View Full Version : Nervous Tummy

23-07-12, 21:37
Hi everyone. When my anxiety is high I get more nervous stomach sympotoms than usual, which I would guess is pretty common. But the trouble is being out all day at work I then feeds into my anxiety in case I need to run to the loo but can't because of being on the train, etc. Does anyone else get this, and how do others cope if so.


24-07-12, 01:59
I genuinely thought I was the only person who got this! I have had this issue for soo long and as soon I start to feel slightly anxious my tummy goes mad! It is a very unfortunate issue and I am sorry to say I don't really have many words of advice for you as I too have to struggle with it when my anxiety is high and I am not at home! If you discover any good advice, let me know!
Take care,

24-07-12, 11:28

I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering from an upset tummy at the moment.

I know exactly how you feel because I used to have the same symptoms when dealing with anxiety/depression, I still get it every now and then as I'm not totally cured; but it does get better with time.

I know that what you can do is go to your GP and describe your symptoms that you have an upset tummy pretty much all of the time due to anxiety and see what they can do. They may prescribe you with medication, or they may advise you that that sensation is literally just due to "butterflies" from the anxiety.

I know it's difficult, but things will get better.

All the best,

27-07-12, 13:46
i take imdodum for my tummy probs and they r fab, last night i had the runs due to anxiety of going away today