View Full Version : Relief!

24-07-12, 15:33
I can't tell you how relieved I am today :D! After weeks of headaches and other weird sensations, I have woke up today completely symptom free :yahoo:. For the last 2 days I have had the WORST tension headache ever and today is such a relief. I feel really strange because no part of me is hurting - not used to that! I've written down how good I feel today so that when my brain tumour returns tomorrow I can read it back and tell myself to stop being silly! Hmmmmmm - we'll see. Hope everyone else is doing ok today. :bighug1:

eternally optimistic
24-07-12, 15:38
Glad to hear it.

I completely sympathise with you on head aches, which
is probably more than a general ache!

It is bloody great when you wake and you feel you have
yourself feeling good and light.

Hope it continues for you.

24-07-12, 16:26
Aw, thanks Jay ann - I can't tell you how good it feels not to have that throb in my head, dizziness or ringing in my ears. I lost count of the amount of strokes I had last week but it seems to have resolved itself pretty well :doh:! I can joke about it now but at the time it was hell on earth. My symptoms cause my anxiety so I'm hoping they will stay away for a few more days at least so I can enjoy being me again. xx

26-07-12, 11:24
Well - that was short-lived relief! Woke up with a banging headache and I can feel it throbbing. It's in my ear, jaw, eyes! Why, why why, why why :wacko:. The last 2 days have been great - no symptoms, no anxiety, and now this! Does it ever end! :curse:. Sorry, just needed to rant! xx

29-07-12, 14:24
Hi, how are you doing?