View Full Version : symptoms of pure o?

22-07-12, 20:22
hi,wow,i thought up until 30 minutes ago, i was the only person in the world who has a mind that does this :
constantly having conversations in my head with peoplle over and over,reenacting different senarious,for example i may have a small simple worry about something,but then my brain takes over,and runs through the worst case scenario,which makes me panic and worry,and then it starts again,just to make sure ive understood!! - in a way,i am really hoping some of you are going to say.yes my friend you have pure o,cus i thought i was on my own.is there medication for it? - i do suffer from anxiety,and was depressed last year.....still am i think,but im on no meds, i took myself off them a while ago.does this sound right to you. - it goes on all day,and im that involved with the thoughts,people allways ask me what im thinking,so it must be obvious to peoplethat my mind is always eleswhere.pleas esomeone write back soon,cus i really like to know if i got this,as i mite be able to sort it out once and for all.thansk