View Full Version : Pain in left side of stomach.

24-07-12, 17:05
Okay so a new one for me, I googled and stopped almost immediately as the first few search returns were enough to scare me without even reading them.

Last night whilst eating my dinner I started to get a stitch like pain in my upper left abdomen, just under my ribs.

I didn't think too much of it as it felt a bit like trapped wind but it wouldn't shift. It's not agonising it feels like that bloaty windy type pain you get but it's still there. Admittedly not all the time if I lay flat or I'm sitting I can't feel it as much it seems to come on when I'm moving around or sitting crouched over.

I googled and it just threw up loads of posts with liver/spleen or pancreas problems so I really don't want to go down that road.

I have been to the loo twice since I had the pain sorry for TMI but it still feels like I need to go but can't.

Anyone got any ideas only I don't think it's trapped wind as I think it would have passed by now.


24-07-12, 18:59
It could be many things really - trapped wind / indigestion / pulled muscle

If you still have it after a few days maybe pop and see the doc

24-07-12, 22:26
Googling is the worst thing you can do. My symptoms (most like anxiety related) have lead me to believe I have brain tumor, MS, cancer, heart problems, coronary artery disease etc etc, all because of Dr Google. If it's just the one off I wouldn't worry, but as nomorepanic said, if it continues after a few days, see the dr, but try not to worry (easier said then done!)

25-07-12, 08:41
It's most probably a bit of wind which will disperse itself. I know how difficult it is to accept it will be something simple.

25-07-12, 10:19
Hi again lol

I get this often I suffer with ibs and it's usually caused by stress,it even sometimes gurgles in my left side when I go to the loo

If you look up some of the posts on ibs I'm sure you'll find more people with the same symptoms and also with you going to the loo it's obviously associated

Sometimes it gets quite painful other times I get it it's just like a dull stitch like feeling

Try not to read into it I've been there and even felt lumps around that area n thought the worse
