View Full Version : No More Comfort Zone

20-07-12, 17:57

Has anyones Anxiety got so bad that their comfort zone has basically disappeared?

My Anxiety seems to just be spiralling out of control to the point where I no longer even feel comfortable in my own room at home. I had a friend come round to see me yesterday and we were just sat there playing a bit of PS3 and chatting and my mind was just in a panic and I basically told him I needed to go toilet where I just started vomiting. I'm not relaxed at all! Even when I am alone at times I feel on edge and really sick.

Feel like I want to go back to the GP for a second time and try get something to help me but I feel pretty housebound right now.

20-07-12, 18:06
The trouble is that if you retreat into yourself because of anxiety then your comfort zone shrinks and like you say eventually it goes completely. I would try to go to your GP if you can.

20-07-12, 18:37
Agree wholeheartedly with theharvestmouse.

If you can manage to get out of the house you should deffinately go back to your doctor and discuss how you feel with him. CBT or medication may help to reduce your anxiety symptoms.

I have been in the situation that you are in at the moment, where my anxiety was so bad that I was constantly being sick, I wish there had been help available to me at the time.

Things can only get better.

20-07-12, 18:45
I've been like that before, when I was out I wanted to escape to home as fast as possible but when I was at home I felt trapped with myself.
Something that adds to this problem is often when you are out and you panic, you say to yourself that you will "deal with this" when you get home because it is like your base and you can sit down peacefully and deal with your thoughts and sort them out. The trouble is we do this so often to put the panic on hold which works temporarily, and then get home and feel fine and forget all about what you were going to "deal with" so you are constantly making compromises and promises with your mind and not keeping them. You then don't trust yourself and begin to get the troublesome thoughts and feelings at home too as they are never dealt with. so this adds to the reduction in your safe zones. A big step for me was realising I didn't have to be at home to deal with the anxiety, as all my skills were in my head.