View Full Version : Hot at Night

24-07-12, 09:20
Last night I woke up about 1.30am feeling really hot and slightly sweaty. My clothes and bed sheets were dry but it still worried me. I live in the North East of England and the temperature has risen to about 20 degrees here over the last few days after a lot of cold, wet weather and the humidity is regularly over 80%. My Mum said it was really hot in the house but I don't know if she is just saying it! I have been feeling anxious for several months and am approaching time of the month in a week or so (sorry if TMI!).

Does anyone else feel hot at night sometimes?


24-07-12, 13:33
It's the weather I think, it's so mild at the moment, I'm in Scotland and it was still 17dg here last night at 10pm and as I sometimes wake like you I decided to sleep with just a sheet last night and it made such a difference!
it's hotter here today and I'm just knackered with it, I just walked to my sisters which is half mile from me but I'm just exhausted, and now anxious as I have to go from here to my grans and then to work and I'm thinking I'm going to collapse!!

24-07-12, 14:05
I am hot all the time lol

I have a fan on in the bedroom at night as my hair gets soaking wet and the pillow too.

24-07-12, 14:34
It was hot last night my wife spent all night kicking the bedclothes of her and on to me!

24-07-12, 14:57
Thanks for the replies. It seems like everyone was hot last night, not just me! I also slept with a polyester cover on me, which probably wasn't smart lol. This weather really is exhausting!

24-07-12, 15:14
I was hot last night, hardly slept. Will be leaving the window open tonight, even though I live on a main road! :)