View Full Version : Still so scared of breast cancer and changes

23-07-12, 01:11
I am still so worried even after all my tests about having breast cancer. On my right breast it feels like the tissue on the top of the breast is more firm then on the right side. The nipple also turns purple at times and becomes painful. On the left side my nipple seems really red and a bit larger then the right breast and the tissue is not as firm. I have had a mamogram, two ultrasounds and blood tests and everything comes back good. I am so so scared, the doctors and I have been to three different ones have said I am fine but I just dont believe them. I rather take my life then have cancer! What should I do

23-07-12, 12:24
Taking your own life is a bit drastic really isn't it?

I have a neighbour who has had breast cancer and a friend who had it too and it can be treated.

I don't even think you have it though after all those scans and tests.