View Full Version : Advice please

19-07-06, 16:37
Hi fellow sufferers,

As some of you know Ive been having a bad time of late with my health anxiety and need to ask a question thats bugging me at the minute. I dont think Ive ever had a panic attack but the feeling I get is like a tingling all over my body, weakness in arms,legs,fingers. My head goes all funny and whooshing pains up the back of my head. My left eye feels funny. Does a panic attack last for minutes as mine sometimes can go on for hours. Do you think this is due to a panic attack?

Thanks all

Take Care

Mental Mandy


Will Loynes
19-07-06, 17:22
Hi Mandy,
that sounds like some of the symtoms i get. The main thing is the absolute fear, almost like im scared to move, I feel really sensative (mentally) I get claustrophobia and agrophobia at the same time. My vision becomes distorted, Hands and feet become clammy. Heart either races or feels like its stopped, muscles tense and ache. Thats to list a few, the main thing for me is absolute fear and feeling like im going to die instantly! Also, cant get any composure with thoughts, all rationality goes out of the window.
Sorry for the ranting, have been on the verge of a big one for a few days, but managing to hold it back, hence all my ramblings. Makes me clutch at things or run a mile.

Take care

Will :D

19-07-06, 17:33
Hi Will,

Thanks for that your a dear friend. I agree totally its the intense fear that something going to happen.


19-07-06, 17:43
Hi Mandy hun. I had 'panic' which lasted q few days, it just felt like i was constantly afraid, heart racing, breathing funny, shaking. i think symptoms are slightly different for evryone but all the ones you mentioned are common, i get pins and needles in my body and i feel like i want to 'get out' but don't know where.
Will hope you are feeling a bit better. I can relate to not being rational and getting a grip on my thoughts.
Hope this helps mandy hun, hope you feel better soon. Just hang in there, still thinking of you and praying for you

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-07-06, 17:52
Hi Daisy,

Thanks a million you've been a great help to me these past few weeks and I really appreciate itx

I just cant seem to shake all this off this time its horrible. So much for being positive lol


marie ross
19-07-06, 18:13
Hi Mandy,

I get this this sometimes, its like i'm feeling out of it and dizzy for days on end, and i get really anxious and am really aware of my breathing. Sometimes i wish a panic attack would come on so its over and done with. Try not to let this get you down it will soon pass and you'll be feeling a lot better.

Take care.

Marie XXX

19-07-06, 22:01
Hi Mandy,

i never thought i had panic attacks, only health anxiety, until recently. I get very similar symptoms to you - the intense fear, weakness, dithering (sp?), sweating, feeling sick etc. I've only recently realised what was going on.
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

20-07-06, 11:48
i have got this often. its awful i know but they do go eventually. i get a horrible nausia feeling and i shake and all my hands become clammy and my breathing closes up.


20-07-06, 11:51
Hi Guys,

Thank you all so much for your replies they mean a lot to me. It's nice to know we can all be here for each other when the going gets tough.



20-07-06, 12:22
Hi Mandy.

Hope you are feeling a little better now mate. Sounds just like a panic attack what you described, I remember when I had my first one it was awful and I didn't even know what it was until a friend of mine told me.

x x

20-07-06, 14:27
Hi Lucy,

Thanks for that love. And Vicki, Shizz and Marie.

I luve ye all



20-07-06, 15:18
just hollar if you need me mandy, i cant get on much with the kids but i really hope you feel better. this is a horrible fear we live with
