View Full Version : I think I have MS?

21-07-12, 10:58
Would really appreciate some advice on this.

I get these random spasms in my thumb, but it feels as if there is something pulling it, rather than just jolty movements. I also have this weird feeling in my face. Top of my nose feels blocked up, between my eyes, pain behind eyes, temple, sudden appearance of loads of floaters.

For past couple years I've always felt quite tired, but I do eat a lot of junk, no vegetables..? I also feel sick a lot in the mornings until I eat. (I am not overweight). Trying to sort diet out, but I'm scared I have MS. I did think I had a brain tumour because of these symptoms but now think MS. I also get this random vibrating spasm feeling right near/around my Anus. I looked up prostate cancer symptoms but don;'t think it's that. A forum I read of other people with simmilar spasm feeling near anus said could be MS =./ Anyone had any of this, could it be anxiety?

21-07-12, 11:12
It doesn't sound at all like symptoms of MS to me - which incidentally would be far more serious like complete loss of sensation in a limb or partial blindness.

I don't want to blame it ALL on 'anxiety' but compared to the odds of it being MS I think it would be a fair bet.

Remember that focusing on weird symptoms like twitching, eg, will only make it worse, so try to distract your mind and see if symptoms lessen or completely go away.

21-07-12, 11:50
I thought I had MS a while back as I kept getting a vibrating/buzzing sensation in the bottom of my foot and weird hot and cold sensations on my legs. After a while it went and then I found out my mum said she had the same in the past. My mum hasn't developed MS and neither have I. As the other person said, you would have symptoms that are far more severe if it were MS and there would be no questioning that it wasn't, ie loss of vision, whole limbs feeling numb. It's hard to rationalise when you feel anxious, I'm worrying myself at the moment about brain tumours, even though I know deep down it is very unlikely. Try your best to find other things to focus on, I know it's hard as I am struggling with my fears too, but stress and anxiety only make things worse.

21-07-12, 11:59
Ditto - thought I had MS about 12 years ago but didn't and haven't. The first symptoms of MS are often tripping up steps, inability to control your movements and tremor. Your symptoms are more likely to be due to anxiety but I would tell your Dr about them and if there not resolving have a scan done to rule out anything sinister so that you can manage the symptoms knowing that they're not due to a serious condition.
Take care