View Full Version : Muscle aches, twitching and stabbing feeling :(

25-07-12, 19:17
Hi guys! Needing some advice again or a slap in the face would be more beneficial haha! Leg twitching on left leg.. Stabbing pains in thighs and tingling in head and face??
Ha or something else? Anyone experienced these feelings?

25-07-12, 19:28
Hi, I too get muscle twitches randomly... Last Friday my thumb kept moving involuntarily, have had it in my legs and arms, and my back.

I think it could be anxiety, I'm always worrying about something!

The tingling pins and needles in the face is anxiety related I've been there many times, its quite un-nerving I know. But it does pass. We just need to stop worrying. Easier said than done though. :scared15::)

25-07-12, 19:56
I get these feeling every day, try not to let them bother you, easier said than done I know, and NervousA1 I get the thumb thing all the time x

25-07-12, 21:27
I get these twitches and spasms also. Funnily enough, they go away when I calm myself down! It's obviously my anxiety causing them and I'm sure it's the same with you.

Let's all try to relax and be happy :) X

26-07-12, 08:33
yep me too. Random pains all over the body and face x

26-07-12, 08:52
Twitching top lip today. :doh: