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View Full Version : New Job and OCD

25-07-12, 20:17
A couple of weeks ago I started a new job. My OCD was getting better and I thought this place would be good for me, by exposing me to the OCD I suffer from- Contamination. It's in a medium sized ware-house factory and it's dusty and dirty and filled with stuff. I work the machines, which I hate because of the cotton gloves I have to wear.
Since I started working there I've been washing my hands more and more and scratching my arms and biting them to stop me from ashing out and things because I've been getting frustrated with myself.
I have three weeks left there and every minute is pain. It's 8-4.45 and five days a week. I also got some bad news today. I have polyscystic ovaries. I just feel like I need to think, but I'm afraid if I run off to my friends house for the next two days I'll get fired, but I can't do this, I have to get away and it's killing me that I can't. But I could, so easily and I don't know what to do, what to say, to my boss because he's really harsh and doesn't like people being ill or going to the doctors or whatever. Any advice?
Please help, thanks.
Rosie xxx