View Full Version : Banged head - now tired?

25-07-12, 21:06
I banged my head earlier today - about twelve hours ago. Hit it off the top of the fridge and then off a shelf within ten minutes. Nothing too major in fact not even sore where I hit it.. Anyway tonight - about 5pm - I became quite tired quickly, felt like going to sleep. Decided against it and got up, showered, and am now feeling more awake. Could this have anything to do with only 4 hours sleep on Monday night, and forgetting my escitalopram last night, and hot weather - or could it be more serious i.e. head injury? Not sure if tiredness is classed as drowsiness or not!

25-07-12, 21:17
This does not sound like it's anything to do with your head injury. If it was, you would feel tired straight away after the injury, and you would have known for sure as you would have to hit your head pretty hard for that to happen!

Make sure you take your pill and have an early night :) you'll feel better in the morning. Try not to worry yourself xx

25-07-12, 21:19
drowsiness = feeling sleepy, I'd say.

Any loss of consciousness, or disturbances of vision?
Dizzyness? Balance problems?
Vomiting or feeling very sick?

If any of these apply then you may have a significant head injury and a visit to the doc is in order. If still worried, please see a doc. During the evening NHS Direct can advise.

All the best - Jono