View Full Version : Wisdom tooth...

21-07-12, 21:17
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing ok. I've been good other than a couple of little "moments" which I'm kinda going through now! So my fear over the last year or so was having leukemia/lymphoma after experiencing some symptoms and adding it altogether. Needless to say, I'm still alive and kicking! Last week I went to my dentist, and around 10 years ago I had 3 of my wisdom teeth removed but they left one in because they thought it was "ok". However, it wasn't ok, and while it wasn't really causing me much discomfort other than the odd ache, my dentist said "ok, we're taking this out this week!!" I was like "NOOOO!!" but decided to go ahead anyway. I was quite proud of myself because even though I was anxious, it was nothing compared to what I've been like before. The extraction itself took less than a minute and I barely bled after it! (which is good because it tells me I don't have leukemia!)
I've been doing everything the dentist told me to do, not eating solids, rinsing with salt water and Corsodyl... however, I'm still terrified it's going to get infected! My ear is only slightly sore which I'd expect, but I'm scared that the blood clot will disappear and I'll end up with dry socket or something...
I also just found red blotches on my chest that are there for no apparent reason, they don't itch and they blanch with pressure so now my mind is going 100mph! ARGHHH!!! I wish I could just think about things rationally!!