View Full Version : Can't shake off my anxiety.

23-07-12, 12:49
Really struggling today. Last night it kicked in big style. My body was felt like it was about to explode, it was like a pressure cooker. Calmed down a bit by bedtime an actually slept for a few hours. This morning it was back, and I am wondering if it's something else because my arms and shoulders ache, and I just can't get rid of this feeling inside like I am going to burst open. I have tried telling myself it's just anxiety and it will pass, but this time it won't go. It is begining to frighten me.
I have been well for quite a while but this has just knocked me back again.
Is there anyone out there I can talk to.

23-07-12, 13:59
Hello Pansy, i can really relate to how you're feeling at the moment. I have random spells of anxiety that sometimes i just cant shake. I get scared and panic, i always retreat to bed, desperately wanting to sleep it off (even if its the middle of the day). I haven't had a panic attack in over a year now and because i know the warning signs of one, i try so hard to distract myself. I find i have to be alone, i calm myself easier. Trying to ignore it always makes me worse.

Maybe you could try having a shower, and try to relax as best you can. Busy yourself by washing, drying, getting changed, doing your hair etc. Maybe you could go for a quick walk if you feel up to it, the sights and sound are likely to distract you and the fresh air will make you feel a little more refreshed.


23-07-12, 20:46
Thanks for the kind thoughts Aubrey. I'm feeling a bit better now, a bit calmer.

I don't understand why our bodies feel like they do, like really tingly inside, sort of pulsing like your heart has taken over. When I'm really calm and don't have any of those feelings it's quite weird.

This site is a bit of a lifeline for me, but it is so annoying when people come by and ask what I'm looking at. I usually close down because this is MY safe place, and anyway they often make fun of me because they don't really understand. :mad:

Anyone else find this?

23-07-12, 23:08
Hi Pansy
im in the same situation as Aubrey, trying to ignore does not work, I try to sleep it off and its there when I wake up, as your brain never sleeps.

Ive had to take lorazepam to calm myself down and most times it works but not always, I too try and distract myself, accept it for what it is and most times it helps as well,.

Always remember, it won't harm you, ive just restarted on Cipralex, I went cold turkey and was doing great, until about a week ago, but this time its different, because I know what it is and I know I have dealt with it before...

Best Wishes Pansy
hope your feeling better soon


24-07-12, 16:55
What a difference a day makes! I can't believe how much better I am feeling today. These panic attacks/anxiety surges just seem to come out of the blue and I can't seem to work out what triggers them. I have got better at managing them but the other day was just massive.

Good luck to you, Aubrey and Estranged, hope things go well for you both.