View Full Version : What I've diagnosed myself with...

25-07-12, 18:45
Hi everyone, here's a list of the illnesses I've diagnosed myself with over the last year...

lymphoma (Hodgkins' and non)
salivery gland cancer
tonsil cancer
throat cancer
sinus cancer
kidney cancer
bone cancer

And here I am. Still alive and feeling not too bad.
What have you all diagnosed yourselves with lately?

25-07-12, 19:02
liver failure , lung and breast cancer! :P xxx

25-07-12, 19:06
Brain Tumour, Brain Tumour and more brain tumour! (Trying to get MRI at the moment. Seeing ENT for some of symptoms)

Coronary Artery Disease/Poor Circulation
Heart Disease (ECG showed up fine twice)
Throat Cancer (Pitted tonsils/tonsilitus)
Brain Tumour
Sinutisis (I'm hoping this is what I have when I see ENT)
A little more Brain Tumour
Retinal Detachment

25-07-12, 20:00
My list is quite long, at the moment I seem to be jumping from one thing to another so here goes!

Cervical Cancer
Breast Cancer
Bowel Cancer
Crohn's Disease

Think that's it but that's probably just over the last three months so I'm sure there will be more too add:scared15:

25-07-12, 20:17
crohns disease
lung cancer
h plori i have had this but 2nd stool test came bk ok
throat cancer

25-07-12, 20:43
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Deep vein thrombosis
Poor circulation
Brain tumour
Lung cancer

25-07-12, 21:15
Fear of a Stroke
High blood pressure anxiety
Breast Cancer
Tongue Cancer
Brain Tumour
Bowel Cancer, colitis, Crohns

26-07-12, 13:04
Liver failure
Kidney failure (still worried from time to time)
Diabetes (still worried)
heart failure (not really worried now, but will have a holter soon)
Brain Tumor (kind of worried still)
MS (biggest worry right now)
Lyme (kind of worried still)
ALS (it's sometimes in the back of my mind...although seems unlikely)

26-07-12, 13:56
Spent many a night thinking Im going to have a stroke.
At the moment worrying I have cervical cancer.

Oh my god Im a nutcase lol.

26-07-12, 14:32
Mad cow disease
Mouth cancer
Throat cancer
Stomach cancer
Heart attack
Heart disease
Brain tumour

Lol, when you see them listed it kinda makes you feel quite ashamed of yourself.

26-07-12, 16:32
Brain Tumour
Heart disease
Early onset dementia
Mouth cancer
A rare tumour in ear
Asbestos poisining
Severe eye issues
Etc etc

Apart from the asbestos one, all of them seem ridiculous now and I saw the doctors so many times. I feel guilty that people suffer with these real illnesses and I have ruined my life obsessing about them.

26-07-12, 17:22
Oral cancer... mouth and tongue
Throat cancer
skin cancer
ovary cancer
cervical cancer
vulva cancer
blood clotting disorder
bowel cancer

Matt King
26-07-12, 18:17
Heart failure
Cancer on my toe (turned out to be an ingrown toe nail, can you even get toe cancer?)
Gonorrhea (most STDs actually)
Unknown disease that's killing me
Lung cancer
Brain tumour

That's probably only half of them :P

26-07-12, 18:53
This thread just shows us all what hell we have put ourselves through. And to think that people think health anxiety is not that serious.

27-07-12, 11:44
I know, when you see all the "diseases" that we've listed, it's like Oh God!! Why are we doing this to ourselves? If we had any of these things I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be able to be sitting here typing about it! And I also feel really guilty because people are actually going through these hideous things. :(

27-07-12, 12:11
Brain Tumour
Colon Cancer
Throat Cancer

I was able to shake all those off but the 1 i cant shake off is bloody MS

Damn google lol

27-07-12, 15:42
I can't type them because I'm scared if I list them, I will be saying "look how silly I am" and then one of them will prove to be true. How bizarre is that?

28-12-12, 09:13
Non-hodgkins Lymphoma disease. :unsure:

28-12-12, 11:50
Ok....here goes:

DVT (the most common one)
Heart attack
Bowel blockage
Breast cancer
My adhesions and scar bursting open....

Mad I know, but so very real at the time

Charlotte x

28-12-12, 13:13
It all started with colon cancer and just went from

brain tumor
skin cancer
bone cancer
oral cancer

and now, heart disease

Every one of them started with hearing some stupid bit of information and grabbing on to it. I tend to Google after I hear about something and then see things that I might fit into.

28-12-12, 15:17
Since Oct...

Paget's disease of the nipple
Inflammatory breast cancer
Lymphoma (both kinds)
Lung cancer
Sleep apnea

I am a basket case. And google is the work of the devil. Why do we do it? Have, however, emailed a counsellor today. Here's hoping!

28-12-12, 15:22
Since May
Brain stem tumour
liver cancer
Stomach cancer
Spinal fluid leak
Pancreatic cancer
Bone cancer
Bowel Cancer
Throat Cancer
Blocked Arteries

That is just off the top of my head!

28-12-12, 18:15
Heart disease
Heart failure
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinsons disease
Brain tumour
Testicular cancer

Baring in mind I'm 18!

Anxious lu
28-12-12, 18:57
Since June:

Ovarian Cancer
Bowel cancer
Brain tumour
Lyme disease
Heart attack
Heart failure

Many more these are the ones I can rememeber the worst being HIV and ms.. Physically made myself ill

29-12-12, 17:45
Hi ok mine are:
Padgetts disease
mouth and throat cancer
brain tumour
ovarian cancer

29-12-12, 19:34
I'm sat here laughing at the posts that people have put,not because I think there stupid as I fully sympathise as I'm exactly the same but when you see it in black and white and how many other people go through the same as you it kind of makes you open your eyes doesn't it,well until the next symptom comes along,and someone posted that they daren't write there's incase it really happened I told my councellor about not wanting to say the "c" word incase it tempted fate n he said well if u sat n said you were going to win the lottery would it happen n I said no he said well just saying that wont make it happen either will it I suppose he makes sense but I still don't like to lol xx

29-12-12, 19:57
This is what I've diagnosed myself in a year..

Brain Tumour
Bone Cancer
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Sudden Death Syndrome
Cervical Cancer

29-12-12, 22:25
A LOT of things...

Oesophageal cancer
Stomach cancer
Cervical cancer
Barrett's esophagus
Diabetes type 2
GERD/Acid Reflux
Brain tumor
Heart failure
Breast cancer
Peptic ulcer
Esophageal stricture
Hiatal hernia
Gallbladder infection

30-12-12, 12:26
For myself I worry about:

breast cancer
pneumonia - at the minute I have flu and I am certain it is going to turn into something fatal!

My main issues are with my kids health

brain tumour
crohns disease
bowel cancer
having an asthma attack

30-12-12, 14:18
Amazing how many of these we all have in common.

30-12-12, 15:32
Mine are all on a common theme but here goes;

Heart attack
Heart disease
Collapsed valve
Pulmonary embolism
Deep vein thrombosis

My heart has been checked many times and im told I'm in tip top shape But those little doubts still creep in now and again

30-12-12, 18:54
In 2012, I have believed I had:

Leukemia (sore legs)
Skin cancer (ringworm)
Pregnancy (turned out true)
Miscarriage (also turned out true)
An enlarged spleen (sore side/rib)
Lymphoma (a pulled muscle in my neck)
Melanoma (a mole)
Soft tissue sarcoma (a lipoma)
Cancer in my knee (my kneecaps are different shapes)
Fibromyalgia (random pains)
Lupus (multiple miscarriages)
Athritis in my jaw (tmjd)
Fertility problems (due to miscarriages)
Heart issues (I have a very fast heart rate)

30-12-12, 19:27
I have fears that I have a brain tumour but looking at these posts so does about 90% of people on here haha makes me feel alot better :)

mrs way to worried
30-12-12, 20:01
here goes
brain tumour (tense from anxiety )
skin cancer
tounge cancer
mouth cancer (still convinced )
throat cancer
heart problems
psycosis (had this after first child )
eye cancer ???? i have yellow rings in my eyes
breast cancer
skin cancer
main fear is mouth cancer

symptoms daily
neck pain
shoulder pain
jaw pain
swollen lump in cheek
armpit feels full
breast pain
trouble swallowing
my voice has got quieter sounds mad but true i cant shout loud anymore
ear itchiness
itchy moles
ALL my problems are on my right side

31-12-12, 08:51
Brain tumour
Heart attack/ heart problems
Pulmonary embolism
Stomach cancer
Blood clots
Stomach ulcer
Today I've convinced myself that I have either pleurisy or pneumonia all because I've got is stupid little cough.

Daily symptoms:
Aching shoulders
Aching neck
Grinding teeth
Tense jaw
Floaters in eyes
Unable to breath properly
Indigestion and heartburn
Itching ears
Ringing ears
Easily startled
Continuous worrying

Now I've written that down you can add feeling stupid to the list too. Lol.


31-12-12, 10:22
Pretty much most of the above!!!:D

31-12-12, 14:39
I don't even remember them all, but
Skin cancer
Liver cancer
Cervical or endometrial cancer
Bowel cancer
Finger cancer (!)

...I'm a total mess...

23-02-13, 19:42
Here's my list...
Lymphoma (both kinds)
Brain Tumor/Brain Cancer
Brain tumor again!
Pancreatic cancer (my big fear right now)

23-02-13, 19:46
Just lung cancer. Ct scan Monday

23-02-13, 20:09
Here goes..

Brain cancer,
2 types of spine cancer,
lymphoma, both kinds (current worry)
Deep vein thrombosis (current worry)
some sort of pelvis cancer,
soft tissue cancer,
uterus cancer,
bowel cancer,
rectal cancer,
anal cancer,
cervical cancer,
bladder cancer,
breast cancer.

Each and every one I have been completely convinced about.

Daily symptoms:
lower back pain,
tingling/pain in right calf,
pain in left armpit,
tingling in left arm,
tightness left side of neck/swollen glands,
hot/cold flushes,
abdominal cramps
etc etc

Life of a HA sufferer is tough.

23-02-13, 21:07
Heh, I like this thread idea. Could be helpful.

Appendicitis ~ Sharp lower right side abdominal pain
Intestinal perforation ~ Pain + distention
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (current worry) ~ An occasional strong pulse in my upper abdominal + constant distention in the same area
Colitis ~ Pain + distention
Brain tumor ~ Bad frontal headache + pain behind eyes
Oral fungal infection ~ A sore throat, swollen taste buds, tongue white at the back probably from eating something.
Liver disease/disorder ~ Right sided pain + looking over my last liver blood test my ALP level was way higher than the ranges on the Internet and there was no range on my print out. After after days of hysteria phoned the GP to ask if it's too high, she gave me the ranges our lab uses, turned out fine.
DVT ~ Leg pain for days, even went for a D-dimer.
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth ~ Pain in lower mid abdomen, bloating.

Apparently though most of these can all be put down to IBS.

23-02-13, 22:04
Im new to the forum and in the last two months ive diagnosed myself with
Some sort of heart failure
Brain tumour
Andbthe current one some sort of liver diesease or liver cancer

24-02-13, 02:25
This is a brilliant thread except I darent write stuff down just in case I tempt fate!

24-02-13, 09:27
actually had this convrsation with my doc once

long qt syndrome(very rare)
brugada syndrome(even more rare)
heart block
angina(im only 34)
valve stenosis and regurgation
hyperthropic cardiomyopathy
dilated cardiomyopathy(both rare heart muscle.disease)

my gp couldnt believe i was coming off with all this stuff and it was all thanx to google

my heart symptoms have gone away a little since my cardio evaluation but the pvcs remain which is what kicked off my health anxiety in the first place but now im starting to feel differnt symptoms which has me peaking at google again

27-04-13, 19:13
Hi i am 25 female.
In the past 5-6 months o i ve diagnosed myself with : MS, ALS, Lupus, Brain tumor, Stomach cancer, Colon cancer, Heart attack, Ovarian cancer, Liver failure, Kidney failure and now it is lymphoma i cnt stop thinking abt it.

27-04-13, 20:27
Good thread.

This is my list of shame:

Stomach cancer
Brain tumour
Bowel cancer
Heart attack
Fear of stroke
Testicular cancer

All of which I GENUINELY thought I might have.

I'm an idiot.

27-04-13, 20:47
Brain tumor
worrying about having a stroke or a fit

27-04-13, 21:09
In the last two years or so:

Lymphoma (being able to feel one of my glands. Still bothered about this one.)
Brain tumour (Dehydration and bad headache from sitting in a hot conference room all day, having been up since 4AM)
Bone cancer (Aching legs)
Kidney disease (Backache)
Head lice and/or ringworm (itchy scalp from new shampoo)
Breast cancer (Spot on my boob that was bleeding a bit because I scratched it)
Serious eye disease I've forgotten the name of (was reading about someone on a forum having it, and noticed that my eyes were stinging. I'd been using the computer in the dark for hours.)
Bird flu (a cold that also affected one of my eyes)
Endometriosis (Period pains that felt a bit worse than usual)
Various cuts and spots being infected when they weren't.
Depression (PMT, and was crying at a sad book)
Heart condition (Had an energy drink that was much too strong)

This was probably the silliest one though:
Liver failure (thinking my skin looked more yellow than it used to. We had infact switched to low-energy light bulbs and I didn't know.) :whistles:

27-04-13, 23:30
Brain cancer
Kidney cancer
Ovarian cancer
Heart failure/pending sudden cardiac arrest

27-04-13, 23:38
Heart disease
Heart attack
Heart failure
lung, thyroid, cervical, stomach, liver,bowl cancer
brain tumor

Everything going really but I'm learning to not listen to the thoughts anymore :)

28-04-13, 05:25
My list so far...

Huntington's disease! (even though there is zero gene in my family!)
Brain tumor/brain cancer
Brain tumor again
Pancreatic cancer
CJD (mad cow disease) (my big fear right now)

Crazy list.. haha

28-04-13, 06:15
Brain Tumor
Pancreatic cancer
Liver cancer
bowel cancer
oral cancer
heart attack
long QT syndrome
heart failure
uterine cancer
ovarian cancer
blocked bile duct
systemic candida
kidney disease
sporadic fatal insomnia

quite a lengthy list and I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten.

28-04-13, 07:49
Hmm... Lets see..

- Kidney disease, IBS caused me to urinate more often, and the pee was yellow a bit on the darker side, started drinking more water, pee is now normal :D

- Bowel cancer, turned out to be IBS/Constipation

- Blood clot in leg, turned out to be pinched muscle or something, did some stretching every morning and everytime going to sleep, and the symptoms are gone

- Hypertension, turns out to be that my anxiety/panic disorder spiked up the blood pressure every time we tried to measure it, so I lied down and waited quietly and then tried again, it was perfectly normal.

- Heart hypofunction (if it's called that?), just my HA making stuff alone.

- Hypotension

- Hypothyroidism, because of my high blood pressure, but. As I said before, It was just my anxiety spiking it up.

and many more. We just give ourselves hard time, don't we? :lac:

28-04-13, 08:05
I will start by saying I am 39, this is my list since Christmas.....

Lymphoma - this one is still going on due to swollen lymph glands in neck area
Brain tumor - headaches and pain around eyebrow, just seemed to disappear
Skin cancer - I thought a mole looked angry, doc says its very normal
Prostate cancer - this one is ridiculous, slight pain when urinating and convinced I was ejaculating less fluid.
Thyroid cancer - joint aches and pains, just a cold
Some kind of stomach cancer - norovirus
Esophagus cancer - lump in throat, most people with anxiety have had a bit of globus.

Writing it all down makes me feel crazy haha. I really need to get out more and spend less time making up ailments.
I have 2 very young kids at school so I don't stand a chance really as they are constantly bringing some bug home .....

28-04-13, 08:06
I have been to the doctors many times

I have thought I had bone cancer, because of my leg pain (doctor at practice could not feel anything wrong)

oral cancer, because of a mark on my tooth gum, turns out it was from my root canal.

I think I have felt I have every disease going, because of reading websites.

I have fear of every cancer going, including those what women only get.

With this abdominal pain I been told it is IBS but still I not 100% certain even though the doctors says its IBS (even though I read a lot of websites people being misdiagnosis as the big c

28-04-13, 10:09
Mainly the Big C - fear of breast cancer throughout all my adult life, probably because my mum had a mastectomy when I was 8. I subsequently discovered she hadn't had cancer, just a cyst, and at that time (1950) they used to do a mastectomy for cysts because they thought they turned to cancer. (They don't, as far as I'm aware!) She lived to 78!

Intermittent fear of bowel cancer.

Any other cancer that someone mentions where I can imagine I have a symptom.

I've actually had, and dealt with, ulcerative colitis and lichen sclerosus. Both of these can increase the risk of cancer, but I have gone into remission from both and seem to have got them in proportion in my life.

So why on earth do I panic about things where my symptoms are imaginary or of little consequence?


What scares me most right now is anxiety! Not dealing with it I'm afraid.:weep:

28-04-13, 17:18
Over the last month or so I've diagnosed myself with liver disease, lupus, an overactive thyroid and tonsil cancer.

29-04-13, 23:04
In the last two weeks I've diagnosed myself with diabetes, throat cancer, jaw cancer, crohns disease, MS and Parkinsons...

But the closest doctors appointment I could get was the 15th May...this is horrid. :(

29-04-13, 23:18
Heart attack (regular basis)
Lung cancer
Breast cancer
Brain tumour (regularly, any twinge in head)
food allergies
Burst bowels
To name just a few...

11-10-15, 08:04
Damn... Here we go

My own diagnosis:

Breast Cancer
Paget's Disease
Stomach Cancer
Hodgkins Lymphoma
Non Hodgkins Lymphoma
Blood Clots
Throat Cancer
Liver Cancer
Colon Cancer
Skin Cancer
Lung Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Salivary Cancer
Mouth Cancer

My symptoms:

Itchy Nipple
Rashy Nipple
Red Nipple
Back Pain
All Over Body Twitches
Blurred Vision
Fuzzy Hearing (white noise)
Head Aches
Skin Rashes
Sharp Pain Everything
Under Breast Itching
Groin Pain
Breathing Issues

11-10-15, 08:27
Breast cancer
Mouth cancer
Skin cancer
Ovarian cancer
Many heart attacks
Brain tumor
Motor neurone disease (blame hollyoaks for that one)
Cervical cancer

11-10-15, 12:50
Hi everybody just joined up I want to say I'm so happy to have found this forum :yesyes: I've suffered with "health anxiety" for many years now and its taking over my life,over the past 3 months I've called out around 6 ambulances I've had countless tests done,ecgs including 24H,chest xrays,blood tests,ultrasounds all come back normal but I'm still convinced I've got a life threatning condition I'm going for echocardiogram later this month,I'm constantly checking my blood pressure,temperature & feeling my pulse. I've recently diagnosed myself with
Blood clot
Bowel cancer.
Stomach cancer.
Esophageal cancer.
Brain tumour
Heart failure.
Internal bleeding..

11-10-15, 13:57
Oh boy... ok let me think... I'm 31... this list will be going back starting when I was about 14 (sad I know):

Testicular cancer
Skin cancer
Heart attack
Lung cancer
CJD (Mad Cow Disease)
Kidney disease
Kidney cancer
Throat cancer
Mouth cancer
Oespohageal cancer
Stomach cancer
Brain tumour
Neck tumour
Eye cancer
Spinal cancer
Bowel cancer (currently)
Rectal cancer (currently)

I am almost certain there are some that I've missed out as well. Some of these were fleeting worries that lasted maybe a week or so and I never got into a total panic about but probably at least half of these, I was 100% convinced I had. For the record I have had NONE of them so far...

It really does make you feel embarrassed when you read over your own list...

11-10-15, 14:18
Yesterday I convinced myself I had that pitting edema. Today it is that plus lymphoma. x

11-10-15, 14:41
wonder if we could make a game out of this :)

Ok, this year...
Heart attack/angina/heart disease (x3)
Oral cancer (roof of mouth and tongue)
Testicular cancer
Colon cancer
carotid artery disease (hoping its just pulsitile tinitus)
Advanced atherosclerosis
Brain tumour
A few skin cancers

12-10-15, 01:04
Coronary artery disease
Ventricular Fibrillation/Atrial Fibrillation
Heart disease
Heart valve problems
Poor circulation/blood vessel issues
Brain tumor
Brain aneurysm

12-10-15, 05:31
this year:
Heart attack
Long QT
Marfan syndrome (I'm lanky)
Vascular Ehler-Danlos syndrome
Testicular torsion
Pulmonary hypertension
Motor neurone disease
Peptic ulcer
Bowel cancer
Sunscreen poisining

12-10-15, 11:11
According to my HA, I've been diagnosed with every terminal illness in the book but 23 years later, I'm still here. When my lymph nodes came up after a bad infection - it was lymphoma, when I took my first migraine visual aura this summer - it was a stroke, I have a joint and muscle pain atm which is probably from my period and left over stress from a bad panic I took a few days ago - its arthritis

The worst ones for me atm are whenever I get a stomach ache, I always assume its appendicitis even if it hurts nowhere near where appendicitis typically does. Also when I have an extreme panic attack, I always think its a problem with my heart and not just a panic which only fuels the panic and then makes me panic more. Its a vicious cycle.

12-10-15, 12:05
Well I'm 25 and since January when this all started I've convinced myself I have.

. brain tumor
. lymphoma (swollen gland, sharp pains in arms/legs)
. leukemia (fatigue)
. heart problems (chest pains, also dad had open heart at 45)
. Bone cancer

My current is anything that includes sharp pains in arms and legs even while I'm laying down, which to me means my bones. Doctor thinks I'm fine.

12-10-15, 22:48
In just over a year I diagnosed myself with:

lung cancer (was anxiety)
Brain tumour (was sinus infection)
Bowel cancer (was ibs)
Cervical cancer (was just an irregular period probably due to stress)
Leukemia (was nothing - i heard a story about someone young dying from it 5 days after finding out they had it and it made me pay too much attention to bruises on my body)
MS (was anxiety)
Heart attack (was anxiety)
Heart condition (was anxiety)
Kidney failure (was nothing)
Allergic reaction (was panic attack)
Lymphoma - current worry that i am trying to get over

All seemed very real at the time

12-10-15, 23:02
HIV/AIDS (a phobia I've had for a decade or something) (I had unexplained yeast infections, probably stress caused)
various STDs (thanks Google) (I got a bad UTI once but thats all it was)
Melanoma years ago (weird mole but got it off was benign)
Recently cancer of the bowel or colon (posted about that)

Probably more I forgot.. oh I thought I had Polycystic Ovaries when I was 12 because I hadn't gotten my period yet. TWELVE

This thread demonstrates how powerful our minds are and how no amount of rational advice can line up your thought process to a logical place over the anxiety. I feel like even when I had these fears I knew deep in my mind I was suffering from an anxiety attack but my fear or catastrophic thinking was too powerful.

I'm really sorry so many of you go through this but it's good to not be alone.

13-10-15, 17:18
I'm 52 now and have had a very long career as a HA sufferer...my list of misdiagnoses is:
testicular cancer 4 times
colon cancer probably 4 or 5 times
brain tumour at least 3 times
throat cancer at least 3 times
lung cancer
mouth cancer
liver cancer
kidney cancer
sinus cancer 3 times
prostate cancer 3 times
pancreatic cancer 2 times
thyroid cancer
skin cancer
crohns disease
heart disease
my current fear is colon cancer again...had this one for about 12 weeks now...have my annual physical tomorrow so I will be requesting the doc send me for a colonoscopy to rule it out...
I'm sure there are others I've forgotten..all these fears have literally robbed me of years of enjoying my life..I agree with KayeS, looking at this list now is embarrassing...not only have I put myself through hell with all these fears...I have done it to my family...while worrying about the illnesses I haven't been there for them...HA is such selfish disorder...once we are in it all we can think about is ourselves...therapy has helped me in the past..so in addition to requesting the doctor send me for diagnostic tests I will be requesting he refer me to a psychologist who specializes in treating HA...its the least I can do for my family...and thinking selfishly it's the least I can do for myself....I wish you all success in beating this affliction, believe me I know what you are going through

30-10-15, 16:03
Breast Cancer (still a worry as it runs in the family)
Brain Tumour (I get horrendous migraines)
Stroke (again runs in family and my migraines )
Bowel Cancer (was IBS)
Ovarian Cancer (was IBS)
Cervical Cancer (had abnormal smears and bleeding but all ok in the end)
Kidney Infection
Gallstones (currently being investigated)
Allergic Reactions x 10 (occasional rashes for no reason)

30-10-15, 16:29
testicular cancer twice at least, was feeling a lot of tubes and junk

colon/bowel cancer after a number of scans, camera up the backside, turns out it could have been a small pouch which 2% of the population has which is not serious and may have need keyhole, which I have not needed, also could have been IBS. also at the same time though I had pancreas cancer. stomach cancer etc.

eye cancer, went for a eye test even though I had been 6 months earlier turns out I did not need a new prescription, I do have NF which I have had seen birth, has been seen during my eye exams all the time.

30-10-15, 17:44
Brain tumor
salivary gland cancer
vulvar cancer
colon cancer
skin cancer
throat cancer
cervical cancer
uterine cancer
nasal cancer
eye cancer

the list goes on and on

I struggle with health anxiety

30-10-15, 18:04
Since August I have had:

Deep vein thrombosis (actually shin splints)
Bone cancer (shin splints)
Peripheral neuropathy (poor arch support caused leg pain)
Heart attack (actually anxiety)
Various heart problems (actually anxiety)
Hypotension (my BP is naturally low because I'm a young, thin woman)
Detached retina (actually was eye strain)
Corneal abrasion (eye strain)
Vertigo (possibly chiropractor induced, probably anxiety)
Vertebral artery dissection (anxiety)
Carotid artery dissection (anxiety)
Brain aneurism (anxiety)

I've been to the ER three times since August for this nonsense. The tiny part of you that can't be sure until you have a test done is the worst, even when you rationally know the chances of there being something wrong are almost zero.

30-10-15, 18:42
Appendicitis :(

30-10-15, 20:36
Since my HA got to its highest point I have diagnosed myself with:

. Bowel Cancer (3 times)
. Lymphoma (5 times)
. Brain Tumor
. Mouth Cancer
. Kidney Cancer
. Appendicitis
. Stomach Ulcers (3 times)

As well as others but they are the ones I can remember its a new thing every week with me.


31-10-15, 13:00
mouth cancer, because a mark on my gum, turns out it was from a root canal I had done 10 years ago, whoops.

31-10-15, 16:48
im new here and im really suffering and worrying about cancer particularly bone cancer

ive been reading this post and wondered - do you have symptoms of these diseases that you think you have?

do you have the aches and pains ect? how bad are they?

hope im not offending anyone as im just trying to work out if im going mad or not at the min.
do you always go to the docs when you get symptoms?

how long do you leave it before going to the doctors? have your symptoms gone away, if so did they just disappear or did you manage to calm the anxiety and then they seemed to go?

31-10-15, 17:59
Brain tumor
Acid reflux/gerd
Lung cancer/respiratory problem
Heart problems
Blood clots/PE/aneurysms

I still worry about almost all of these to varying degrees. Actually I'd say out of all of those, leukemia is the only one that I'm not on high alert over. It sucks so bad to be this young worrying for my life every day. The pressure and pains and aches feel too real.

31-10-15, 22:52
Apart from pretty much everything previously posted I'm now worried about my hair falling out.
And a while back I used a nasal flush but didn't use distilled water. I convinced myself I'd get a brain infection baca use of it.

02-11-15, 03:57
Brain tumour
Ovarian cancer
Heart disease
Thyroid cancer
Throat cancer
Cervical cancer
Vulva cancer
Bowel/stomach cancer

These are just the ones I remember diagnosing myself with. Crazy.

02-11-15, 11:40
For me it's:

Stomach/bowel cancer (all the time - this is the really bad one at the moment)
Crohns disease (basically the same as the above - doesn't help that a friend has just been diagnosed for real)
Lung cancer (that was only for a while)
Heart condition (used to be the favourite, superceded for the time being by other things)
Juvenile dementia (not a particularly big concern, but I have always been incredibly absent minded and it seems to be getting worse! Wander into a room, can't remember why I went in there and just for a second wonder if it's something more than stress/poor short term memory)

02-11-15, 15:10
Ok, here is my list:

Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Throat Cancer
Brain " "
Cervical " "
Mouth Cancer- Currently on.
Eye problems
And the thing is I go back to these all the time so it never ends. I don't know what to do.

05-11-15, 16:05
Late Stage Fatal Lyme disease
Incurable Heart Disease
Leg blood clot
Arm blood clot

No cancer in there, as I believe I have found the cure. Search Leonard Coldwell - Cancer on YouTube

05-11-15, 16:24
Several heart attacks
Various cancers
Multiple Sclerosis
Brain tumour

Reading through everyone's posts I've seen diseases and though, "oooh, I've never heard of that before" and instinctively gone to google it before realising what I was doing and stopping myself.

05-11-15, 16:34
meningitis, septicaemia, brain tumour, throat cancer, stomach cancer, crohn's disease, spine cancer, leg cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, atrial fibrillation, heart arrhythmia, diabetes, cervical cancer, MS, motor neurone disease, collapsed lung, cervical cysts, bowl cancer, deep vein thrombosis, angina...............

This really cheered me up :D I don't think there's many diseases in the world left that aren't on my list! :roflmao:

05-11-15, 16:43
Reading through everyone's posts I've seen diseases and though, "oooh, I've never heard of that before" and instinctively gone to google it before realising what I was doing and stopping myself.

That's the issue with a thread like this IMO. It can be a trigger to some and it also can prolong the life and can keep you focused on your fears.

Positive thoughts

05-11-15, 17:57
Brain tumour, lymphoma, leukaemia, vulva cancer and skin cancer oh and a hernia in my stomach

23-01-16, 12:20
Hmm lets see

Heart disease

Brain tumour

Motor neurone (currently thinking about)

Parkinsons (currently thinking about)

Stomach cancer

Blocked arteries

Deep vein thrombosis

Blood clot on lungs


And probably a few more. Thanks to Dr Google

23-01-16, 12:24
I have just diagnosed myself with bone cancer !!!!

23-01-16, 17:21
Posted on this in Dec 2012 but thought for the sake of my stupid HA I would update it.

Lung Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Throat Cancer
Sinus Cancer

My list seems shorter this time round so hopefully that's a good sign!

23-01-16, 17:41
Cervical Cancer
Blood Clots
Brain Tumour
Lung Cancer
Heart conditions
Throat Cancer
Neck Cancer
Kidney Stones
Liver Failure
Skin Cancer
and lots of mini illnesses stemming from the big ones! x

23-01-16, 18:06
This started when I was about 9....

colon cancer
pseudotumor cerebri
brain swelling
multiple sclerosis
liver failure
hidradenitis suppurativa (although i feel like i actually do have this one...)

there's probably more but i can't remember

23-01-16, 18:26
In 2011 I diagnosed myself with:

Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Bowel Cancer
Vagina Cancer

that I remember, anyway.

miss sparkle
23-01-16, 23:08
Bone cancer
Bowel cancer
Cervical cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer

Bone cancer/ovarian/pancreatic/leukemia ONGOING

And repeat.
(This is just this year. Had this ha for 4 years now)
And im actually deadly serious about these fears

24-01-16, 00:55
Lung Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Colon Cancer
Pathogen infection fears
Kidney problems
And many more...

14-03-16, 23:00
Brain tumour
Breast cancer

15-03-16, 13:29
Oh dear, where to start....I'll go head to toe.

Brain tumour
Eye cancer
Nasal cancer
Ear cancer
Mouth cancer
Throat cancer
Breast cancer
Rib cancer
Spinal tumour
Back cancer
Bowel cancer
Vaginal cancer
Cervical cancer
Toe cancer
Skin cancer
Blood poisoning
Non Hodgkin's lymphoma
Sjögren's syndrome
Serotonin syndrome

Think that's it.

Wtf !! Not bad for a 38 year old....looking good considering having that lot ;)

15-03-16, 17:59
So far? Christ.
Colon Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Chrons Disease
Ulcerative Colitis

I think that's it so far. Though these do still plague me daily. I hope to get scans to clear myself of them.

15-03-16, 18:13
Of what I can remember so far..

Heart Attack
Breast Cancer
Advanced Melanoma (convinced myself I had two months to live)
Throat Cancer
Once I was always hungry, so naturally assumed I had a huge parasite living in me

15-03-16, 18:27
So far ALS, and Hyperacusis. I am going in for a colonoscopy on Thursday to see if my self diagnosis of colon cancer is true lol

15-03-16, 20:20
Brain Tumor
Pancreatic Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Heart Attack

I'm sure there are a few I can't remember.

15-03-16, 20:30
Over the years I've decided I have...

HIV (had a couple of colds)
Depression (although don't think I ever have)
Gluten intolerance

21-03-16, 01:54
This all only started for me in January, and yet the list is long:

Brain tumour (nothing showed up on a CT or MRI)
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic Fatigue
Depression (not entirely inaccurate, but not the problem I've made it into)
Motor Neurone Disease/ALS
Early-onset dementia
Schizophrenia or some other form of mental illness involving psychosis
Some form of perilous heart condition
Vasovagal syncope (still worried about this)
Parkinson's Disease
Huntingdon's Disease
Dissociative seizures (still worried about this one)
Detached retina or being at risk of such (still VERY concerned about this)
Macular degeneration (still worried about this)
Blindness (I COULD STILL SEE!)
Diabetes (I don't have this, but if I don't change my diet I reckon I'm heading for it)
Pain in my toe (I did have this, but it's just a pain in my toe, not a sign of anything catastrophic)

Some of them, I feel silly about. Some of them continue to worry me. Especially the eye stuff as I get blurry vision and have eye floaters.

28-04-16, 04:00
Ovarian cancer
Cervical cancer
Brain tumor
And right now, I've been diagnosing myself with Sepsis :wacko:

28-04-16, 09:08
MaryMac, right now I am convinced I have Oesophagus or some throat cancer because of my symptoms. I am literally at my wits end and I'm panicking, not resting, not sleeping or eating well. I can't think straight. I post my problems but no one sees to reply. I am my lowest I have ever felt mentaly. My symptoms are so strong there is no way it can't be what I know.

Terrible chest pains, but can't be acid as it's constant.
Persistently painful throat for 2 months.
Shooting pains in ear on & off.

I am 31 and a mum to 5. I am so upset right now, alone & crying over my phone. Doctors won't take me seriously. Xx

Captain irrational
28-04-16, 11:21
So far this year...

Basal cell carcinoma (it's just a few patches of eczema that come and go in the winter)
An incredibly rare skin lymphoma (that damn eczema again)
Salivary gland cancer
And as of this week my lymph glands have decided to start misbehaving again, so I'm back to lymphoma.


11-05-16, 22:59
Unruptured Brain Aneurysm
Brain Tumour

It's a constant joy.