View Full Version : Brain Tumor Fear - Headache/Dizzy/Lightheaded

22-07-12, 19:49
Hello All

From 2 months ago i started having a headache which is usually in back of my head. After two weeks i decided to go to the ER one day and upon explaining my headache they ordered a CT scan which came back negative. This was my third CT scan in the past 6 years. The reason for the other two CT scans (2008 and 2011) was basically due to my fear of having a BT and anxiety related issues. I saw my family physician twice this past two weeks and explained him my symptoms and he told me he is not worried about a BT. He told me if there was anything it would show up on the CT scan.

Now for the past two weeks I have been having a really strange feeling in my head. I feel dizzy but not spinning kind of dizzy. It feels like my head is heavy and is being pulled down by gravity. The closest word i can use to describe the feeling would be lightheadedness. A feeling you get when you have had a glass of drink and starting to feel buzzed.
I went to a chiropractor, he ordered an x-ray from my neck and he found out two problems with my neck. My neck is straight instead of being like a "C" shape. It also tilts to the right side a bit at the base of my skull. He said these two problems could cause a headache.
Both the chiro and the my family physician did a basic neurological exam on me and all my movements seemed fine.

My symptoms are basically a headache, which starts 2 minutes after i wake up. A constant dizziness/lightheadedness. I have had two days in the past week when the dizziness completely disappeared for couple of hours and in the past two months my headaches have also been different in severity. I have had couple of days with a really mild headache which was barely noticeable.

I'm a 22 years old male. I have had 3 CT scans done from my head in the past 6 years *all non contrast*. The last scan was done two weeks ago. I have had an MRI from my neck couple of years ago due to neck pain which later was told it was a tension from too much anxiety and stress. So the Neck MRI was negative. I have also had different blood tests to check for blood sugar, thyroid, CBC and etc. All normal.

Now my question is do my symptoms sound serious? I don't want to focus on my symptoms since its making me go nuts. But I have read many posts about brain tumors not showing up on a CT scan so im really worried they might have missed it in the CT. My doctors assured me it would show up on CT but some of the posts and articles i read on the internet say otherwise. I have also noticed my memory is not as great as before and I sometimes pronounce the words differently. But once again that could be due to my anxiety and the fact that I'm just making my brain tired of thinking something serious is wrong with me. I'm not sure if this is all anxiety or something more serious.

Any ideas?


23-07-12, 17:13
anyone? :(

23-07-12, 18:24
I do not think you have a brain tumour, you have had all the tests done and nothing has been found so take assurance and accept that is not what is wrong with you.
A close friend if min had similar problems and had vertigo because of it. She visited the balance clinic at the local hospital and they helped her get over it with simple neck exercises. She had vertigo really bad, was unable to walk, her case was severe, your is very mild so don't stress but ask about getting some help for your neck, the treatment is simple and you will feel better. Don't stress too much just be pleased you have something simple to correct.

25-07-12, 19:57
Hi John,

I'm John too :) and a very .. VERY similar story to yours.

You should search my post (search posts for my username: John33) I think you'll find it right up your street and can probably relate very much to my story about fearing brain tumor or aneurysm. I explain how its tules so much of my life and how I have overcome this nightmare.

3 CT scans .... really!? ... geezo! thats a lot of scans and you really should be reassured that there is nothing there.

Headaches are not usually the signs of brain tumor and I canalmost assure you that if you did have one then it WOULD almost certainly be picked up in the detailed CT scan.

You need to get on with your life and stop worrying about everything that might be wrong with you. Stop waiting to diagnose yourself with an illness you clearly dont have and start living your life before its all gone; lifes too short!

Read my story and let me know what you think


25-07-12, 20:09
The more you think you have a brain turnour the more your 'symptoms' will persist! Believe me after all three scans clear you have nothing to worry about!