View Full Version : Trapped nerve in back. Can it affect whole leftside?

24-07-12, 14:54
Can a trapped nerve affect ur arm aswell??

My lower back is agony on one side it feels like something needs pop back into place. My leg aches and feels weak & numb. But also my arm?? Is this normal. Scared of a brain tumour and ms!!!! :(

Lele x

24-07-12, 15:06
Absolutely, a trapped nerve in the neck/back can affect your arms and legs too. The messages from our brains get sent down the spine, so if something gets trapped there any of our extremities can be affected.

I know it's so much easier said than done, but try not to worry. We all get aches and pains from time to time! I have had tingling sensations and strange pains before and don't have MS. These things just happen sometimes for whatever reason.

Good luck! X

24-07-12, 16:14
Sounds normal to me as well

24-07-12, 22:06
Yes, I had this, I went to an osteopath and he told me that the nerve was pinched in three places, it was causing me to have tingling and odd sensations in my leg and arm on that side.

24-07-12, 22:40
Me too! Few years ago, got really stressed and always tightened my shoulders, which in turn was pinching a nerve making my hand go numb - chiro sorted it

25-07-12, 08:41
Thanks guys!

Just was so worried everything I google said it only affects the leg.

Thanks again


25-07-12, 08:48
Google will tell you everything you don't want to hear. I have to admit since the introduction of the internet I find I worry more about things. There could be 100 articles saying it's a trapped nerve but you will only focus on the 1 on page 32,445 which tells you it's serious.