View Full Version : Help leg pain

25-07-12, 08:55
Hi all im having a problem with my leg sice yesterday . Im having pain in my thigh area and it woke me up early hours of this morning and im nervous . My first thought as u do with health anxiety is could it b a clot... Its not swollen or sore to touch and i have same pulse in both feet so i assume thats a good thing its just very painful .not sure what to do to be honest

25-07-12, 10:27

I used to constantly worry about blood clots but I've got over that now I think lol !

It could be a trapped nerve or may e slightly pulled a muscle etc or have you recently exercised I would take some paracetamol n see how it goes

I know how easy it us with ha for your mind to get carried away but I know someone that had a blood clot and she was in intense pain and she actually felt it move up her leg she said she had never felt pain like it and it was swollen n red

Please don't worry you will be fine try n focus on something else


25-07-12, 10:50
Thanks for ur reply...i find it very hard to focus on anything else bar my leg at moment . I just wish that i could just let a pain b a pain without thinking it something bad its time consuming and draining. I made the mistake of googling and it doom and gloom when u look up symptoms on that and it makes u worse. I might go to doc and just get it checked and see wat she says she mite give me painkillers to help with pain. Thanks again

25-07-12, 16:43
blood clots are very rare...and having the pain only for a few hours can be caused by anything such as pulled muscle, trapped nerve and lots of small things...it would resolve on itself for sure...