????

I 've had this for 4 longgggggggggg years now since the death of my mum from lung cancer (I think im actually suffereng from PTSD?) When I get any pain twinge etc, the first thing I see is my mum on her deathbed, and then seeing me !! Omg, Im going crazyyyyyyy, I cant eat, sleep, enjoy life without this "Curse" overhanging me (cant get a bloody docs appointment for 3 weeks to speak to the doctor who knows my story )

Im on 10 mg of Amitryptaline(which I took one last night) dont take it every night (may be I should) In fact I wish there was a magic pill to take this away !!

I know people on here understand ! x