View Full Version : Blocked eustachian tube (ear)

25-07-12, 21:47
Hello again.

I posted last week as I've had a full feeling in my ear for a week. I had a pretty bad bout of flu a couple of weeks ago and this ear problem came on a few days after the flu had eased. I went to the doctors because as well as the full feeling my hearing in the left ear has dropped to about 70% and it sounds like someone has turned the bass up in that ear also. It's a really, really horrible sensation that is there from morning til night. It does appear to ease a bit during the day but it's worse early morning and late evening. There is also a constant tinnitus that is extremely frustrating.

The doctor said that there is fluid behind my ear and it will get better on it's own but I've been on antibiotics for two days now with no real change. She said that the fluid causes an imbalance in the inner ear and should drain off in a week or two but SURELY there should have been even the smallest improvement after a week of impaired hearing?? I feel so helpless with this, if I'd broken my leg I could rest or if I had a cut I know it'd heal but after Googling how long it takes for eustachian tubes to drain it seems like this could be a permanent problem as many seem to not get better. Plus, there are people saying that this could be a sign of a benign tumour...which is doing my health anxiety no end of good.

If anyone has had any experience of similar I'd love to hear how long it took to clear up for you.



26-07-12, 03:30
hi yes ive had this problem a few years back. for most usually it clears on its own in time. i wasnt that lucky mine didnt go away. so the ent doctor put a small ear tube in the ear drum to keep it drained it stays in about six months and then falls out on its own. that cleared the fluid up for good. no problems every since. but dont worry in most people it does clear up on its own. hope this helps

26-07-12, 11:28
Hi, I posted on your thread last week and I had an idea it might be this as exactly what I had. I had steroid nose spray and took months to get better. Even nearly a year later my ear is not 100%. They help though so you may be prescribed them if does not clear up. Its a harmless but very very annoying condition. I used to hold my nose and try to pop my ear but probably made it worse. Steam inhalation and decongestants work a bit, a lot for some. Sudafed decongestants were great for me. Just stick with it, it will get better believe it or not. I saw an ENT specialist about it and he just said to take the prescribed spray and there is no need to see him or doctor again. At the time I thought he was mad but he was right. Take care.

26-07-12, 11:45
I had/have something similar... I think! For months I've had on/off earache, a fullness and constant crackling in both ears. It came to a head one day when I suddenly became very dizzy/lightheaded and decided to go to the doctor. She did every neuro exercise possible and checked my ears for infection..... nothing! She said I probably had a blockage or water deep in my ear that would clear up on it's own. It did get a little better but I still have constant crackling and the same fullness. I also sometimes get a fullness across the bridge of my nose and under my eyes but I don't have a stuffy or blocked nose so don't think it's sinus issues.

I don't know! I haven't been back to the doctor and just hoping whatever it is clears up. Very annoying though.

26-07-12, 13:04
Thanks everyone. It's a help to know that it can take longer than a couple of weeks to sort. The doctor was pretty un-fussed about the whole thing so that was good but to have your hearing dip and have almost constant tinnitus is really off-putting.

Deb, the ear tubes idea is something that is appealing to me already! But I'll sit tight and see how things pan out over the next few weeks. And thanks for the replies Willous and Meche - it's weird, I've had a sort of foggy head since this came in, almost like it's difficult to concentrate...did you have this also?

I just want it to go away!!

Thanks for the replies again.

26-07-12, 13:15
I do Dan. I feel like my head is stuffed with cotton wool and everything going on around me is unreal - I feel very spaced out at times and my concentration on a scale of 1-10 is 3 - 1 being very bad!!! I also get alot of ringing in my ears and it feels like they are going to explode at times. Very uncomfortable! xx

27-07-12, 19:55
Sorry to keep carping on about this but it's been a while since my HA has been backed up by genuine physical symptoms. But my current ear blocked sensation and hearing dip, is really getting me worried that I might have a tumour in my head/ear or that this feeling might be the pre-cursor to a stroke. The doctor said that colds can block eustachian tubes or make them dysfunctional for a few weeks after a cold/flu but the fact that I don't feel ANY better, even a little bit almost a week after this horrible ear thing coming on makes me think it's something worse. The tinnitus is terrible too. Just very, very worried that a tumour or blocked artery might cause the same symptoms...too scared to Google.

27-07-12, 22:55
Your worries are identical to mine and although the ear is a nuisance, that is ALL it is. I can tell you this from experiance and being worried for ages. I saw doctors, Ent specialists etc and none of them would even talk about a tumour. You would have a LOT more symptoms and it is incredibly rare. Please forget about that now. The annoying thing is its always there but give it time. Don't stress if ots taking longer than you think it should. What are you taking for it. Have you tried decongestants. Nose drops and Sudafed decongestants worked a treat for me. More so than the steroid drops. A week is nothing mate. I had it for ages. The tinnitus will improve. Hate to say this but even googling won't tell you anything sinister because its common and harmless but obviously don't google as there is no need. Take it easy and chill out. When I had it, it was the worst feeling ever. My ear was so blocked and had a strange feeling. My hearing was always dipping. Smile.

31-12-12, 10:03
Hi Guys,

Consider me a new member of the blocked ear club. :/ Here's my story -

*Woke up Christmas day both ears blocked. Yawned and popped my left ear, but the right ear remained blocked.

*Put my finger in and wiggled. It cleared momentarily then closed again. I tried to wait it out but it remained blocked.

*Googled solutions and the peroxide ear drop remedy kept popping up.
Bought some ear drops from Boots, spent boxing day scraping out ear wax. Didn’t help. I knew deep down it wasn't a wax problem, but I was getting desperate.

*Cotton buds didn't help either, probably made it worse. And caused minor irritation

*Further research suggested holding nose and swallowing water, which I responded well too, but ears still muffled.

*Currently sitting here chewing gum as I type this. I can feel movement in the affected area as I chew but no instant cure.

No pain, no irritation, no dizziness, just a blocked ear.

I must mention that the night it happened, I slept with an electric heater blowing dry hot ear into my room as a I slept all night. I also may have laid on my side ear side down which may have caused ear pressure build up or trapped air. I know I'm grasping at straws, but I'm running out of potential causes. And I'm getting freaked out knowing I might have this for life.

I'm a little concerned because it seems like there’s alot of case's that are incurable.
I'll keep you updated.
Any further advice would be great.

Ps: I've also had a few sudafeds. I'll finish the course of pills and update.

01-02-13, 16:12
eon - exactly the same thing happened to me 2 days ago. Woke in the middle of the night with a strange sensation and ringing noise in my left ear. But I didn't fully wake up and managed to get straight back to sleep without consciously thinking about it.

When I awoke properly in the morning, I found my left ear completely blocked. The ringing I think was due to my ear's auto volume control - if you know what I mean - turning the volume up to max to try to hear something.

I have no idea why this has happened. I have no excess wax, no cold or flu - and haven't had one recently - no infections, no pain. Just a blocked ear.

I have been on Sudafed for a few days and thank god it has now opened up, but it still feels odd and it's still ringing. It rings constantly, but more loudly when I talk and when there's noise around. Here's another weird thing, the ringing increases in volume if I put my finger in my other (good) ear!??! What the heck is that about.

I don't know whether to stop the Sudafed now (one of the side effects of Sudafed can be ringing in the ears!) or whether to carry on because the Sudafed might fix it. Googling around some people say you must carry on with it and other say stop taking it now. It's a minefield of contradicting information.

I just hope the ringing goes away eventually because it's driving me potty. And not least because one of my passions is music and my hifi, which is completely useless if my ear stays like this :-( It's all a bit worrying and depressing.

01-02-13, 21:45
I am all congested and getting over a cold and my ears were clogged. The doctor took a look at them and told me my ears had fluid that needed to be drained. He put a tube in my ear. It has not done anything to fix the problem that was two days ago. Yesterday i went to the acupuncturist and she put some stick-on take home needles behind my ear. Later i got vertigo. Not very bad just a bit. So i took the stickers off. I was afraid it was bc of that. I feel scared. I looked up the symptoms and came up with tumors and other diseases. I think i really do have something wrong. Also hearing a swooshing noise occasionally in the opposite ear that the tube is in. Has anyone had similar problems? Doctor didnt seem worried. He was worried about the right ear. He said i must o had problems for years. Now the back of my head is cramped. Its right at the base. I just wish someone would take it seriously. I think i have cried woof so many times that no one cares now. But now i really really have something wrong. I can feel it.

06-05-13, 20:38
Hi To anyone who is reading this ... blocked Eustachian tube is the most horrilbe feeling , its so difficult to explain to other people, some on here descibed it as "Spaced Out" thats not far off if you feel like i did.. Had a real nasty bug chesty cough , then another cold/flu like bug on top of the chest cough.. felt terrible and then my ear started to feel blocked, and after 3 days the other ear felt slightly blocked but soon felt fairly normal again , but not perfect. 4 days went by so went to the Dr, gave me steroid nose spray, thats about all they can give you really.. done everything i could to clear it up , antihistimines more nose spray , nothing worked , then i went to Africa on holiday and had 7 plane journeys to do and was thinking either i will get pain when flying or they may POP and get better............. NO ..... no popping just got worse, took the pleasure away for my holiday...... got back went straight to the Drs. again more nose spray, said your not bad enough to be referred t the E N T. man.
well i was feeling very depressed, and i had been surfing for 2 weeks hoping to find a magical over night cure... I never give up on anything when i want it bad enough, so kept looking and Eureka.. some thing caught my eye ...........earpopper.com.............. what caught my eye was BOOTS chemist and anyone in the U.K. knows they are the biggest chemist we have ..... looked on the web site and its AMerican , but i always have faith in the yanks....... so ordered it paid extra to get next day delivery ,,, feeling excited but scared it wouldn't do what they said it would........... First time i used it .......... IT WORKED both ears popped........ Thank you America.. EARPOPPER.COM that is your answer.. Roger U.K.(canterbury)

12-06-13, 21:32

I have had Eustachian tube issues too. Suffering from Sinusitis, every time an upper respiratory infection comes along, the "Ear Nightmare" begins. Then searching the net, I came across a homeopathic website. Where a doctor prescribed certain remedies that worked like magic. I will mention the same to you and others who might be interested in curing the Eustachian tube issues.

1. Mercurius Dulcis 30c Drops
Take 3-4 drops in half cup of water. Thrice a day on empty stomach
The herb helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes, enabling
the Eustachian tube back to its normal width, thus allowing

2. Kali Muraticum 6x, pallets (Pills) 3 pills, thrice a day om empty stomach
keep a gap of 30 minutes between medicine 1 & 2. This medicine helps
in thinning of the mucous and its easy drainage. Avoid Garlic during days
of treatment.

Other remedies that are use for Eustachian tube issues are:

1. Pulsatilla Nigricans 30c Drops.
These are especially good for mucous that has tendencies like glue, i.e.
for Glue ear syndrome.

2. Kali Sulphuricum 30 C, Drops
Good in Colds and upper respiratory infection that lead to ear problems.
Especially in early stages.

Deafness from congestion of the tympanic cavity, or with catarrh and swelling of Eustachian lining. Worse in a heated room, with a yellow, slimy coating on the tongue. Earache, with discharge of watery or yellow matter. Secretion of thin, bright-yellow, or greenish fluid after inflammation. (Thick, pus-like discharge, Calc. sulph.) Pain under the ear, sharp, cutting pain, tension, stitches and piercing below the mastoid process. Stinking otorrhoea. Polypoid excrescence closes the meatus.

Colds with yellow, slimy expectoration's, or discharge of watery matter. Patient feels generally worse in the evening or in a heated room. Decidedly yellow or yellowish-green discharges from the nose. After Ferr. phos. in colds, if the latter does not produce free perspiration and the skin remains dry. Old catarrh with yellowish, viscous secretion. Nose obstructed, together with yellowish discharge from the nares. Smell lost. Itching of nose.

3. Belladonna 30c Drops
Nightshade herb family. Very powerful medicine for when there is pain in
ear especially right-sided. Take 2-3 drops only in half cup of water.

Keep these remedies always handy for future cold and infections that might lead to Eustachian tube issues. Use German make homeopathy only. Believe me, this will work.

Good luck.


23-01-14, 11:03
Hi, my names Ryan.

I've had a blocked euthracian tube in my left ear for about 2 weeks that developed from a sore throat 3 weeks ago. I went to the GP and he prescribed me a 5 course on amoxicillin, but it's turned out I had a viral ear infection.

I have a constant ringing for 2 weeks, and the pressure in my ear had reduced quite a bit, but it tends to be in the evenings when my ear gets a bit stuffy and I can hearmy voice in my head, when I pinch my nose and close my mouth and blow it pops and crackles.

I think my the pressure in my ear is reducing a little bit every day but the ringinging remains constant. I'm using decongestants when I get a bit stuffy which tends to be first thing in the morning and loads of steam baths.

How long do etds take to clear up? And once the tube opens up again how long before the symptons die down like the pressure feeling and ringing?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm trying to stay positive but I find myself teetering on the edge of a break down some times.

23-01-14, 20:33
I have this too..

It's driven me mad since the summer, even hiccups put pressure on my ears/ head.

I went saw a dr, he gave me nasal spray and omeprazole and it's eased a little. I've got a few more weeks on this med then he said a month on something else before referral to ent.

I have had 3 infections ( in both ears) since August! It's worse when these flare up.

Answer from gp would be good, but just have to se how it goes!

23-01-14, 20:41
Sorry to hear that,

Do you have the ringing sympton?

The pressure isn't to bad, bit weird but it's the ringing I struggle with.

Fingers crossed the spray will work.

23-01-14, 23:52
Yeah, ringing, blocked feeling, can't pop them.. Clicking sounds!

03-06-14, 00:24
I'm suffering the same thing the last 2weeks i think, and like some of you said already the ringing is the worst part! I was wondering how long it took before the ringing stopped with you guys? Right now i've been on nasal decongestand spray and something against allergies for 2weeks and the pressure feeling is slowly but steady going away, the ringing however doesn't (yet)...

El Zilcho
04-06-14, 04:15
I'm suffering from Eustachian Tube problems at the moment.

I caught a cold two weeks ago which got me in pretty bad shape. Then four days after catching the cold, I was lying in my bed trying to get to sleep when I felt a fullness in my right ear and I also heard clicking/popping noises in my ear, along with constant ringing.

I really hoped it wasn't the infection going into my ear, as four years ago, pretty much around this exact time, I caught a cold which then lead to my eardrum perforating and me having the worst summer ever.

The next day, I went to an out of hours doctor as it was a bank holiday here in the UK so my usual doctors surgery was closed for the day. The doctor looked in my ear and gave me Amoxicillin. Two days later I saw my own GP as I've been seeing him since I was born so I pretty much trust him with my life. He told me to stop taking the Amoxicillin as there was no need for it after he looked in my ear and said I had fluid in in it. He told me to give it two weeks and if it's not better, then I should go back and see him. He also told me that swallowing, chewing and stretching my mouth as if I was yawning would open the Eustachian Tube and help the fluid drain. I asked him if the constant ringing would go away and he said it would, but in time.

Around five days later, I went to see my doctor again as I was beginning to get pain in my ear but my doctor was fully booked, so I saw another doctor who I trust quite a bit. I told her the story and she had a look in my ears and said the same thing, that I had fluid in my ear. She also felt behind my ears too and looked down my throat. She asked me if I had heard any "whooshing noises", to which I replied that I had, only two days before seeing her. She told me that that noise was a good sign that it's getting better. I once again asked if the ringing would ever stop and she said that it would gradually diminish over time. She also said placing something hot/warm over my ear would also help and steamy rooms (I'm thinking showers) and also the mouth exercises my other doctor said to do. She also prescribed me some medicine called "Pseudoephedrine", though she called it Sudafed.

I've been taking three of those a days since Monday as prescribed and I don't really feel any change. I have however felt like I've been swallowing some kind of thick substance, which the latter doctor said was coming from my Eustachian Tube. I still feel a little bit of pressure in my ear and the ringing is still there.

I was told by the latter doctor to go back and see her if nothing has changed in a week, so I'll be doing that if needed.

I get the feeling that I may have Glue Ear, but trying to get information from the internet is pointless. I only try medically endorsed/trusted sites, so no Yahoo Answers or anything. Just the NHS website and one called Patient.co.uk. Both sites really don't tell you much about Eustachian Tube problems and they go on about it as if it's a condition that's exclusive to children, which is really frustrating.

It just feels like this is going to be a permanent thing in my life, which is something I'm not taking well. The constant ringing is what's getting to me the most though. It's severely depressing me and it's just leaving me really lethargic and lacking the will to do pretty much anything.

Sorry for the long post, I just had to get it off my chest. If anyone does have any positive outcomes from this type of thing, please say. I just want to know how long other people's Eustachian Tube problems took to go away and if anyone else has been given Pseudoephedrine before and if it helped you out. I also want to know if the constant ringing went away for you too, if you did have it. I had to deal with the constant ringing when my eardrum perforated four years ago and I had to deal with the constant ringing for around four months, which pretty much killed me, and I feel lucky that it did actually go away, but this time around, I really don't think the ringing will ever stop.

06-06-14, 11:50
Think this is an old thread looking at the dates, but I'm glad I found it. I have had this problem for months, along with constantly stuffed up nose. I have seen two docs twice and they are not concerned its serious, but I have got into a total anxiety situation over it. I STUPIDLY googled and the first thing I saw was about people killing themselves over ringing ears. I have to go back to the ent doctor but appointment isn't for three weeks. I'm tired of the stuffed up, squelchy ears and ringing/rumbling and stuffed up head. Like someone else said, people can't see a problem and think 'oh right, yeah, get over it.' I know that a less anxious person wouldn't be as worried or let it take over their lives with anxiety, but we catastrophise and obsess, don't we. Anyway, rant over, just glad to have found this thread, old or not, makes me feel a bit better. Thanks guys.

10-07-14, 15:58
I juat found out I have ear congestion and mucus is pushing against my ear drums. At first it wasn't painful at all and then all of a sudden BOOM the headaches became painful quickly, my ears were in pain and ringing started :p I went to Walgreens since my doctor is at the world cup and I ended up getting this nasal spray that didn't work at all so then they gave me a steroid called Prednisone. I've been on it for almost three days and I feel 50% better considering I play softball and I feel worse after it. I know most of you are probably over with but I'm wondering how long the ringing last? It bothers me the most because I hear high pitch ringing outside and only a low ringing that I can hear when I'm in a silent room. Is it just the fluid pushing against my eardrum causing the ringing? Does placing a heating pad on my ears actually make the pressure go away a little? The thumping is pretty annoying too.

22-08-14, 04:49
The posts are pretty old but Abbyrose your's seems to be the newest so far.. i hope you've cured your blocked ear.. if so any tips? Here is what has happend to me.. over a week ago I had been getting sinus pain around my left eye and headache also stinging left nostril... so after those symptoms went away a couple days later I got a massive left ear pain around midnight, then that whole night I was in pain took a couple pain killers then fell asleep. Woke up with stuffy ear with an ongoing ringing sound... I went doctor he gave me ear drops called otodex.. Hasn't done nothing I think the ear drops don't even go all the way down in there...I basically feel deaf in the left ear very clogged up and constant ringing... feeling very upset. I've tried everything but nothing works...
I'm also very active (run) so this is very distressing to me...I don't know how long I can take the ringing sound... it's really pissing me off! just wanted to share my story... thanks for everyone for sharing theirs...:mad:

27-08-14, 22:11
I have suffers with this for a while and m currently being reffrered it's very miserable and want answer docs jut think y mad,,, I'm beginning to thin it's something serious :(

12-09-14, 09:13
I'm waiting for ENT appointment...ear blockage is really getting me down. In desperation I was going to try Otovent and googled it for success stories. This made me laugh so much my ear nearly unblocked itself. :roflmao:Enjoy! http://youtu.be/cPnCp9bfCGA (http://youtu.be/cPnCp9bfCGA)

12-09-14, 14:22
I just went through this recently. I developed, what I think, was a sinus infection and blocked Eustachian tube. I had went camping with my family and when we got back I noticed I felt off balance when I walked around the house. It got pretty bad, I got head pressure, ear pressure, face pressure. It was so exhausting. I went to see my GP and he told me it was the blocked Eustachian tube and gave me steroid nasal spray. I didn't feel that made any difference so I went and saw my sons E.N.T. He gave me a course of steroid pills and antibiotics and said I had a sinus infection. I did not have any drainage, sore throat, headache, nothing just the pressure and clogged up feeling ear. I took the medication and on the very last day of the 10 day course of antibiotics I noticed I started to feel a lot better. The off balance feeling started to go away and the pressure was going away. Now a month later it's completely gone. I don't think it was bacterial I think it was viral and that is why it took a while to go away. I really hope you feel better soon!!!

---------- Post added at 13:22 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

Oh and the E.N.T suggested Afrin nasal spray. It did help a lot!

09-10-14, 03:48
I see this is old but wanted to share my story in case it could help anyone…and to see if anyone else has ideas. My problems started the tail end of December 2013. I had had congestion and then one morning, I woke up thinking i was hearing the furnace…to realize it was my head! I was freaking out. I called the dr who said it was ear fluid and put me on Nasonex and sudafed. Of course in the meantime I had given myself a brain tumor and all sorts of things. A coupls of days later, I got the ringing in my ears. I thought I was going to go insane. GP gave me an antibiotic. My ears started to clear….but then they felt so raw and sensitive to the slightest sound. And i have 2 little kids so imagine little kids sounds! ENT is not concerned at all. Said it's fluid, sometimes it pulses (the ringing) because of where the fluid may be.

I have major health anxiety in the best of times - but this was so upsetting. Nonstop loud ear ringing. Went to ENT, had a whole battery of audio tests. My hearing was totally fine and ear structure was fine.Dr said it could take a couple of weeks up to a few months…frustrating - but at least there seemed like an end. In the meantime, I had been taking Xanax to sleep.

Now it's October, and it's not resolved. BUT it has gotten better. The ringing is not so loud anymore. And it comes and goes. Most of the time there is a noise…but usually its a background sound, like "shhhhhh." I won't lie, it sucks. But it is a lot more manageable. I bought something called the Otovent (look on Amazon). It's like blowing a ballon with your nose. Sounds weird, but it helps. I still get that "i hear the furnace" whossing sound in my ear. That is the worst when that happens (about monthly) because it's so annoying and makes me think i have a tumor…though logically I know I don't.

I just started seeing a functional medicine doctor. They look at treating the underlying cause, not just the symptoms. So my dr thinks i have inflammation, possibly candida, that may be causing the fluid. Oh! also sometimes my sinuses get really sore…like if I tap on them I get a vibrating feeling…especially when my ears are feeling full.

Very long I know, but wanted to share. I have to believe that if there is no structural cause that we will be healed. Everything I've read says it takes a while. A looooong while. Supplements (under the direction of a doctor), diet, chewing gum and other thins I am sure will help. Please share your tips and successes!

09-10-14, 21:04
[QUOTE=Dan21;1017989]Hello again.

I posted last week as I've had a full feeling in my ear for a week. I had a pretty bad bout of flu a couple of weeks ago and this ear problem came on a few days after the flu had eased. I went to the doctors because as well as the full feeling my hearing in the left ear has dropped to about 70% and it sounds like someone has turned the bass up in that ear also. It's a really, really horrible sensation that is there from morning til night. It does appear to ease a bit during the day but it's worse early morning and late evening. There is also a constant tinnitus that is extremely frustrating.

The doctor said that there is fluid behind my ear and it will get better on it's own but I've been on antibiotics for two days now with no real change. She said that the fluid causes an imbalance in the inner ear and should drain off in a week or two but SURELY there should have been even the smallest improvement after a week of impaired hearing?? I feel so helpless with this, if I'd broken my leg I could rest or if I had a cut I know it'd heal but after Googling how long it takes for eustachian tubes to drain it seems like this could be a permanent problem as many seem to not get better. Plus, there are people saying that this could be a sign of a benign tumour...which is doing my health anxiety no end of good.

If anyone has had any experience of similar I'd love to hear how long it took to clear up for you.


Oh my god, I could have written this myself!!!! I have EXACTLY the same problem at the moment x

10-10-14, 07:32
Yes I have had this it last ages !!!!! I get it and then dosnt unblock untill atleast 6 months it's horrible hope u feel better soon x

23-04-15, 15:43
Hi Everyone,

Appears I am the newest with this problem. About 2 weeks ago I had a flu/cold. I recovered (or so I thought) after about 5 days. Went on normally for 2 days. Then I started to feel my ears plug. Stupidly, I had a hot shower and let the water pressure flow right into both ears for awhile, thinking it would help. I think I made the problem way worse. It is now 5 days later, and I can hardly hear out of both ears. My left ear is significantly worse. It's been ear pressure and some minor pain, but I'm dealing with massive tinnitus in both ears. The ringing never stops. I can totally relate to you all, as it is depressing and I have started to wonder if this is something that's going to go away at all. I've seen a doctor and he said I had an outer ear infection in both ears and prescribed me Locacorten Vioform ear drops. I've used them for 3 days and have not found any improvement yet. I am to go back in a week if my ears don't improve. I am feeling desperate, googling the topic and trying random things. I've tried ear wax drops, rubbing alcohol/vinegar drops, steamy showers, blow drying in ear, bought a humidifier but nothing helps. It is easy to cycle into serious depression with the results found on the net on this topic. That's why I've promised myself that if I improve I will definitely write about it. I am trying to remain optimistic although it is VERY difficult. Looking for any similar situations and recovery stories would be appreciated.

29-04-15, 21:48
UPDATE: So it's been over a week that my ears have been plugged as well as having non stop tinnitus. Sometimes I wonder if my hearing is getting better but I think I'm just getting used to the loss of hearing/tinnitus. I don't think there has been any improvement. Ear drops cleared my outer ear infection but that was it. I have an ENT appointment in one week. Will provide an update after that. After researching extensively, I think I have glue ear though it's just a guess. Hoping the ENT will give me a diagnosis. I found a product online called Otovent. It's supposed to help drain fluid trapped in the middle ear and treat glue ear. The positive reviews are hard to ignore. I ordered one and am waiting on that. Will update on the results. Just one thing to anyone else going through this, it DOES get easier coping with the hearing loss and tinnitus. You start to get used to it.

04-09-15, 23:39
I saw a general practitioner several months ago and he told me there was fluid in the left middle ear only that can be seen through the eardrum (with a scope). He prescribed pills for vertigo (off-balance feeling) and told me it generally goes away on its own. Mine did not and lately I read about it and learned what a myringotomy is ($2000-2500 USD). But in this website, I saw that Sudafed is commonly used to reduce congestion in the eusatachian tube(s). Today is my second day with 1 tablet of Sudafed 12-hour upon waking up. The ringing and slight off-balance feeling has diminished. After a week or 10 days, I will reassess. I am a fortunate person to be very healthy in all ways (no pains, good heart, etc. even at age 64). I don't drink or smoke or use any drugs. For those with a smart quip ready, remember what John Bradshaw said: " using chemicals is an attempt to mask your emotional pain ". I always remembered it and he did coin the phrase 'dysfunctional family' and ran the 10 part PBS series on 'The Family'.
The point is that for me... it's likely just a blocked eustachian tube after a late winter cold and Sudafed will take a week or so to relieve it. I am drinking more water to thin my mucous membrane secretions and make the tubes self-flush (they empty in the back of the throat... what fellows call "hawking up an oyster" is a crude way to describe coughing up the drainage from the eustachian tubes. I remind myself of what fellows at work called the 'Mike Jones Rule', which was " Don't assume it is something complicated and difficult. It's probably something simple or stupid " referring to a mainframe computer problem. Our own health needs a doctor on occasion, but do not assume or dream up complications that do not really exist.

07-09-15, 03:25
Hey, are the doctors able to see that our tube is blocked? Been feeling lightheaded and head spacy feeling for a week and my ears feel blocked with pressure. No much pain though... quite worried and thinking of going to see the doc...

12-09-15, 18:35
I know how you feel...I'm already deaf in one ear due to a mastoid operation years ago...which only leaves my left good ear..I too love my music..and up to a couple of weeks ago had never had any real problems..until I had a wax build up which I eventually got syringed out..though now my one good ear is blocked from the inside?...taking the usual Suderfed decongestants..prescribed nasal spray and regular menthol inhalations (face over a steaming bowl) though its only starting to crackle (on high pitched sounds) that's all I can hear..no phone.t.v or conversations!..the odd pop (air bubble?) from inside my inner ear tubes..and a constant rushing tinnitus ,though it feels my ear is still blocked?....again all very annoying...trouble is no one seems to bothered about it..doctor has referred me back to ENT .which will take Months ..so so frustrating ;-(

16-11-15, 17:22
I also have this problem I currently have a cold and my ears feel sticky I guess when I swallow and I hear a ringing in my ear which is more or less constant, pretty frustrating.

I'm currently taking beconase for it which I was told to use by the doctor, my nose feels like blocked so I can breath better buy my dang ear is still ringing! Been using this for around 3 days.

Currently thinking about using sudafed to help.

I think we all want to hear a success story! Haha life goes on

17-11-15, 08:24
I had a blocked tube for 3 weeks there is still a little bit of fluid in them but they are a lot better than they were

17-11-15, 09:25
Did you have the ear ringing? gadgirl :)

28-11-15, 16:36
I think I have this too. No infection, no fluid, no appearent pressure, but I feel the pressure and a funny echo on high notes. Dr. found hearing loss on the high notes.

It started during my cold a few weeks ago, my ear was completely blocked and painful for a few days. But Dr says it had nothing to do with the cold. He gave me medication for ear pressure (even though he said he could not see any pressure??).

This just adds to my list of strange unfamiliar symptoms and sensations, and I'm nervous. Reading here, I can see it may take time to clear up, that's good to know, beacuse I was nervous that I could not feel any change after one day of medication.

28-11-15, 20:06
Did you have the ear ringing? gadgirl :)

Oh yes i did, very loud ear ringing that would send me into a panic attack :(

01-12-15, 07:47
I can only hear the noise now when my ear is against a pillow it's like a low pitched whistle noise that flickers on and off. Very strange.

I've learned to get used to it and ignore it, but i can still hear it at night.

I'm currently getting slight symptoms of another cold though.. Which is worrying because I don't want it to get worse. So I'm gonna do everything to keep my cold at bay.

19-01-16, 17:03
I've had these symptoms since mid-Dec. Anyone found any relief yet? :hugs:

23-01-16, 17:50
I'm panicking. I've had headaches on the left side which have more or less gone. Since Aug last year I've had cracking in my right ear. Someone liked in it and said it looked congested but st the time I used my antihistamines as I have hay fever. Now it's back after a cold although I have no dullness it hearing loss it's started to feel like a guitar string is being twanged if that makes sense. When I tilt my head it goes. Obvs I've put two and two together headaches + earaches means something terrible! Help anyone??

23-01-16, 18:12
Mine have been doing it since last month, I went swimming a couple of times and my ears have not been right since!

02-03-16, 02:57
[QUOTE=Dan21;1017989]Hello again.

I posted last week as I've had a full feeling in my ear for a week. I had a pretty bad bout of flu a couple of weeks ago and this ear problem came on a few days after the flu had eased. I went to the doctors because as well as the full feeling my hearing in the left ear has dropped to about 70% and it sounds like someone has turned the bass up in that ear also. It's a really, really horrible sensation that is there from morning til night. It does appear to ease a bit during the day but it's worse early morning and late evening. There is also a constant tinnitus that is extremely frustrating.

The doctor said that there is fluid behind my ear and it will get better on it's own but I've been on antibiotics for two days now with no real change. She said that the fluid causes an imbalance in the inner ear and should drain off in a week or two but SURELY there should have been even the smallest improvement after a week of impaired hearing?? I feel so helpless with this, if I'd broken my leg I could rest or if I had a cut I know it'd heal but after Googling how long it takes for eustachian tubes to drain it seems like this could be a permanent problem as many seem to not get better. Plus, there are people saying that this could be a sign of a benign tumour...which is doing my health anxiety no end of good.

If anyone has had any experience of similar I'd love to hear how long it took to clear up for you.



i've also been told to wait, its been 6 weeks for me, started a few days after i gotr over a bad cold and flu, when it didnt go away for 2 weeks i seen my doctor who said i have a huge infection, was perscribed antibiotics an told to softly blow my nose after 3 or 4 days, after antibiotics finnished in 2 weeks, i had very little relieve, went back and seen the doctor who said infection is gone but he sees water, said it could take months in some cases, i can hear slightly better than first 3 weeks but he also made a fax call for ent to call me for appointment to eliminate all other posibilities, but reading here it does seem to take some time, ill try the steam an sudafed as all he told me is it takes time and to try synex which is a salt nasal spray, i'm going nuts here as i feel completly off balance at work in car or anywhere theres noise., an when i crack my neck it sounds like metal in that ear, i want it gone and im scared of the appointment he made to eliminate all posibilities although he doesnt seem worried about it, just said to wait it out, easy for him to say, glad i seen these posts though, makes me feel like im not alone in this

21-08-16, 20:06
I'm on week four of this ear issue. Started as a horrible ear infection, which finally drained all the fluid one week ago and now the last week my ear feels clogged. Been on antibiotics, drops, oral and prednisone. As well as sudafed, nose spray and Zyrtec.

Tried alcohol/vinegar solution, peroxide, steam with lavender oil, straight lavender oil, olive oil. Nothing is working.

Tomorrow is going back to urgent care for the fourth time as I have to travel for work the following week and will have four flights for the next six weeks.

22-08-16, 05:10
I have had this before also. I feel for you, as it is a total pain in the bum, when you are constantly pressing on your ear to try and unblock it but nothing works. Unfortunately, it can take around 3 months or longer to rectify itself. I had antibiotics, ears syringed out, nasal spray, whatever they said, I did it and nothing helped. I had some really bad bouts of vertigo where I was vomiting because of the dizziness. I got tested for Meniers disease (which I was sure I had because I had it for so many months and it didn't get any better). Then miraculously it fixed itself. Unfortunately (and I know you don't want to hear this), you probably do have fluid in your middle ear and the only thing that will make it any better is waiting for it to clear. Hope it doesn't take too long. Tracy

25-08-16, 09:57
I'm so glad I found this thread. I'm currently dealing with muffled hearing and tinnitus in my left ear for about 2 weeks now. I'm not sure if infection or my TMJ is the culprit. Anyways, both the tinnitus and muffled hearing is really annoying and it's hard to function normally. Personally, I'd rather have a toothache and there's not much things worse than a toothache, but at least you can get some relief from it. It doesn't help that I've been Googling and reading that people that has had issues with the eustachian tube to deal with it for months and even years to resolve. It's been just two weeks for me and it's already driving me mad. :(

10-09-16, 18:47

I'm really glad I stumbled across this forum. I've secretly been worrying about all aspects of being sick and thought I was having a breakdown!

The most recent episode has been waking up with this blocked feeling in my ear. My right one seems to be worst than my left, but it's not overly painful. Just has a pressure feeling in my neck and my head. I feel like I can pop my ears when I swallow while holding my nose, or holding my nose and blowing - but this really gets me light headed.

I wanted to know if anyone's ever had pain in their mouth from this? I recently had surgery to remove a gland from my mouth on my left side, and now my right is acting up. I seen a private surgeon who has told me three times that he can't see any obstruction on my right side. I'm just wondering if perhaps the symptoms from my ear line up with the pain in my mouth. The pain does come closer to the back of mouth/connection to my through so seems to make sense.

I'm really sorry for everyone who has had this for a while - it's really been with me for 2 weeks on full and it really is disrupting my life. I can't stop panicking about how long it will lost and also this pain in my mouth that my surgeon can't give me an answer for. I was supposed to be going on holiday in the next few days but I'm gonna struggle to face it.

09-10-16, 17:30
I'm so glad I found this thread. I'm currently dealing with muffled hearing and tinnitus in my left ear for about 2 weeks now. I'm not sure if infection or my TMJ is the culprit. Anyways, both the tinnitus and muffled hearing is really annoying and it's hard to function normally. Personally, I'd rather have a toothache and there's not much things worse than a toothache, but at least you can get some relief from it. It doesn't help that I've been Googling and reading that people that has had issues with the eustachian tube to deal with it for months and even years to resolve. It's been just two weeks for me and it's already driving me mad. :(

Two months, 5 trips to the ENT doctor, and 3 bottles of ear drops later, I'm still suffering from muffled hearing, reduced hearing and tinnitus. It's the tinnitus that's really the most bothersome. My last visit to the doctor, he told me everything is normal (no obstructions and my eardrum has healed well), and attributes the symptoms I'm still feeling to possibly sinus/allergies. I feel so frustrated and hopeless at this point. :(

09-10-16, 19:45
My son (19 years old) has exactly the same thing. He went to the doctor and was told he had glue ear. Prescribed a steroid nasal spray and antibiotics (???!) and told if it doesn't clear up he may have to have an operation to fit grommets. Glue ear is unusual in adults as the tubes normally grow wide enough to drain the ear, but in some cases this doesn't happen - hence the glue ear.

Did you have ear problems as a child? Do any of your family suffer from ear trouble? It is often hereditary.

12-10-16, 18:00
So I went to another ENT doctor and apparently I now have a fungal ear infection, which probably developed from the overuse of otic antibiotics (I consumed 3 bottles). I also have a suspicion that the first ENT doctor caused my eardrum perforation as I felt severe sharp pain in my ear after he used a small stick to clean it out in my follow-up visit. This new ENT doctor used a suction instead so I'm wondering why the first ENT doctor kept using that small stick to clean my ear. Anyways, the tinnitus has reduced a bit, although it probably won't totally go away until my eardrum completely heal (whenever that is). I'm managing well, but I gotta say that the fungal ear drops are the worst. They burn inside the ear so bad. But hopefully everything will be fine after this course.

12-10-16, 18:06
Fingers crossed everything resolves nothing when it's your ears throws everything off x

Anne Marie
20-01-17, 16:28
I had the flu which seemed to go on for 4 weeks. Usual Catarrh issues. Then I got a very bad sore throat which lasted about a week. About 5 days ago I woke up to spend a penny. I got out of bed and stumbled round the bed to the loo. I felt I was being pulled to the left. I stumbled into the wardrobe then the door frame and round into the loo. I wobbled over to the loo and sat down and everything seemed to be moving even though I was still - worse than if I had been on a boat for a fortnight. I wobbled back to bed not bumping into anything on the way back till I got to the bed and then bumped into the bed (things reversed from going to the loo and going back. I prayed that I wasn't going to die before I saw the doctor. I slept and in the morning I tried to get up but I was so dizzy. My head was swimmy. I felt spaced out. My ears felt full. There was pain in them both. I tried to get up but the sensation of being pulled to one side was much worse and the vertigo was extreme as was the dizziness in my sinuses. My husband tried to get me up but I couldn't move for the vertigo and dizziness. I could see also that my husband was worrying but trying to hide his fear and trying to be positive about it. I asked him to get me the phone and I phoned the doctor. The surgery was shut for another 1/2 hour. It was a very long 1/2 hour. When I got through I spoke to the doctor and told him EVERYTHING. I had an upset stomach from the vertigo. He said it was an inner ear problem and explained how it works. He sent round some Prochlorperazine tablets for the giddiness, but I looked at the side effects and that they were an anti psychotic drug and never took them. I remembered that ginger is supposed to help with motion sickness and I had some in the fridge so I took one which helped, but as ginger gives me bad stomach upsets I didn't take it again. The dose is too strong. I will send off for some ginger oil so i can take less and find my 'balance' (no pun intended :)) for dosage. I took sudafed but it is a stimulant and I felt on edge and couldn't sleep. I know sudafed raises the blood pressure so I stopped taking that. Also, they upset my stomach. Then I took elderberry syrup which shrinks mucous membranes to make mucous drain easier. It works like sudafed but without the side effects also it is anti bacterial and anti viral. I also took a supplement called N-acetyl cysteine (N.A.C.) which thins the mucous. Talk about rivers of the stuff. My sinuses have released so much gunk but my stomach was so upset today. I don't know whether it was the elderberry or the amount of mucous which was draining down my throat. Today I have felt worse but now my stomach is feeling better after taking Bentonite clay, my head doesn't feel as spacey. I am still off balance though. My daughter in law took NAC for her COPD and she breathes much easier now. She is 50% improved. You take 1 a day. Mucous is constantly flowing down my throat.
I have ordered some Golden seal herb which unblocks and gets rid of all sorts of mucous whether it is hard or runny. I read about someone who had the same symptoms and she consulted Dr. Google and she came up with drinking lots of water and taking magnesium. Well, after she wobbled to the kitchen and drank a few glasses of water, she felt a lot better but not cured. She started taking magnesium capsules, ( or like me, use magnesium oil if you are sensitive to magnesium capsules) She is a year now without any symptoms. I saved the article but cannot find it at the moment. I take co codamol for my arthritic pain and they dehydrate so dehydration is a major cause of vertigo. Maybe the mucous gets so hard that it cannot drain. I suffer from Rheumatoid arthritis and so I have to be careful what I take. Read about detox and stagnant lymph. It could help. I will try to find the article and let you know it so you can read it. I am also going to start olive leaf tincture as it is anti viral/anti bacterial.

edit: I cannot find the article I was saying about but try Dr Axe on how to get rid of vertigo
I must also mention that during the worst of this my eyes were totaly out of control. The felt like they were wobbling or jerking to one side without my permission.

24-01-17, 02:39
Hello. Anne Marie. I totally understand your frustration. Here is my story.Probably starting Jan 3 or 4th I came down with a cold that had me super stuffy. I noticed that my ears were feeling full, but didn't think anything of it because I had pressure in ears in the past and symptoms would eventually go away. Fast forward the following week on Jan 11th , I was laying on the chair on my right side and all of a sudden my hearing went dim. I didn't understand what was going on...I started to panic. The days following I was frantically searching for things that had symptoms such as "water in ear", "ear fullness". I came across a lot of information about ETD. Although ETD didn't seem life threatening or I wasn't thrilled to know that the symptoms can last a few weeks or months!!! YIKES!!! So, decided on this Monday Jan 16th to go to urgent care to see if they could give me some assurance. To my surprise the physician assistant told me I had ETD ( fluid behind the eardrum)!! He prescribed me afrin nasal spray(which i discontinued after three days)and sudafed. For the most part, I would say that the stuffiness has subsided , but I am still battling with the crunch when I yawn or swallow and a little bit of pressure. I also feel that my ear is ringing a little and I still may have a little phlegm left. I also think my brain is super focused on it, and it just seems like this thing is taking so long to clear up. But, good thing I can hear and its not like an ocean in my ear like the first day. When the ear was plugged I was steaming with tea tree oil . I think I might start that again. Anybody else have any encouraging words or success stories behind this condition? I am trying to stop my anxiety from thinking that the ear would get worse or turn to glue ear. I JUST WANT THIS thing to go away!!!! LORD!! I have to constantly give folks a disclaimer, because as I am walking in public I am always adjusting my mouth to try and unstick and see if the noise has subsided. I was reading that Sudafed with Mucinex is a good combo, so I am going to try that out to see how that goes as well. Please share your story if you empathize with me. I am praying that we all have deliverance soon!!!!!!!#eustachiantubedysfunction

03-02-17, 00:53
[QUOTE=Anne Marie;1637524]. I also took a supplement called N-acetyl cysteine (N.A.C.) which thins the mucous. Talk about rivers of the stuff.

ANNE MARIE, the ETD I have developed from a lot of work done on both ears to get rid of otitis externa and then the weeping ears is going to put me into the psychiatric ward!!! I can't stand this! How much of the N.A.C. did you take???? I want to try it. TY

Anne Marie
06-02-17, 12:16
Hello, Sorry its been a long time getting back to you. I forgot my password. Any way...N.A.C. comes in 600 mg capsules. Just one a day. I took mine with elderberry as elderberry shrinks the mucous membranes, hence why rivers of the stuff. I stopped elderberry as I read it has laxative effects, which I found to be true. Mucous doesn't flow so fast without elderberry. but it still thins the mucous. You need to look up about how the lymph system and mucous are all connected. My glands in my throat are still swollen and my ears are not as full as they were. Vertigo is mild now. I am drinking 1 litre of water a day in addition to my HOT drinks. Hot drinks make mucous flow easier. I have about 4 half pint cups of barleycup every day. This extra fluid will thin and make my lymph flow. I can feel it move from the back of my ears and down to my throat then to the base of my throat and out. It feels like thick jam moving. The back of my head doesn't feel so pressured now either. When the lymph is clear and flowing then there won't be a back up of mucous. I have to stop now so after lunch I will come back with where you can find out about lymph. It has been three weeks now since my vertigo started. 2 months after my flu started.

Here we are . . . The Best Herbs to Cleanse the Lymphatic System by Dr. John Douillard. He explains it all and it makes perfect sense to me.

26-02-17, 12:53
Its been a few years but I'm writing to help anyone who reads this thread looking for solutions! Acupuncture drains the eustachian tube in about 5 mins! Please try it. Got to a reputable acupuncturist and tell them about your blocked eustachian tube. They should place a needle or two in the top of your head, about an inch back from your forehead. It is amazing. I turn to acupuncture for literally everything. Plus if your eustachian tube is blocked due to tmj then acupuncture can treat that too. Doctors won't ever mention it because its outside their area of expertise and is an entirely different school of thought but bottom line is it works so please give it a go. Xx

24-03-17, 18:33
Ok,I am amongst the blocked eustachion tube group as well now. I had a bad head cold just about 5 weeks ago. A few days after I started feeling better my left ear suddenly felt blocked,full ,it felt like it had too much pressure as if I had been in a high elevation and could not pressurize my ear properly. Also, very intense ringing sometimes humming associated with it,and amplified sounds. Now ,I already suffer from tinnitus,but this is entirely different and much worse. I finally went to the ENT a week in a half ago ,he told me my ear was not retracted at all,I didn't have any fluid or infection. He told me my eustachion tube was swollen and told me to take a steroid dose pack and use rhinocort. Well,I can not take steroid dose pack it makes me extremely ill and anxious. But I do already currently use nasaocort AQ for my sinuses. The Dr. Ordered me to use rhinocort. I used it for 2 days and it made me feel miserable! Very high anxiety ,nauseous, head was very cloudy. So, googled as usual,and read that many people have suffered same side affects from Rhinocort. I than started using my nasacort again,only apparently I hadn't been using it correctly. There is a correct way to use steroid nasal spray for it to reach your eustachion tube by tilting your head down and angling the nasal spray just right. The ENT did not tell me this. Also,I can not take sudefed or and decongestants,they all make my heart race terribly. Yes I am one of those people ��. My symptoms now are disoriented at times,head cloudiness,left ear ringing and humming ,as well as constant crackling and popping and fullness. Oh..and AMPLIFIED sounds that make my ear feel like it's going to explode just by the sound of water running ,as well as my own voice at times. Now,last night it popped so much that it actually feels slightly different today,as iff a tiny airway has opened but not enough. I am on my fifth week of feeling this way and my 9th day of using nasacort and heating pad. I contacted the ENT again today and the nurse told me there is nothing I can do but wait and if persist after 2 more weeks or so to make an appt with an allergist. I feel like I am going crazy here. I don't want to leave the house to do anything because I live in the mountains and the change in altitude make my ear feel much worse ,and I just don't feel focused or good enough to leave the house. I am trying to remain positive that this will go away,but it is difficult when I read many of the unsuccessful stories on here. It I have read some positive outcomes and that is reassuring. I wil post on here again if I see any changes in the next couple weeks! I Ann not giving up hope,I will continue to take long hot showers,use the heating pad and my nasacort until this terrible annoyance subsides. I am glad I am not alone on here.

SETD-swollen eustachion tube disfunction ��

24-03-17, 21:07
Have a blocked ear w/ fluid too, due to a sinus infection & allergies. Been a couple of months & it's a pain in the rear end. Doctor gave me allergy meds & a nasal spray, said it can take time to clear up.

30-03-17, 17:52
Ok,I am amongst the blocked eustachion tube group as well now. I had a bad head cold just about 5 weeks ago. A few days after I started feeling better my left ear suddenly felt blocked,full ,it felt like it had too much pressure as if I had been in a high elevation and could not pressurize my ear properly. Also, very intense ringing sometimes humming associated with it,and amplified sounds. Now ,I already suffer from tinnitus,but this is entirely different and much worse. I finally went to the ENT a week in a half ago ,he told me my ear was not retracted at all,I didn't have any fluid or infection. He told me my eustachion tube was swollen and told me to take a steroid dose pack and use rhinocort. Well,I can not take steroid dose pack it makes me extremely ill and anxious. But I do already currently use nasaocort AQ for my sinuses. The Dr. Ordered me to use rhinocort. I used it for 2 days and it made me feel miserable! Very high anxiety ,nauseous, head was very cloudy. So, googled as usual,and read that many people have suffered same side affects from Rhinocort. I than started using my nasacort again,only apparently I hadn't been using it correctly. There is a correct way to use steroid nasal spray for it to reach your eustachion tube by tilting your head down and angling the nasal spray just right. The ENT did not tell me this. Also,I can not take sudefed or and decongestants,they all make my heart race terribly. Yes I am one of those people ��. My symptoms now are disoriented at times,head cloudiness,left ear ringing and humming ,as well as constant crackling and popping and fullness. Oh..and AMPLIFIED sounds that make my ear feel like it's going to explode just by the sound of water running ,as well as my own voice at times. Now,last night it popped so much that it actually feels slightly different today,as iff a tiny airway has opened but not enough. I am on my fifth week of feeling this way and my 9th day of using nasacort and heating pad. I contacted the ENT again today and the nurse told me there is nothing I can do but wait and if persist after 2 more weeks or so to make an appt with an allergist. I feel like I am going crazy here. I don't want to leave the house to do anything because I live in the mountains and the change in altitude make my ear feel much worse ,and I just don't feel focused or good enough to leave the house. I am trying to remain positive that this will go away,but it is difficult when I read many of the unsuccessful stories on here. It I have read some positive outcomes and that is reassuring. I wil post on here again if I see any changes in the next couple weeks! I Ann not giving up hope,I will continue to take long hot showers,use the heating pad and my nasacort until this terrible annoyance subsides. I am glad I am not alone on here.

SETD-swollen eustachion tube disfunction ��

Ok-it is March 30- my ear issues became much worse and now is in both ears. I made a dr. Appt with my PCP yesterday-and she told me I had fluid in both ears and that both ears were bulged outward which is causing the pressure I have. Now ,just 2 weeks ago I went the the ENT who told me I had no fluid or anything visibly wrong ! I knew that to be untrue. The ENT told me it was most likely swollen E tubes. I will never go back to him again. While I was at my PCP visit yesterday she gave me a shot of toradol for inflammation (I can't take steroids ,on nasal spray,my reactions are too bad) and I am currently taking 800mg of ibuprofen 3xD for 5-7 days. Since the toradol shot I have already noticed a difference in my pressure and ringing..I hope I continue on this path.this is the best I have felt since this entire thing started over a month ago. I did get a referral to see another ENT so I will be making that appt as well after I complete my 5-7 days of ibuprofen. That toradol shot made a huge difference in my opinion! I will update everyone in a couple weeks. I wish recovery to all of you,myself included. I don't remember crying so much and feeling so alone in during all of this,even though my wife has been wonderful,it's just if you haven't been through it,you will never get it. My life has been on hold..and I am hoping it won't be for much longer.

06-06-17, 16:00
Glad Toradol has given you some relief. I think anything that relieves inflammation tends to be helpful. I've had sinus and ear problems since 1972 and have literally been to about 100 doctors. I have learned that I am very allergic to various pollens and dust. Consequently, I take over the counter antihistamines almost daily along with a steroidal nasal spray. I'm also subject to sinus infections, which can take months to clear. Certain foods make my symptoms (ear pain, head pressure, lethargy, irritability, anxiety and depression) much worse. So, I avoid all alcohol and spicy foods. I also try to avoid highly processed foods. Perhaps antihistamines and avoiding certain foods can augment what you're already doing. At this time, I have fullness in my left ear with constant crackling and throbbing. I suspect it's not an infection, but an allergic reaction to late spring pollens and dust; the swelling now possibly worsened by a change in barometric pressure (it's been very rainy off and on). Typically, I feel better in the middle of summer, when the weather where I live is pretty stable and there is no pollen in the air that I'm allergic to. I know what you're going through. In the spring of 1972, I felt so horrible in terms of head pain and pressure that I feared I had meningitis. It felt like my head would explode. It was hard to think and feel motivated to do anything, and I felt absolutely miserable. Fortunately, I'm not nearly as bad as that today and haven't been in decades, so hang in there. Since Toradol helps you, I would push for that so that you can at least get from day to day until a doctor gives you an effective treatment plan. I literally thought I might be going crazy because I had gone from feeling fantastic and in love with life to feeling horrible within 24 hours back in 1972, and -- like you -- I was feeling very down and isolated. Doctors were not very helpful, sorry to say, especially back then when they did not have the benefit of the technologies they have today. I've had six operations on my sinuses, which have helped a little. Last year, I had balloon surgery, which helped significantly, but the left side of my head did not respond nearly as well as the right side. Interestingly, at age 64, the right side of my head feels just fine for the first time in many years, but the left side (especially my ear) is chronically problematic. I keep searching for answers. It's very possible that you'll make a complete recovery, as certain underlying problems (for example, an overlooked or ineffectively treated fungal or bacterial infection) can take months to clear on their own. The body can very often recover -- simply with time, proper food and adequate rest. But, I pray medical intervention will cure you very soon.

29-07-17, 21:19
Just wanted to see if I could trouble any of you for any updates on how your blocked tubes (hopefully) resolved? It happened to me and just trying to put my mind at ease. Reading forums is helpful and scary at the same time!

I came down with a low grade fever 2 weeks ago that transitioned to a cold/sinus thing that led to my right ear clogging up and fierce ringing. Went to a doc who told me she didn't see any infection in the ear, but looked like there was pressure and fluid on the ear drum. She gave me an antibiotic anyway just since it had been a week. After not seeing any change in a few days, went back to a doc who gave me prednisone and said my eustachian tubes were blocked.

The ringing is about to drive me insane. Just was hoping to hear some news on how anyone has beaten this. It's miserable!

11-08-17, 16:14
I am having real problems with my ear for the last 3/4 months - ear feels slightly blocked and my face on that side hurts. Ent said it was probably tmj but wants to put a camera there just in case and I am awaiting referral - this worries me.

11-08-17, 16:45
i've always had issues with my ears, several times a year my family would travel to california and the changing altitude would give me a ton of problems and it was painful to say the least. i've always had popping in my ears, ringing, different sounds like little beeps here and there, and several ear infections growing up. i think i grew out of the infections but the stopped up feeling and ringing has remained. and one time i actually ruptured the left membrain which did'nt help my situation at all. im now 26 with no hearing problems and nothing has gotten worse so im sure its safe to say that its just an issue i have to live with. sure getting tubes put in may fix the problem but i never gave it much thought as i've dealt with it as far back as i can remember. i remember being in kindergarten standing in the lunch line and my ears got a stopped up feeling and i heard weird beeping noises. ive had hearing tests and had my ears checked once and they never said much.gaving tubes put in to drain your ears may be your only option but i hear its not so bad so id say go for it if its a problem that bothers you.

11-08-17, 19:17
My Eustachian tube in right ear has been blocked for 6 years now. Ear is muffled and i can feel it being stuffed up. Hope yours resolves sooner than mine lol. I did all the sprays the ENT provided with no relief.

11-08-17, 20:30
Mine resolved after a few weeks. I had them syringed twice and that helped a lot, which surprised me as the Dr told me that the fluid was most likely behind the ear drum, but it really helped with the muffled hearing and spaced out feeling that I was getting.

30-11-17, 09:35
I too have been suffering from blocked ears everyday for the past month and it all started out as a little plugged then fluid behind middle left ear then course of antibiotics and told had sinus infection then went away but fluid remaining in left ear then have had fluid in right ear and now still both ears for 4 mos now then I woke one-day didn't notice it til I was eating and ears would plug up then it got worse went to doctor put back on antibiotics and still same for a month now still ears block up seems worse at night and early morning I'm very nervous about this as I have anixity disorder and I have been having ringing in ears too and hard to speak at times as my ear or ears will echo kinda back into ear when talking and hurts and hard to hear wat I'm saying to people please help any suggestions I tried takeing predisone and seems all it did was open up nose passages more and made ears worse I've had phelm lots of it comes and goes at times but fluid still remains any suggestions as I'm freaking out about this especially the fluid being in there so long wrryed about my hearing being damaged

29-01-18, 09:41
does anyone had balance problem while walking with tinnitus ???? i am having this problem for last 2-3 month it getting worse day by day... plz help