View Full Version : Worrying about veins in my leg which look strange...

24-07-12, 18:04
I've noticed that some veins in my right calf stick out in comparison to my left calf. The veins look like they come from the same vein if that makes sense, like it comes down from my thigh, and at my knee split into two. One goes straight down the side of my calf and the other goes to the back. It sticks out even more upon standing and walking but is always prominent. I am quite skinny but wouldn't the vein stick out on the other leg too if it's to do with my weight?

It does not look red or sore, and does not look like a varicose vein as it is a normal vein colour. It doesn't feel painful to the touch, but last night and today I've had a lot of pain around the bottom of my calf and around my ankle into my foot, but I've noticed these veins way before this pain and I'm not sure if the pain around my ankle is due to nerves

My doctor said my leg pain is due to my lower back being curved which is pressing on some nerves. He hasn't mentioned anything to do with veins and I haven't mentioned my problem to him either.

I'm just really worrying that this is a sign of something wrong with my veins or even DVT :(

I've took a picture of my leg for you to look at. It's not very visible but yeah. Here's the link: http://i47.tinypic.com/24oaj5f.jpg

24-07-12, 18:21
How old are you?

When I turned 30 I got this too! I worried for a while but the older I get the more you can see my veins.

You are ok!

24-07-12, 18:54
I'm 17, so I don't think it's due to ageing haha. :)

24-07-12, 19:23
It will definitely not be DVT, as this condition cannot be seen directly seen.
By definition, it's in a deep vein, so don't worry about it being DVT.
It is perfectly normal for the veins in each leg to differ, following quite different paths and having different profiles. By this, I mean that some may be more prominent that others, as well as being at different positions and angles.

Now, turning to your GP. You say that (s)he told you that your leg pain is due to your lower back being curved which is pressing on some nerves.
I am sorry but that is complete bunkem, a fob-off that is nothing more than a ploy to placate (calm down) the patient and try to divert their attention.
If you really do have severe curvature of the spine, serious enough to make it so that you walk with a noticeable stoop, lean or other unusual posture, then there could be a connection. Otherwise, I think that he was simply attempting to dispel your anxiety over it. Clearly he did not succeed!
If you still have persistent pain, it is advisable for you to see the doctor again. You have the right to see another GP in the practice if you prefer.

Hope your leg problems do get better.


24-07-12, 19:45
Thank you for your reply, that is quite reassuring that you think it's nothing serious! I was under the impression that veins follow the exact same path etc on both legs, so was scared at the sight of veins on one leg being more prominent than the other. This, paired with the leg pain I'm having just set me off!

That could be the case about my back actually. Although, looking at my spine, the curve is noticeable and I suffer from extreme lower back ache at times. I've seen a chiropractor before who conformed the curve and wanted x-rays done, but I didn't have the money as you know how expensive they can can be! £65 for the scan and £35 for each treatment after that :/. Would run into quite a bit for a student!

When I was first suffering from leg pain, I went to the doctor and the first thing she done was check my spine, who said it was curved and she was pretty certain it was because of that. I saw another doctor about it who said the exact same.

24-07-12, 21:09

Ok. I understand about your back. You should not have to pay for your own x-rays in the UK, though if you visited the chiropractor privately (not NHS) then of course that's different. Maybe you should see your GP again if the back pain is still so troublesome. If your GP refers you to a specialist on the NHS then of course you will not have the high costs, but you will most likely have to wait longer to be seen.

All the best - Jono.

24-07-12, 21:44
Yeah I'm going to ring my doctor tomorrow or something for another appointment and will ask him about physio or something, as I know you can't get chiropractors on the NHS.

25-07-12, 11:21
I've just took a picture of my leg and uploaded it to here so you can see the veins for yourself. The picture isn't very good but here it is: http://i47.tinypic.com/24oaj5f.jpg

25-07-12, 12:54
Looks pretty normal to me, wouldn't worry about it. :)

25-07-12, 13:59
Ahh do you think? Thanks a lot, I just worry myself sick at times haha!

25-07-12, 14:42
I hope you are male with legs that hairy lol.

It looks very normal to me. The veins on my legs are a lot more noticable than you and I have no issues.

25-07-12, 15:46
Haha of course :P I was waiting for someone to say that!

And that's reassuring that you think that! It's just because my other leg isn't like that and I have been experiencing pain around it that I started to panic :(

26-07-12, 01:16
Oh no :( I thought I was being good today, but now I'm panicking so much. I've noticed thhe vein isn't just in my calf, but its from my thigh. It splits just below the knee into the two shown in the picture. So now I'm thinking that its spread, and that my leg pain and tingling foot isn't to do with nerve problems but is to do with vein problems :(

26-07-12, 01:19
Nope - looks fine to me

26-07-12, 19:22
Thank you Nicola. I have doctors tomorrow so I will mention it to him then.