View Full Version : Bad day

19-07-06, 18:29
Just sounding off here guys...

It's been a gorgeous day with temperatures reaching 29 degrees and i thought it might be nice to take time out and go down the bay for a stroll but no...my anxiety got the better of me and I couldn't do it. Then my hip started playing up and I burst out cring at the bus stop and came home. It's so unfair that I can't live a normal life. I can't dothings other people do. The Medical Services Team and Department Of Work And Pensions accused me of lying about my physicaland mental healtha nd declared me fit for work. How could they do this? Do they not realise I want to live a normal life...I just can't. Never been able to have aproper sex life even because of this. Can't stand anymore. It's driving me crazy.

19-07-06, 19:36
appeal against their decision. I know a few people who've been forced to appeal. Unfortunately I think it's going to get even harder for people with mental health problems to get the financial support they need while they can't work.


19-07-06, 21:52
I don't know anything helpful to add about dealing with the UK govt. But try to remember that you will someday be able to do the things other people do. Are you in therapy? If you can't get into therapy, start challenging yourself a lil each day and increase exposure when you feel ok at each step. Also don't beat yourself up when you have a bad day or even a bad week. Just keep challenging yourself. Sometimes it will feel like it's too much but other days you will gain confidence when you meet these challenges without panic.

20-07-06, 08:56
I'm sure you would find protection under the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act). Have a look at the DRC website which gives simple explanation of law covering disabilities (the definition of disability has been widened in recent times). If you start quoting laws & discrimination at your employers I'm sure they'll back off!!!
Good luck

20-07-06, 12:22
Hi guys,

yes I did appeal...or rather am waiting to be seen. It could and will takes months though and in the meantime I have only £46 a week to live on. When I was on Icapacity Benefit I was on £76 a week pluss I was allowed to work part time as it's an incentive they have to get you back into work and m ore confident which was going swimmingly. Now they've taken my Incapacity Benfut off me however I'm not allowed to work part time so I'm stuck. I feel less like doing anything than ever now. Totally demotivated. Feel so depressed all the time. I try to do bits and pieces but my life is still quite empty. I have no fmaily, mno friends and live alone in a very rough area. The neighbourhood is getting more and more horrible but I'm too terrified to move. If you'd have asked me when I was a teenager what I would be doing when I was 30 I would never have imagined in a million years I'd be in this position. I'm just existing I'm not living.

20-07-06, 12:37
Hi Polly.

Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Hope things get better for you soon mate.

x x

20-07-06, 13:00
Hi Polly,

Sorry to hear you're feeling down and rather trapped by your circumstances.

Would it possible to go back to the GP and get him to write you a supporting letter at all.

Please dont lose heart - in very small ways it is possible to make changes in your life.

Good luck mate.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-07-06, 11:40
Yes I had tons of evidence from my gp and two specialists but it was all dismissed. Also they state on the appeal pack that I had a mental health asessment by the doctor at the assesment centre which I didn't