View Full Version : My personal success, me and my boys' outings!!

20-07-06, 08:41
As lots will know, I went to see my boys yesterday at the plaayground. It went really well, I couldn't believe how well. The build up was terrible, giddiness, jelly legs, tight chest etc etc but when I got there I was absolutely fine, no anxiety worth worrying about, no jelly legs, no panic attack.
We all had a really good day out and my eldest cannot wait to do it again today.
I am really nervous about doing it again today, again the build up is rubbish, I just hope I get through today as easily as I got through yesterday.
Thanks to all those who supported me on my other thread, your support is greatly appreciated.

Take care



20-07-06, 09:10
Hi Chuckle,
Glad you and the boys had a really good time yesterday.
I'm sure you'll be fine today and seeing them will make all the build-up panics worthwhile.
Have a great time!!!!:D


20-07-06, 09:13
Thank you Magz for your support on this thread and my old thread. You have been a great support and I really appreciate it.
Thank you
Will let you know how it goes.

Take care



marie ross
20-07-06, 09:16
Hi Chuckle,

Really glad that yesterday went well for you. The build up is always the worst, but when you do it, its a great feeling is'nt it!!

Now that you've managed it, today should be a lot easier for you, if you do feel panicky just relax and let it pass, it won't hurt you.

Hope you and your boys have another lovely day out. You are doing so well, keep it up.

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-07-06, 09:19
Hi Marie and thank you for your continued support throughtout.
I hope it goes really well, my anxiety is really high this morning so I just hope that it passes.

Take care



20-07-06, 09:41
Hi Chuckle,

well done for yesterday, i'm glad you all had a good time. I'm sure as the others say the build up is the worse and as soon as you see your boys your anxiety will go.
Enjoy your day together,

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

20-07-06, 10:11
Hi Chuckle.... I'm sure your anxiety will pass in time for your boys... go and have another wonderful time with them... Your fighting spirit is really coming through now... When the time is right, we all have an infinite inner strength - it's just making the right steps to connect to it, and you clearly are. Good for you :-) Have a great day, and lets all pray for your speedy and permanent re-uniting...

All the very best.... Steve

To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

20-07-06, 10:51
Hi Chuckle, really glad it went well for you. Hope you have a great day with your boys today

Take care

'This too will pass'

kris 1
20-07-06, 10:54
congratulations chuckle,u should be so proud of yourself i think every time u overcome an obstacle,no matter how hard it is you become stronger.I bet it all seems worth it now tho seeing ur kids tho.


20-07-06, 11:34
Hi Chuckle,

Glad it went well for you yesterday. Hope today goes well for you, I'm sure you'll be fine once you're there.

Take care,

Heather x

20-07-06, 11:54
I'm so pleased for you Chuckle. Well Done and I'm glad you all had a lovely day. May you have another fab day today!

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

20-07-06, 12:26
Hi Chuckle, you are doing ok mate, you sound like you're on the up?

take care of you

20-07-06, 13:16
Hi all, well I survived it. I was really anxious and very nearly came home early. I spoke to my friend on my mobile and he said to stay otherwise I would regret it.
We had a really good time and I didn't let the boys see my anxiety.
We went to the swings first, then to the museum, went to see the birds and rabbits that they keep in cages, the boys had a go on the bouncy castle which they both loved. Then we had dinner and an ice lolly.

I did struggle while they were on the bouncy castle but I got through it. I feel like I kind of failed today because I was anxious. I am more proud of the achievement yesterday.

Thank you all for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated.

Take care



20-07-06, 13:19
Well Done Chuckle !

Great news that you coped well with your Agorophobia i am thrilled you enjoyed you day !



20-07-06, 13:21
Thanks for your reply and support honeybee.

Take care



20-07-06, 13:28
Im so glad you put this in the success section! It just goes to prove that when you really need to do something, you can, even though you think deep down, that you cant cope.
I think your well on your way to overcoming your anxiety.
Also, i think you can drop the agoraphobia tag. Your no longer avoiding anxious situations or stuck homebound, a tag, as claire weekes says, can make you feel more prone to anxiety, so drop the tag! you really dont need it! All the luk i the future, not that you need it!! Like your last thread was named "i really cant cope" you did, didnt you!!! You'll get your boys back and kick some anxiety butt too!
Becci x x x

20-07-06, 13:41
So well done Chuckle.

Keep doing this and you *won't* feel so anxious in the end. You are doing so well in all the adversity you face.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-07-06, 13:50
Thank you all for your great support. Becci, I am scared to drop the tag so to speak incase I jinx myself lol.

I am going to work so hard on beating this because like you said Ray I am doing well to face my fears.

I sure felt the fear today but didn't let it beat me.

Take care



20-07-06, 14:46
I wont see my boys now until either Tuesday or Wednesday and I am already missing them so much.
I don't really know how I will get through the next few days without them.

Take care



20-07-06, 15:14
hi chuckle

Youve done really well and dont let youre mind tell you anything else you coped brilliantly, and i bet the boys were amazed that mom was out with them and so proud of you. Its amazing what we can achieve when the need is greater, so once again very well done:D:D

denise x

20-07-06, 15:18
Glad you all had such a lovely time!

Love Piglet :)

20-07-06, 15:25
hi chuck

awww keep up the good work hun, i understand what you are going through, if you ever need someone to talk to just pm me ok. you can beat this.

take care lucy xx

20-07-06, 16:36
Thanks Pig, Den and Lucy for your replies.
My eldest just cannot believe that I am out and about, he is really happy about it.
Lucy, I will deffo PM you later on hun.

Thanks again for your replies.

Take care



polly daydream
20-07-06, 18:00
Hi Chuck, glad it all went well sweet, your boys will be back with you before you know it. Keep up the good work.

Take care,

Polly x

20-07-06, 18:03
Thanks for your support Polly. Lets hope they are back soon.

Take care



20-07-06, 18:21
I am feeling so down because I wont see the boys for 5 days. Dont know how I will get through the weekend without them.
It is so tough to go into their room and see an empty bed and cot.

Take care



20-07-06, 18:55
Hi Chuckle

Well done for both yesterday and today. Although you felt anxious you still went and stayed. I'm glad you had such a good time with your boys and that they enjoyed themselves so much.

I can't imagine how hard it is for you without them but however bad you feel, keep thinking of next week when you will see them again. The memories of the good times of the past two days can help you get through the weekend.

I appreciate this is really hard and am thinking of you.

Karen xx

20-07-06, 19:00
Awww thnk you Karen, I will deffinately remember the last 2 days, I have never done this kind of thing with the baby because I have always been agoraphobic to him.

Take care



Granny Primark
20-07-06, 22:36
Glad everything went well for you,
Us mums need to be strong and supportive to our kids come what may.
Its a tough job being a mum even when theyre older.
My mum had a saying, they make your arms ache when theyre little and your heart ache when theyre older.
My god ive found that this is so true.
You stay strong and get your boys back.

Take care

21-07-06, 00:18
chris well done hun..

and so your eldest should be proud of you.....
hope theres more good times to come for u all and good news...
wish u all the best throuh it all..

emily xxxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

21-07-06, 07:12
Its great news that you got out to see your boys and had such a good time. There will be lots more good times to come I'm sure.
take care
love Helen

21-07-06, 09:31
Hi Chuckle,
I'm sorry you're feeling anxious about the days between now & seeing your boys again.
Maybe to help take your mind off it a bit, you could start up a sort of scrapbook..........yeah, I know....sounds daft but bear with me.
You could start with writing about the days you've spent with them already and what made it special for you. Draw little pictures of you all together or them on the things at the playground. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can draw cos look at any childs drawing.....big heads, stick bodies & huge boots with laces....they don't care as long as the drawings recognisable to them! (besides, you might discover a talent you didn't know you had!!)
In the back you could list all the things you'd like to do with them when they get home again - making things out of stuff around the house, baking biscuits, drawing/painting etc (obviously the baby couldn't bake but you know what I mean??)
Please don't think I'm saying you didn't do any of this with them before, it's just over these next few days it might help to occupy your mind.
Also, as you've done so well this week with going out to see them, you could put down all the places that you'd like to try & take them in the future whether it be just a walk down to the end of the road or a trip to the park.
Take the scrapbook with you whenever you see them & let your elder son add the odd picture or say where he'd like to go. This may also give you a goal to work towards if you know if he wants to do something/go somewhere in particular.
It's only a suggestion but hope it helps.:D
Good luck over the weekend.


(Just nipped back to put the R in scRapbook!! DOH!!)

21-07-06, 13:20
Hi all and thank you for your support.
Magz, it's a great idea to start a scrap book kind of thing.
I will definately do that although I am not sure about drawing the pictures lol my youngest can draw better than me and he's only 18 months old!!!
I was thinking of leaving the forum but I have decided against it, I have had so much support here and you have all really helped.
I have spoken to the social worker and I know now what I have to do to get my boys back. It will be hard work but I have to do it.

Kevin is in a really bad way right now, he is out of order, they had to restrain him on Friday and give him an injection. He wants to get back together and told the social worker that we were now back in a relationship which is not true and never will be true.

Take care



21-07-06, 13:32

The scap book is a lovely idea - the more colourful the better. I am sure Chucks boys would love to see it.:)


I do still feel somewhat confused by things your end but I continue to wish you future strength and hopefully eventually a happy outcome.

Love Piglet :) xx

21-07-06, 13:36
Piglet, If you explain what you mean by confused by things my end, I will answer your question.

Take care



Sue K with 5
21-07-06, 13:58
Hi Chris

I am very confused now I thought your youngest was 18 months because he was 1 at christmas I remember you mentioning it on a post or is the sun affecting my brain this week ?

Sorry to hear your husband is causing you more problems !


21-07-06, 14:54
Oh I do apologise Sue, my keyboard keeps sticking...
I have changed it from 8 months to 18 months....

Piglet, the offer still stands, if you want to ask me anything which is confusing you like you said then I will answer yourquestions.

Take care



21-07-06, 16:49
Hi Magz, I never knew you hadn't put an 'r' in scrap book lol just like I didn't realise I had put 8 months instead of 18 months.

Take care



21-07-06, 17:49
My eldest had just rang me from Wales!!!
His carers have taken him on holiday for the weekend. He sounds really happy and is going to get me a stick of rock.
I asked him how he felt about going to the adventure parks and seeing me there and he said it made him really happy. He is looking forward to seeing me and his brother on Wednesday too.

Take care



21-07-06, 18:01
Hi Chuckle

How lovely to receive a phone call from your eldest. I bet that has helped a lot, particularly to hear how much he is looking forward to seeing you on next week.

At least you now know what you need to do in order to get your boys back and however hard it is, I am sure they will be your motivation. You can do this and we are here to offer support.

I think the scrapbook is a great idea. I have a folder I have made up containing helpful information, but also print outs of supportive messages, photos from meet ups and of friends etc. I am going to add a page with photos and a write up of my meeting with K on Wednesday, so I can look at it whenever I am struggling. Something like this could help you too, giving you something to look at in the difficult times, and also something to keep you occupied.

We are all here for you Chuckle. I'm glad you decided not to leave.

Karen xx

21-07-06, 21:28
Yeah Karen that is a good idea, I was going to print this post out with the support of everyone who has replied. I am glad you have found something that helps you when you are struggling.

I am so glad that the boys are happy, this helps me so much. Thank you for your support.

Take care



22-07-06, 19:46
Just wondered how today's been for you?
Chin up - only a couple more days so get thinking, writing & drawing girl!!!! :D


23-07-06, 10:52
Hi Magz, yesterday was an up and down day. I went for several walks up and down the street, which isn't great work. I am trying to get to the post office tomorrow but I think I will end up doing it in taxi.
Today I went for a little walk heading towards the post office, but only made it to the corner of my street.

Thank you Magz for your support.

Take care



23-07-06, 21:34
the corner of your street is still an acomplishment. well done.

23-07-06, 23:54
Hi Wannabee and thank you for your reply. I have got to go to the post office tomorrow and although I got half way there today, I am really anxious about it.

Take care



24-07-06, 03:36

I'm glad you are able to get out to see your boys, continued success.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

24-07-06, 09:39
Thanks Bell for your reply.

Take care



24-07-06, 14:21
I have still not been to the post office and the build up getting worse. I now wish I had done it first thing.
It's only across the road, round the corner and a little 2 minute walk up the street but I just don't think I can get there.
I am getting really bad thoughts, if's and but's...

Take care

