View Full Version : doctors appointment grrr

25-07-12, 16:49
so back to doctors as he asked me back after 2 weeks on sertraline tablets, he said i have a hiatal hernia and thats whats causing all my acid and wind pains but ive tried 4 different tablets and none helped he hasnt referred me for any thing to check it is a hiatal hernia hes just assuming, so hes given me another tablet on top so im taking 3 tablets for ibs 2 for acid and 1 anxiety.

he also doubled my dose of anxiety tablets as i said didnt feel affect but told him didnt want to double it as all side effects i got but he did anyways.

i mentioned the things concerning me were constant shortness of breathe aches and pains in shoulders neck and jaw mostly left side and constant shaky hands. he didnt even react or answer me almost like he didnt hear me say them and im concerned.
im not sure if he ignored it as he believes they are fine or is he ignoring me and passing all of as anxiety. anyone else get this?

ive had enough of feeling like he doesnt listen sent me on my way and told come back in a month :(

sheryl xx

25-07-12, 16:54
hi i can relate to what u r saying i went to my doc on mon night told him i feel like my chest is full of mucus and i have to try and cough it up but nothing comes up he said try steam and menthol oil or vicks in hot water and inhale. he didnt listen to my chest or nothing. mine could be anxiety related as well its great he doubled yr dose up so if it was anxiety it will help u take care all the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-07-12, 17:01
The problem I have found is when I have the anxiety worries, I simply don't accept that the doctor is correct.

If I go in thinking I have a brain tumour (which I did fairly recently) and he sent me home with migraine tablets and nasal spray/antibiotics for sinisitus I simply didn't believe him.

A non HA sufferer would have gone home thinking yes, no tumour just migraines and got on with their life.

The problem with doctors is they either ignore me when I tell them I suffer from HA or don't realise that I need them to talk to me and tell me what I have, and why it is not a brain tumour. That would reassure me.

25-07-12, 17:22
Remember it is your body and if you don't want to take any of the tablets you have been prescribed because they are not working, then you are under no obligation to. If you don't feel happy doubling the dose of the anti d's, then that is also your perogative. I would ask for a referral to confirm your diagnosis if you are concerned,