View Full Version : Just introducing myself - symptoms

25-07-12, 18:48
Hi all,

I have been reading this forum for about a year now and have found it very useful in coming to terms that I have anxiety/stress.

I was wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms to me.

For about the last year I have had near constant dizziness, sometime it will dissapear, but then I will notice it is not there and it comes back. Sometimes it can be gone for up to a week before I wonder where it is and it comes back.

I have had palpitations and have been to the docs and had blood work, and an ECG which came back as normal.

I have been to the doctors numerous times about the dizziness and have had an MRI scan on my head which came back fine!

I have had a lot of life changing experiences over the last 2 years, promotions at work, first child, financial problems, death of a friend and I think it has all got on top of me.

My most worrying symptom are the heart palpitations some times I get a big thud and a pause and then everything is ok. Sometimes my chest gets tight and sometimes i get a sharp stabbing pain for a very brief moment.

Does any one else get these? I find it very hard to believe that this can all be caused by anxiety. My doctor says it is stress and offered to sign me off work, i declined. I don't feel stressed but I guess I must be if I have had all of these symptoms.

25-07-12, 18:58
Hi Maldon84

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-07-12, 19:24
Welcome to the site.
Yes I have had the dizziness and palps among loads of other symptoms and they are all from anxiety.
One thing I would suggest, only because it is common with dizziness, is too have your ears checked. I had fluid behind my eardrums and the dizziness from that was almost unbearable!
I still get dizziness but nothing like it was before I was treated.

I understand what you mean when you say you don't "feel stressed" but still have symptoms. That too is common among anxiety sufferers.
It does sound like the last couple of years have been very stressful for you even if you aren't feeling like it on the surface.

I know you will find loads of useful info and great friends here!

25-07-12, 19:29
Hi & :welcome:

You'd be amazed at all the physical symptoms anxiety can cause actually. I hope you find some comfort from being here, it is an amazing site.

Kitti :)

25-07-12, 19:46
Hi Eeyorelover and the others that have posted, when I first went in for dizziness my GP told me I had fluid behind my ear drums and gave me some small white tablets to take (I think they were called serc but they were anti vertigo drugs). after a month of taking them the symptoms did not get any easier so I went back to a different GP who said there was no fluid but then sent me for the ECG which came back fine.

Unfortunately I have been prone to googling my symptoms and then convincing myself I have a rare heart defect or something similar. I seem to be getting better at not googling things but I do have lapses. I know it is bad for me but sometimes I cannot help it!!

Anyway thanks for the welcome

25-07-12, 20:57
Hi & :welcome:

I have dizziness, palpitations, chest pain....infact name a symptom and I have had it! :) I found it quite hard to believe it was all down to anxiety at first, still do sometimes. You have been through some experiences, as I have, over the past few years and it's suprising how things catch up with you, even if you don't fell stressed out.


25-07-12, 21:54
I don't have these, but I know this is a condition. I don't have the name, but you could easily find it on google. My mom that these when she was pregnant, I know that.

---------- Post added at 12:54 ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 ----------

Hi Eeyorelover and the others that have posted, when I first went in for dizziness my GP told me I had fluid behind my ear drums and gave me some small white tablets to take (I think they were called serc but they were anti vertigo drugs). after a month of taking them the symptoms did not get any easier so I went back to a different GP who said there was no fluid but then sent me for the ECG which came back fine.

Unfortunately I have been prone to googling my symptoms and then convincing myself I have a rare heart defect or something similar. I seem to be getting better at not googling things but I do have lapses. I know it is bad for me but sometimes I cannot help it!!

Anyway thanks for the welcome

Well, google was how I found out there is a name for my disorder. (dermatophagia) so it can't always be bad when the symptoms aren't bad.