View Full Version : will it ever end?

19-07-06, 21:22
last year i went to see my cousin abroad, like i do every year, who suffers form MS. every year i would see her and that would be that. but last august for some reason, i went to see her and from that very point on i began to become anxious about my own health. my family seemed to be continuosly talking about how she had it from a young age and never realised and how it wasnt caught quick enough to give her better treatment. now, for the last year my life has been like hell. continuous outbursts of bad health anxiety. although i know its the worst thing i can do i continuously google symptoms and so on. i cant sleep. it gets so bad that i tremble and then i see these as more symptoms and the circle carries on. very strange however, around january - march, it seemed to stop and i felt better then all of a sudden it started again, all the anxiousness.it seems that when im with certain people i dont get it.eg my mum.i've told noone other than my best friend, but its hard, im only 15 .unlike many people with health anxiety, i wont go and see a doctor, im so afraid what he might tell me. instead i try and self diagnose which makes me even worse. i spend so much of my time testing my hand-eye co-ordination, testing reflexes and so on. i just want to know will it stop. will a physical examination help?....


19-07-06, 21:57
hiya shizz

an examination will simply make you feel better for a little while but in the long run the only way to ease this is to stop fearing the fear

it is fear that has caused these symptoms and fear that keeps them there, and only when you stop fearing them will they begin to ease

i think a copy of claire weekes " self help for your nerves" would really help you

take care


19-07-06, 22:02
thanks jackie, will have a look at that! :)


20-07-06, 17:18
Poor you. That's very young to be suffering like you are. Try not to self diagnose, it's the worst thing you can do. It sounds like you may have transferred your cousins symptoms to yourself?? I agree with the last post, try reading the Claire Weeks book, I found it helpful and try and confide in your mother who I'm sure would be mortified if she thought you couldn't talk to her. Good luck, Kay x

expecto patronum
21-07-06, 12:12
If you think you would be able to believe the doctor when he tells you its nothing serious (as I'm sure he will) then its worth going to the doctors. I got a lump on my neck when I was 14 and went through months of misery being convinced I had cancer, then I eventually went to the doctor and he said it was just a lymph gland and the whole nightmare was over!