View Full Version : worried sick

23-07-12, 09:03
Hi all,

Last November I was suffering from major pains in my chest which after blood tests, chest xrays and a few incorrect diagnoses from the docs ranging from pulled muscles to pluracy it was decided I had bad indigestion and I was sent on my way with tablets and iron tablets for a low iron level.

I went back to the doctors three weeks ago as I'd had a constant nagging headache for a while and he said it was sinisitus and I got antibiotics and another blood test. Results came back and iron level was still a bit low so was given more iron tablets (after I had to suggest if I should get more). He said he was referring me to the gastro unit after reading back my notes.

So I get a call on Saturday from the hospital booking me in for an endoscopy and a bowel scan.

My mind is now all over the place. I can't think what reason this is all needed when all I had was a headache and low iron levels.

I'm now panicking that I have something sinister wrong with me that he kept quiet.

23-07-12, 13:47
I hope this reassures you.

I also had persistent low iron last year despite iron tablets and was referred for gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Both were fine and not scary at all. I was told that it was to check for ulcers etc that may be bleeding. Nw that I've had these tests I feel great as I know that there was nothing abnormal detected.

Take care x

23-07-12, 14:24
Thanks for your reply. So its the low iron that has triggered these tests then and not some deadly disease he was keeping quiet about.

I assume these are regular tests? I refuse to Google search them lol

24-07-12, 12:18
YOur Dr is sticking to guidelines depending on your age. If you were over 45 and suddenly had low iron levels then you would be send for gastro tests straight away before being given iron tablets to rule out any gastro bleeding.

If you are a female under 45 having heavy periods then they would try the iron tablets first but if the problem persists then you are sent for gastro tests.

Your referral has nothing to do with sinusitis or headache and is purely to rule out any bleeding in your gastric tract.