View Full Version : What could this be ?

25-07-12, 23:47
Ok so after putting 2 stone on in the last year I seem to be getting heart burn all most every single day I hate it wish it never existed and it's now affecting my anxiety I am to paranoid to go to the doctor incase somthing wrong so I stick to gaviscon and peptobismol witch works ok most of the time .

So this is my main worry at the moment :weep:

25-07-12, 23:50
Hello. What's your diet like? Its probably some thing you are eating. Onions give me really bad heartburn xx

25-07-12, 23:54
try Omeprazole - very good for it but really the doc should examine you and then prescribe it if necessary

26-07-12, 09:51
try Omeprazole - very good for it but really the doc should examine you and then prescribe it if necessary

i get paranoid about taking differant types of medicinse home

26-07-12, 12:08
It is very good for indigestion etc.

26-07-12, 18:36
I used to get stints of bad heartburn, a combination of diet, being over weight and too much alcohol was to blame? I figured out that fried bacon was a pretty reliable trigger for my burn.

I used to munch on Pepcid 2 which worked very well but it seems you can't get them any more?

I even resorted to eating the chalk in the pub if I ran out of antacids which used to go down well with the darts players:D


26-07-12, 21:45
try coconut water, it's a natural heart burn remedy it may help xx

27-07-12, 09:00

I get this from time to time and normally a months supply of tablets from the doctor does the trick.

My doctor said it's just acid reflux and once everything becomes inflamed you just need something to reduce the acid in the stomach for a while so the inflammation can calm down.

Don't worry it's really common but do go to your doctor, they will normally just want to examine you so they can prescribe something to alleviate the symptoms.

Take Care

27-07-12, 09:01
I used to get stints of bad heartburn, a combination of diet, being over weight and too much alcohol was to blame? I figured out that fried bacon was a pretty reliable trigger for my burn.

I used to munch on Pepcid 2 which worked very well but it seems you can't get them any more?

I even resorted to eating the chalk in the pub if I ran out of antacids which used to go down well with the darts players:D


hahaha thats brilliant

28-07-12, 00:22
I had problems like this recently and was diagnosed with gastritis which is an inflamed stomach lining. I was given lansoprazole and took it for a month and ate really bland food, rice and boiled veg, toast and some cereal and drank lots of water. I also took enteric coated peppermint oil in capsule form from the health food shop. It all cleared up and I am fine and if you just look after yourself and go and have a chat with your GP I am sure you will be fine very soon.

28-07-12, 18:40
Thank you