View Full Version : Blood results are back

25-07-12, 09:08
And I'm scared.

Apparently my full blood count came back normal.

My thyroid didn't. I have had low thyroid in the past and having symptoms again now.

My anaemia levels didn't come back because there wasn't enough blood so I have to have another test today in time for my GP appointment tomorrow evening.

She said the full blood count came back normal but is that the one that would have cancer markers in? I don't know if I can breathe a sigh of relief that they came back normal because I don't know if that is the one that shows cancer makers.

25-07-12, 10:38

I would be quite sure that the full blood count would be the one as this is the one that checks for everything including kidneys liver etc so that's a good thing surely ??

If it's only your anaemia test that needs repeating that will be to check iron levels only I'd of thought so it's good news Hun


25-07-12, 11:03
I think it might be good news too!

The thyroid thing would be a good explanation for my medication isn't working as well.

I think the makers would have shown up in a full blood count but I'm banned from google!

25-07-12, 11:07
I'd say its good news. My last test results came back with low iron and it reassured me that it's a minor issue, not something that is about to kill me.

25-07-12, 11:46
A full blood count is great for tracking your overall health, and would show up if anything at all was wrong in your body. This is normally the basic blood test which doctors do as it tracks most serious things which could be wrong!

So that's great news that it came back fine and you have nothing to worry about :)

The thyroid isn't a life-threatening or a big problem either, as I'm sure you know it can be controlled by medication etc. Hope you are well :)

25-07-12, 16:37
That's good news definitely...full blood count check for most of the serious issues (excluding neuro related stuff and maybe some other things), so if it's normal there's nothing big going on :)

26-07-12, 17:24
Thank you. I have managed to keep busy so my anxiety levels have been ok.

My appointment is this evening though so it is slowly creeping up and my brain is trying to find something else.. it keeps looking at all my freckles. I am fighting it and I am NOT going to ask the GP for reassurance for something else.