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View Full Version : Are You Doing Meditation – Breathing - Stretching/Yoga

22-07-12, 23:04
I have recovered before using these skills but this time I am so tense and whacked I am finding it darn near impossible to
discipline myself to doing them.

Most of the top anxiety therapists rate these skills as critical to recovery. When I have a good meditation/breathing session I can feel much relief....so why don’t I just do them. Good question – severe anxiety seems to keep me so off that sitting to do them is excruciating.

I prefer stretching to Yoga as stretching is more focused on the muscle stretch and that is what send visceral messages to the brain to relax.

I would like to connect to other people seriously using the skills??

23-07-12, 01:34

I'm a qualified yoga instructor & trainer.

I understand your struggle to focus and find discipline to practice Yoga / meditation.

I'm making time to refocus on my practice tomorrow. I will be aiming to do 20 minutes of yoga and breathing exercises to start. Small, manageable, regular slots is a good way to start and maintain regular practice.

I would be happy to connect and share practice ideas and progress.