View Full Version : tooth trouble

20-07-06, 11:25
hi been suffering a gum infection (well wisdom tooth) for the last week and am now on the second lot of antibiotics which make me feel even worse.....the thing is the pain had been horrendous and im scared once i have finished these antibiotics the infection will come back and i will have to have the tooth removed..which the dentist told me i may have to have a general anaesthetic for...please as anyone else suffered wisdom teeth trouble and had theirs taken out ?????
also does anyone share the same rediculous fear that they will not come back round after a general!!?!

20-07-06, 11:36
i have a fear of the general too. had a very simple op about a year ago, just a routine and i was petrified that i wouldnt come round and that there would be some medcal complication.
however, the anesthesiologist told me i took a bigger risk when i got in the car to drive to the hospital than i would face from the anesthesia.


20-07-06, 11:43
not had the wisdom teeth trouble but have the fear that i will not come round. during my emergenncy section with my twins i was on the table and i told the surgen i was petrified and he said to me

" close your eyes jackie, that is what they pay me for. i will see you in 15 minutes and you will see your new baby boys then"

this really eased me. they know what they are doing, try to have faith and i know what i am asking is alot believe me i do


20-07-06, 16:16
Dentists are scary arent they. Ive been twice in the last 2 weeks, last time to have them cleaned just over a week ago & ive got to go back tomorrow because ive now got a tiny hole in a back one right by the gum & its painful. Im dreading him saying its gonna have to come out.
Do they only use general for wisdom teeth? How comes you cant have a local? Im sure i had some wisdom teeth out under local when i was a teen.
Caz xxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

21-07-06, 07:07
Hi I have been a qualified dental nurse for the past 15 years so I thought I would post to try and put your mind at ease.

The reason that you are in so much pain is probably because you have a gum flap were the tooth has only partly erupted this allows food to get trapped down the back or side of the tooth, This stagnates and basically rots (yum) this in turn causes an infection hence the antibiotics. The best thing along with the antibiotics is warm salt water to try and flush any debris away but this need to be quit vigorous around the area.

Your dentist has talked about a general because if the tooth is impacted in the lower jaw there is a nerve that runs very close to the roots of the lower teeth that supply sensation to the face and if this is damaged it can cause paralysis, if its any upper wisdom it can be very close to the sinus so they would have to make sure that the tooth was extracted very carefully so a general would make it easy for the surgeon as he would not have to worry about causing you any discomfort.

As for the general you are in very safe hands they give you a very small dose as the procedure takes about 10 – 15 minuets. You are hooked up to so many machines there is very little chance that anything would happen to you as long as you are physically fit and well.

If the pain continues ask your dentist to fast track you to the oral consultants as you have already had two lots of antibiotics and a third lot would do very little use.

Sorry for the long post and I hope I have not scared you

Love & Light Sam x

21-07-06, 13:43
i've got to have my gall bladder removed on the 31st Aug and i am absolutley crapping myself not because of the op but because of the general!!


21-07-06, 14:06
That makes sense Sam. Ive just got back from my dentist & hes put a temp filling in, got to go back the end of the month for a proper filling. Once my cold has gone. He said he put the temp filling in so food doesnt get in there. What if food already has got in there, now hes put a temp filling in surely the food will go bad! Its only a small hole on the side of the tooth so he might not have seen in the hole [:I]
Caz xxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

21-07-06, 14:13
He would have had a good look b4 placing a filling in there, alot of tem fillings have a small amount of antibiotic in them so if there are any bugs they wont live 4 long.


21-07-06, 14:15
Ah ok thanks Sam, your brill.
Caz xxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

24-07-06, 15:50
thanks everyone particularly to sam who has given me some good advice..the pain as gone now but im dreading a return..i hope i dont have to have it removed..not yet anyhow..