View Full Version : can anxiety suddenly go?

25-07-12, 10:38
ok well bascially i posted a couple days ago. after a heavy weekend of drinking,working and going to a social event i experianced alot of anxiety sunday, monday and tuesday after.however last night onwards i feel alot more relaxed and calm,is this normal for people? im relaxed now however im worried if its normal for anxiety to suddenly go or not. am i just overthinking this? any feedback would be really appreciated,i just need reassurance. :)

25-07-12, 12:25
Yes, I believe this is fairly normal....anxiety can come and go many times over the course of days or weeks. In my opinion, anxiety would certainly be more prevelent after after the heavy weekend you describe, lots of 'triggers' to set you off. I have days where it's hard to function because of the anxiety and days where I feel quite normal. Hope this helps.

Kitti :)

25-07-12, 12:30
thanks kitti that really helps :)

26-07-12, 16:17
Yes, it is quite normal for anxiety to come and go, and in varying degrees of intensity.

I posted a few days ago after a humdinger of a panic attack. Quite out of the blue. The past three days I have been calm and able to do lots of things. No idea why it happened.

This is the horrible thing about anxiety, just when you think you might have it beat, it jumps out and kicks your butt.

27-07-12, 13:57
Yes mine comes and goes, I'll have a 3-4 anxious, panicky days then a few calm days.

29-07-12, 13:56
I am 46 , But when I was only 24 I suffered severe anxiety and agoraphobia , terrible times I had, it came on after a traumatic shock , I suffered for 2 solid years in that state , it felt as if it would NEVER GO, I felt I would never smile or by happy ever again. I suffered severe derealization and depersonalisation feelings the whole time, I didn't know what I could do, in them days doctors were useless , so I had to just except this new life I had. I wanted to die, had the chatterbox brain couldn't go far from my house without severe panic, could DREAM of going on a bus or any kind of transport, you name it , I had it. Open spaces bridges tunnels etc etc,
Then one day , for no apparent reason or trigger,
After a bother terrible nights perfect iv sleep ,
I opens my eyes , but something was very very different. It was as off someone had turned off a switch, I kid you not!!! It was ALL GONE and I was ME AGAIN like I had just come out of a coma, total shock in a fantastic way. ALL GONE, don't ever know why !!
It was as off someone had shut my mind down for all that time then suddenly !! Recharged me,
So it anxiety can and will just go , when the time is right, everyone's recovery is different. But one thing I can tell you, is that I ALLWAYS remained positive throughout that time, telling myself ALLWAYS daily , that I will get better and I am going to be in control. So eventually it worked,
It left me for about 16 years completely gone . I couldn't even think and make it come back.but presently I am having a smaller excperiance again, because a friend of mine killed himself about 6 years ago and have been unimployed for a couple of years , so iv started to feel it again, But much milder, and even though I'm suffering I'm the way I am..I ALLWAYS remind myself !! I got through it once befor , and will again, stay positive give it time , then you will see,
Good luck

29-07-12, 14:10
gregcool.... well said