View Full Version : Feeling really anxious / panickky right now

24-07-12, 00:32
arrrrggggggg first full night alone as my partner has started nights tonight went in about 9pm and i've been fine but now am starting to get that shakey anxious feeling / dry mouth :( he will be home about 6.30am and basically just works across road from my home but am just so anxious

24-07-12, 03:06
Oh dear, I know this feeling. My husband works nights sometimes too, I have a mega fear of intruders or something happening to me when no one is there.

What I do is set up a bed on the couch and put on a movie that makes me happy, call my mom and let her know Owen is on nights and if I am feeling scared to please pick up and talk to me. Knowing someone is there to talk when you need it helps too.

I also sleep in one of his shirts he wore that day!!

Hang in there XX

24-07-12, 20:16
same here. My husband is starting his week of night shift tonight. Hes been doing it for about three years and Im still not completely used to it. But I completely understand how you feel. I also felt so responsible for the children. and knew if anything happended to them it would be me that would have to deal with them. and im agarophobic so it got me in a total panic.
At first I used to go to bed early and tried to be sleeping before he even left for work at 9.30pm. Sometimes it worked and If I awoke at about 3 or 4am It didnt seem so bad, because I knew hed be in in a couple of hours.

I also arranged with him to text me back ONLY If I txt him. Just incase I was sleeping and HE WOKE ME!! then Id have to panic all night.

Ive never txted him yet at night. just helpfull knowing I can. if Im desperate. But, ultimately, If I was really desperate, a txt wouldnt help. so I listen to my relaxation tapes and read, and do crossword etc.

Just remember I will be feeling the same as you tonight. You are not alone. And they have to work. and we have to get through each day/night the best we can.
take care

16-08-12, 04:49
thanks guys sorry reply is late ive been abroad and just dead busy but i survived while he was on nights and now i pretty enjoy bein alone lol i no its just taking that first step xxxx