View Full Version : new to PA fight.

20-07-06, 01:56
hi, my name is richard, im 17 and i had my first panic attack on july 2nd of this year. at first i thought i was dieing from it because i had no idea what a PA was. 5 days after that i had 15 to 20 PA in a 6 hour period. im so scared because i feel like one could happen at any time. my friends stopped hanging out with me becuase they think im crazy or something. i just would appreciate any advice that the more expierienced poeple have. thanks.


Sue K with 5
20-07-06, 02:10
hello honey

I still remember my first PA it was awful, i thought i was going to go crazt and i was petrified.

There are lots of links to this site which will help you, and you need to try and speak to your gp to ask for some form of councelling, explain to him how you feel and work on focusing on your breathing.

You can beat this I promise you. The panic is a thoughts and these thoughts although painful wont harm you. I myself had one today with last for nearly an hour but dont let this beat you

Fight it and stay with this sight the information will help you and so will the support from people

sue with 5


20-07-06, 03:26
Hi Richard and welcome to the site!!! :)
You are definitely not crazy and believe me hun anxiety is easier to get under control if you work on it early. Go to the doc and tell him/her exactly what you experienced.
Anxiety is a scary thing but you can't live in fear of an attack happening or your world will get smaller and smaller as time goes on. Just remember - panic attacks can't kill you - you're not going crazy!!! It's just a trick that the brain is playing on you and occupy your mind with something else until the panic is over.
There's TONS of great info on here so have a look around and if you have any questions just ask :)

20-07-06, 12:04
Hi Richard,

A big warm welcome to you. You will get loads of advice here and make new friends.

Take Care



Granny Primark
20-07-06, 12:12
Hi Richard,

Welcome to this brill site.

I had my first panic attack 12 months ago and like you i thought i was dying.
Id never really heard much about panic before and when my dr diagnosed panic disorder i was surprised as i never knew there was such a thing.
We have a fear of a fear. Im petrified of having a p.a so it tends to make me feel anxious all the time.

Youl get loads of help and support from this site Richard.
Joining this site is a first step to your recovery.

Take care mate

20-07-06, 12:18

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

20-07-06, 12:23
Hi Richard, i am also new to the site and didn't realise what was happening to me and why i was having the feelings and symptoms i was. this site is great and any questions and queries are answered in a really helpful and friendly way, don;t be scared to ask for support!


20-07-06, 12:51
Welcome Richard,
You are definately not alone. The thing to do is tackle them head on by accepting that they won't hurt you and then you are half way there. Your mates should be more understanding. Try talking to them about it and explain why you're acting a bit wierd at the moment. Being open is much easier than trying to hide it and pretend it's not happening.

take care and good luck.


20-07-06, 13:06
Hey Richard,

A warm welcome to the site! You will find lots of support and advice here.

Take care,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

20-07-06, 16:59
Hi and welcome. I know alot of people can relate and it will make them all look back at our first PA. This is the scarest time and the time when I thought, how am I going to deal with this. I had only acouple of people who could be near me when I was suffering with my first PA. Its because some people don't understand. You wouldn't beleive how many people know exactly what you are going threw. My actuall first attack was as a kid but I actually consider my first to be when I was 18, about 7 years ago. Usually most can look back as kids and find a time that they had one but didn't know what it was because they were so young. I really feel for you because I remember my first and how confusing it was. I was going through that many a day too, I quit eating, sleeping ect..My parents were no help, because they didn't understand. I felt so alone, but you really aren't. It won't stay this bad. It gets easier and for some goes away. If I could go back to my worst fear being walking alone at night I would, because after my first PA, that is what became my worst fear and it's much worse. There are so many doors you can take to help. I personally got a good book to help me understand. There are options out there, therapy, meds, ect...I always said I would never take meds and 7 years later I am on Prozac and Larazapam. But it helps me alot, some people don't need them. Please don't see this as what you will never escape from because you may learn to deal and never have to face anything this sever again. I will be thinking of you. Stay strong and if you need someone to talk to I will always be here. This site is great help, keep looking on here you will find so many people with the same experiences. Okay, I have typed too much. Stay strong!!![^]

marie ross
20-07-06, 17:11
Hi Richard

Welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of help and good friends in here.

I remember my first panic attack all too well. I was literally crawling on the floor at home, i had no idea what was happening to me and i had to ring my partner to come home from football practice. It was awful as you can understand. I don't hardly get them these days, but i know that when one happens it won't hurt me and it will pass in time.

Have you been to see a doctor yet?? I left it too long and developed panic disorder. It will be worthwhile going to see one, just to let you know what options you can take.

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-07-06, 17:31

hi and welcome aboard.

Read all you can on the website and I am sure it will help you loads.

You will meet some great people here as well.


polly daydream
20-07-06, 17:34
Hi Richard and welcome to the forum. I had my first panic attack when I was 15 and thought I was going to die, I was actually revising for my exams at the time and put it down to stress, but I do still suffer with them now and again and know I can cope and know that they aren't harmful to me and that it does pass eventually, but they still frighten me even now. Anyway, there are lot's of people here to help you and give good advice when you need it, so keep in touch.

Best wishes,


20-07-06, 18:13
Hi Richard,

Have you ever heard of that saying "what goes around comes around "?

This is the case of panic attacks, you put out the fear and fear comes straight back to you !

So the next time you find yourself in a situation where you may panic, tell yourself " This is a nice place" "Im happy here" "this is a safe place"
if you practise this enough your nice thoughts will control your feelings which in turn will control your behaviour .


20-07-06, 18:31
i just wanted to thank you all for the warm welcome. i already feel so much better just knowing there are people out there that expierience the same things. thank you all. :)



20-07-06, 22:04
hi richard and welcome to nmp as the others have said you will get lots of support here kaz x

21-07-06, 14:02
Hi Richard,


I only started having attacks x-mas eve so not very long but this site has done wounders for me as i'm sure it will you, read all you can and i'm sure it will help.
