View Full Version : Any experienced severe burning?

24-07-12, 17:21
I was on Fluoxetine for a week and on the second night I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest, like a whirring feeling. The only way to describe it is it felt like I had butterflies flying around in there. I stayed up all night and by the next day it had got worse and turned into cold tingling feeling which was in my chest, down my arms and my legs.

I went to the doctors who said it was just a side effect and not to stop taking them. By the end of the week the tingling had turned into severe sunburn like burning under my skin. If I coughed or wretched to be sick this burning would surge up my chest and into my head sending burning tingling all over my face and scalp.

My skin turned red in places and I was burning that much I had to splash myself with cold water.

I went to A and E where they didnīt have a clue what was wrong. They tried to say it was hives!

I came off the Fluoxetine and it disappeared after a few days.

Since then I have had a phobia of taking medication. I tried st johns wort and this made me burn too! I donīt know if I have some sort of problem with medication or whether I was thinking about my past experience that much that I made it happen with the st johns wort.

Doctors just seem to be clueless and try to get me to take medication when I tell them it is now a phobia because of last time.