View Full Version : Finding the funny side..

23-07-12, 19:39
the things that go through my mind and no doubt the mind of many other, We would never admit to having these thoughts or doing these things, I have taken it upon myself to break the rules slightly..Be the one to humiliate herself and maybe show people that it’s ok to be a little deranged

I spent years dealing with a mental health disorder, I always kept this to myself because as soon as the word mental comes up people will take a wide step back and start to imagine The white straight jacket…The singing to your stuffed pet cat and collecting your own poo in jars.

Everyone will suffer from some sort of mental health issue in their life, Looking back on it now I try to find the funny side of it all..
I was suffering from anxiety and depression..I became isolated and found myself pulling away from the outside world and finding that I was my own best friend and worst enemy.

This thread shares the way my mind was working at the time, I developed a very extreme way of thinking…

Sometimes funny, sometimes just plain freaky and sometimes a little bit scary..
I want to focus on the fact that I can look back on that time and laugh now, Because It does pass..
With help and talking…(and A LOT of medication) you can get through anything..

so where to start..

Recently I spent half an hour hiding in a toilet because I was to scared to walk by a busy store..I pretended i was on the call and sat talking TO MYSELF!! all because i was having an off day and didnt want to be seen by such a lage crowd..
30 MINS!! of just sitting in a toilet at the age of 24....:shrug:

You can go weeks thinking you are moving past it, all it takes is one thing to bring all those feeling of feeling scared and alone..

Im trying to not see this as a bad thing, i have started writing down all the things i do that i later look back and on laugh...
I know others must feel like this at times aswell!! we all have stories..It should be ok to talk about them..it might help us all feel a little less mad!!