View Full Version : How long does sleeplessness last?

23-07-12, 09:21
I started taking Citalopram on Thursday since then have only had about 3 hours sleep each night, this morning feel worn out along with the other side effects of not wanting to eat, I just wondered how long this is likely to last and does it get better once the tablets kick in or does the not sleeping and loss of appetite stay the same, I am beginning to wish I hadn't started them but don't want to give up yet.

24-07-12, 02:05
I started taking Citalopram on Thursday since then have only had about 3 hours sleep each night, this morning feel worn out along with the other side effects of not wanting to eat, I just wondered how long this is likely to last and does it get better once the tablets kick in or does the not sleeping and loss of appetite stay the same, I am beginning to wish I hadn't started them but don't want to give up yet.

Im 2 weeks in, not eating, almost a complete loss of appetite and my sleep pattern has been all over the place.

However, today i have felt relaxed and in a better mood for the 1st time in a long time, i went to the shops and felt perfectly normal, no major panics at a till or anything, so i would urge you to stick with it as just 1 good day is worth all the side effects.

I am feeling positive that the Citalopram will work based on today.

good luck

24-07-12, 07:43
Stick with it I had disturbed sleep for a good month but it does settle. As for loss of appetite I lost nearly 2 stone so just eat little often if you can and force it down if you have to. When this drug starts working you'll be glad you stuck through the initial start up problems. I'm 4 1/2 months in and back to a routine and feeling ok so keep going you'll get there eventually.

Take care and be good to yourself in the meantime and stay patient with it all.


24-07-12, 09:24
Thank you both, knowing that it does get better does help and made me determined to stick with it.


24-07-12, 15:42
this has given me hope too thank you xx

24-07-12, 15:43
Hi Christine

I'm 4 weeks in and not sleeping very well at all. I mentioned it to my GP last week and she said it was normal and will pass. I have taken a sominex tablet the past 2 nights although I don't know why I bothered.

It will be worth it in the long run :)

25-07-12, 12:29
I was unable to sleep more than a couple of hours a night with Citalopram. If your sleep does not stabilise you need to talk to your doctor, I was prescribed a low dose of Mirtazepine 15mg. My sleep from day one was back to normal 7-8 hours a night, what a relief! The combination of the two tablets helped me to recover from anxiety over a period of 6 months. I have gone back to taking Mirtazepine without the citalopram, this is to help with chronic pain for which it works well for me.