View Full Version : new to this.....please help!!!!:'(

23-07-12, 15:51
Hi I'm 33 and have ocd and phobia about sexual infections and diseases...but my prob is a bit more worrying to me than my usual ocd.
Today, I was in town with my daughter's and I saw a old friend. He came to talk to me and was all over my children kissing them and wiping food from there mouths??!! He also wiped makeup from under my eyes (due to sleep being in them) all of the above was fine as I remember him being very affectionate yrs ago also.
After some times he informs me that he is hep c positive and was a intravenous drug user until recently...so could he be HIV positive too???? I soon noticed a cut at the side of his mouth that had dried blood in it and I myself have a open spot where he kissed me!!! My child whom he wiped his fingers along her mouth has no cuts on her mouth but they r chapped and she also has a small spot just under her lip. I'm worried as I didn't see his hand to see if there were any cuts on it etc.... Guess I'm asking is there any chance of him infecting my children and myself with this kind of contact? Should I be worried that myself and my children could potentially be at risk of HIV/hep c etc. Im not wanting to offend anyone but I'm making myself sick with worry.
Thanks for taking time to read and reply xx

23-07-12, 16:23

I can understand your concern I have been in a similar position and was out of my mind with worry.

I had a couple of friends who were HIV positive many years ago and I remember having a similar panic after noticing one of them had some dried blood on his cheek from a shaving cut, I'd only kissed and hugged him seconds beforehand and then noticed it, so I know this type of thing can cause lots of anxiety. I did speak to my GP about it and he didn't think I needed the test and said the chances were virtually nil and that did reassure me.

I'm sure the risk to yourself and your children is miniscule but I'd imagine if you are suffering from HA you are not going to focus on this and chances are you are going to worry about it no matter what people on here tell you.

In my honest opinion I would get some medical advice on this, I'm not trying to scare you as I say I'm sure it is extremely unlikely you could have caught anything in this way. I seem to remember that HIV in particular is not a very strong virus and is actually very difficult to catch I think it does not survive outside the body as is the case with a lot of these types of infections.

However for your own peace of mind I would just get some advice from NHS Direct or your GP so you can be reassured professionally.

Take care and keep us updated.

23-07-12, 18:20
for the HIV virus to be spread the blood would have to be coming from a fresh wound with actual bleeding and be transmitted into an equally open wound and even then the chances would be completely tiny. You have nothing to worry about in terms of HIV but if you need more assurance talk to your GP. I do understand your concerns but you really don't need to have any

23-07-12, 19:20
whats he doing kissing people with hep c positive
dont worry god bless

23-07-12, 19:37
for the HIV virus to be spread the blood would have to be coming from a fresh wound with actual bleeding and be transmitted into an equally open wound and even then the chances would be completely tiny. You have nothing to worry about in terms of HIV but if you need more assurance talk to your GP. I do understand your concerns but you really don't need to have any

This post is correct. Completely. I have researched HIV a lot due to previous worries. It is a very very sensitive disease and there are not any known contractions from such casual activity. Health anxiety is shocking but believe me you and kids are fine and I would not just say that. Plus if he knows he has hep c and told you, then he would no if he has HIV. Call the hiv helpline to put you at ease in seconds.