View Full Version : Feeling really low :(

22-07-12, 13:27
I can't put my finger on anything at the moment, but I feel so low, despite being on prozac for five weeks and seeing a psychotherapist.

I did feel better for a couple of weeks but the last week has ben awful.

My little boy has left infant school to join juniors in Sept and I've been blubbing about that non stop. I think it's just the fact he's growing up.

I'm also longing desperately for another baby but will be 40 next year and think I've missed the boat, I'm also thinking with my HA so bad I don't think it would be fair to have another child even if it were possible. I also have a massive fear of Breast Cancer and know the risk increases after pregnancy especially at my age so think that would just tip me over the edge.

Sorry for waffling, just felt I had to post as I just need to vent, cannot get a grip on anything at the moment and just want to hide away!!

22-07-12, 13:59

Hope you are ok I just wanted you to know you're not alone I'm actually feeling really low today
My little boy is at nursery and the older children had a leaving party and we all went, well my son is back there in sept but I still wanted to cry how pathetic I felt lol
some days feel worse than others and we should focus on the better days and not get down when we are low but is hard isnt it

I suffer with ha but it escalated recently when I received a letter about an abnormal smear it felt n still feels like the end of the world despite being told by several people a borderline result isn't bad!!

Why don't you speak to your gp about having another baby if you had good positive advice it might help pick you up and give you something to focus on

I had depression 14 years ago and then I fell pregnant I thought I wouldn't cope yet it lifted me and she was amazing

Sorry for waffling

Always hear if you need a chat

Just knowing others feel the same can help xx

22-07-12, 16:57
Sorry to hear you are feeling so low. It is a horrible feeling. When I feel like this I keep telling myself it will pass as it usually does. You wont always feel like this. Keeping busy helps me,even though sometimes I just want to curl up in bed & cry. Friends & family are a good distraction too. Try & remember that the things we fear are very unlikely to actually happen,try & get the fears into perspective & face them,you will feel better for it even though it is hard to do. You are definately not alone. Remember...you will feel better :)xx

22-07-12, 18:09
Sarah and Ell thank you so much for you replies, it means a lot.

I agree it always helps knowing other people can relate to how you are feeling and that's one of the things I love about this site.

I'm thinking maybe I should throw caution to the wind with the pregnancy thing, after all I coped first time round and with my age it might not happen anyway.

Ell with regards to your post I've had a few abnormal smears over the years in fact had my first at 27 and I'm 39 now and I remember only too well how scary it was the first time it happened, I spent the first few weeks in tears convinced I was dying, but that was 12 years ago and I've had so many smears since then I've lost count. The one thing I take comfort from is that once you've had an abnormal smear they monitor you very closely and in some ways I find that reassuring.

I've had colposcopies, cells removed etc so if there is anything you want to ask feel free as that is one thing I can definately relate too.

Take care ladies and thank you again xx

22-07-12, 19:46
Hi Gals,
Just wanted to add my two penneth is that's OK. My children are now 14 and 15, I've suffered from anxiety when they've reached milestones of moving on - ie starting full time school, not needing baby sitters. I think the anxiety was always there but I was needed less and had more time to focus on myself and therefore the anxiety.
If you want another child Munchlet, don't let this illness stop you, I too found pregnancy and having a baby helped more than adding to my anxiety. Pregnancy and breast feeding protect you from breast cancer too - not the opposite.
Take care all

22-07-12, 21:10
Hi Sam

Thanks for your reply, I think I am going to try for another baby, my husband is over the moon as he's always wanted another one but it's tended to be me holdng back.

I just feel if I give it a go and it doesn't happen then I can say "well it wasn't meant to be but I tried" Whereas if I don't then I think I'll look back in 10 years time with a lot of regrets that I didn't try.

I'm also thinking the BC fear is there whatever and has been since I can remember so not trying for a baby won't make it go away, besides it would be something else if it wasnt' that anyway!!

thanks x