View Full Version : IBS symptoms

Harrison Chase
21-07-12, 18:44
Hi , I'm new here.
It's great that this forum is here for everyone.

I have Aspergers , OCD and Anxiety issues.
About 2 weeks ago I started with IBS-type symptoms. Not so much diarrhea or constipation , but bloating ,pain near my sternum , under my ribs , shoulder blades and general discomfort.
Not so sure if its IBS - attacks last days rather than weeks? , or Celiac - I don't seem any worse after wheat products than I do anything else?.

At first when it started , it started me off having panic attacks. My wife took me to see a Doctor and they said everything was fine. I thought I was having a heart attack.
I've now seen another and done blood tests , checking for IBS & Celiac.
I've been worried to death about cancer , so the Dr did a physical examination and said there didnt seem to be any signs.
I'm really worried about the test results and the thoughts are dominating my life. I think I am annoying all those around me , who tend to be off the opinion I am too stressed.

I am finding it hard to concentrate , even on my usual hobbies. The last couple of days I have felt really tired. Is this another symptom or just the stress wearing me down?.

All the time I am imagining the worst case scenario , thinking how will my wife , mother cope when I have gone?.

I lost my sister when she was a baby , my brother died at 10 and my Father died when he was 49 - so this all adds to the thoughts.

I don't know if I am really ill in the first place or I am doing this to myself. Most people seem to focus on the stress side of it, than the stomach stuff.
I start CBT in a week or so ( this was organised pre-illness , due to my OCD 'locking up ' issues).
I feel like I am going mad. Any help appreciated. x

21-07-12, 21:38
Hello, welcome to the forum.
I have IBS as well. Started with it this time last year and the doctor said it was IBS. I have simular symptoms. I have a discomfort by my sternum that feels like a wind pain. It is uncomfortable and sometimes I get it all day and lasts a few days. I tend to get it when I'm very anxious. The doctor said it was the stomach contracting when stressed. I too have a fear of cancer and have Health Anxiety.
What you had described sounds like IBS. I have peppermint tea when I have these symptoms and it works wonders for me and calms the stomach. I normally don't like herbal tea but it is actually not too bad : )
Hope this helps
Take care and relax

22-07-12, 00:18
hi both
I suffer from IBS and get the same symptoms. I find enteric coated peppermint capsules really wonderful for dealing with bloating, wind and pain. They are inexpensive and natural and make you feel much more comfortable. I also find drinking hot water in the morning very helpful and going for a walk. When you feel bad try doing some slow sleep breaths as that always helps calm me down and aid digestion. Stop worrying, that makes IBS so much more problematic

22-07-12, 02:17
i HATE ibs but touchwood my stomach has been fine lately i have all the symptoms you get but my worse was a horrible feeling just below my ribs :( it seems to have settled down lately don't no if its cos my anxiety is also doing well as the more anxious i was the worse my IBS would flare up xx

Harrison Chase
22-07-12, 08:03
Cheers for your replies much appreciated!.
Yesterday I found this forum and bought peppermint tea . Both things seemed to have helped . I don't want to speak to soon , but last night was the first decent evening I've had in two weeks . Not symptom-free , but dramatically reduced.

25-07-12, 15:23
really pleased to hear this, I recommend you buy some enteric coated pepperming capsules as they work lower down in the digestive system and are really excellent for soothing the intestines and helping with bloating, trapped wind. Take it a day at a time and dont stress when you have a bit of a bad day if you keep doing the good stuff the good days will get better and last longer. Try doing some relaxation too and have warm bath to help you.
Good luck

25-07-12, 15:44
Hi I have IBS to I get really bad tummy ache, and wanting to go to toilet alot

25-07-12, 16:29
Hi Unhappygirl, where can I buy the coated peppermints please? I have tried the tea but can't get used to the taste :)

25-07-12, 16:45
Hi Unhappygirl, where can I buy the coated peppermints please? I have tried the tea but can't get used to the taste :)

u can get them from boots but as i get free meds i asked my doc and he gave me a months supply u take 3 a day 30-60 before food and u cant take rennies within 3 hrs before or after they r brill in boots they r called colpermin but my ones just say peppermint oil capsules.:D

25-07-12, 16:56
hi there i feel your pain i have ibs and hiatal hernia im on colofac tablets for ibs available from boots i reccommend them also got tablets for reducing stomach acid to help with the indigestion. your symptons are similar to mine and its all bowel and indigestion related, i even get pains in back shoulder and jaw with wind thought was heart attack still anxious it is but been reassured im fine.

your stressing about it is also making it worse, try eating small meals regularly lots of water, cut out caffeine chocolate and fizzy drinks also spicy foods make worse.

if you improve diet and exercise some people can cope without tablets others need tablets to give things little hand.

dont worry if doctor thought was anything worse he would have looked into it.

good luck x

Harrison Chase
26-07-12, 11:02
Cheers for your support all.
I've had a generally improved week . The mebevrine tablets the Dr put me on help , although the symptoms are still underlying.

I get my blood test results tomorrow ( I had them done a week ago ). That is making me nervous . I don't know for sure , but I think this may be anxiety , as I have a few other symptoms that tie in with that. I just need to keep calm over the next 24 hours.

26-07-12, 21:37
i got mine from Holland and Barrett

Harrison Chase
27-07-12, 07:34
Thanks , I will have a look in there , there's one near us.

A bit nervous today . I get my blood test results this morning and then first session of CBT this afternoon.

27-07-12, 07:48
I have been getting diahorrea for a number of months now & my GP has put it down to anxiety she done a series of blood tests that all came back normal. I went to see her again yesterday as things haven't improved although I have changed my diet... I don't have any pains or blood just diahorrea every single morning when I wake up sometimes I go 2-3 times then that's it until the following morning..
She has sent a referral now for further tests & I am so worried as to what is causing this every day she recommended Calofal I took 2 yesterday although we don't know if I have IBS but this morning the 1st was slightly formed but the 2nd time wasn't sorry for tmi.. I am a nervous wreck at the moment & with me never being rational is thinking the worst ..

Harrison Chase
27-07-12, 10:59
I have been like that on & off for a while , but to be honest I think it's certain foods or stress that set me off.

Just had my blood test results back , all normal. I need to try and relax now. CBT therapy this afternoon too.