View Full Version : I cant take anymore!

22-07-12, 13:42
I am so tired of having these attacks. I am trying to live my life, Im trying to work and go out and do NORMAL things but everyday I am dealing with this. Everyday I am in pain, my chest is killing me, my diaphram is so strained from the impaired breathing that everything hurts.
I am trying all my normal techniques but I find myself wandering around not knowing what to do.

I cant keep doing this. I am convinced most days that I am dying. Not just from the panic but from anything and everything. My therapy isnt working and the Citalopram cant be doing anything. Im so scared to take more and the doc wanted me to try Prozac. I dont want to take more pills. I take so many already.

Please I need advice.

22-07-12, 20:05
I have been in your situation and it is not good place to be!!!!!! But, I was so scared that I welcomed the GP's suggestion that I change my medication. If you are not getting any benefit from the Citalopram, perhaps it is worth trying another antidepressant. What have you got to loose?

23-07-12, 08:40
Hi Steph.

If your citalopram isnt working, then simply stop taking it. Id avoid prozac at all costs. The best route to take is the natural healthy one. Diet, excersise, no caffine that kinda thing. Im not knocking medication, and neither am i an expert, though my personal experiance is that they made my situation worse and if i ever needed to deal with the fear of panic attacks i needed my mind to be totally clear of anything that will hinder it. There are some great books, you-tube video's out there that can really help, much better than popping pills. remember all panic attacks are FEAR. Which is False Evidence Appearing Real. Its a trick, in your mind your situation as blown up out of all proportion. Just relax, eat well, sleep well, drink well and pick a fight with it. Cus each little victory, like going for a long walk, or going to the shops or whatever fears you is the true path to recovery.



23-07-12, 10:27

Sometimes the lower doses of Ciatalopram do not work my doctor said to me 10mg if that is what you are taking is okay for depression,but it would need to be 20mg for anxiety problems do not know how much Citalopram you are on as you do not say.

Also you say you are on lots of other drugs i wonder if the cit is not working in conjunction with those,i would say you need to go back to your GP and explain all this to them.

It is not nice to have to live as you are and i fully sympathise,i am on Citalopram myself and it works great for me,but i do not take any other meds except very occasionally Diazapam.:)

Hope you work things out Richard.

23-07-12, 17:02
Thanks for your messages guys, I think I will be taking a trip to the docs to see what else is on offer.
Im on 20mgs now but to be honest I dont think they are doing anything. The only thing they doing is blocking the morbid thoughts I get but as I said I think Im dying most the time now anyway so maybe they not working as before.

23-07-12, 17:09
You could ask to go on Fluoextine (Prozac). I was on a high dose of citalopram 40mg for about 5 months and they did not work so changed to Prozac 40mg and did got to 60mg for a few weeks but know am know down to 20mg, ocasionaly have 40mg as my prescription still 40mg so have some in reserve. Tried to stop but got to panicky and depressed. These work for me, still have weird dreams but they keep me in the right place.

Good luck


24-07-12, 19:52
This is the really killer about anti-d's. What works for one person, doesn't for another, they take time to fully kick in and once they have meant to have kicked in, sometimes six weeks of living with your anxiety, they may not be the right ones for you so its back to square one.SO FRUSTRATING so you have my sympathy. I can only talk from my experience but it took me over six months before I hit upon the right anti-depressant that worked for me. So stick with it and hopefully, if you have the right doctor, you will eventually hit the right one.

24-07-12, 20:28
i feel like this all the time too!! i hate it :( i just want to feel like a normal 19 year old :( i hope everything works out for you..and best wishes to you!! xx