View Full Version : "World's Maddest Job Interview" C4 10pm 25/7/12

26-07-12, 00:03
Just finished watching this. Anyone put off by the slightly sensationalist title missed a really interesting and thought-provoking programme.

Briefly 8 people were put in front of 3 prospective employers and also in front of two mental health "experts" with a view to seeing if they could figure out which of the 8 had had mental health issues in the past. Amongst the issues some had had were severe depression, eating disorders, OCD, Bi-Polar etc...

Not only did the "experts" frequently fail to make a correct diagnosis, the people chosen amongst the top 3 for potential employment were largely those who had experienced mental health issues. The employers admitted that they would initially, if in full posession of the medical history of the candidates, would not have employed some of the people concerned, though they changed their tune at the end.

Whilst always a bit cynical about reading too much into a one and a half hour TV programme, I admit I found it fascinating. I do have a vested interest, I am fortunate enough to be in employment with an employer I have worked for for many years, but have suffered severe depression on and off for at least 20 years, culminating in requiring psychiatric assistance 2 years ago-I do not wish to go into too much detail on this as I am moving forward but it is relevant.

I was off for a long time with this situation, my employer stuck by me. Many friends have said how lucky I am to have such a supportive employer-whilst I understand where they are coming from I should point out that a large proportion of the problems I had stemmed from work related issues and being put in situations work wise that I shouldn't have had to deal with so i have mixed feelings re this. But my point is should an employer not stick by a member of staff suffering from a mental health issue? Surely it is in their interest to look after their staff, and it is annoying that even though some stigma is being removed from mental illness, that many seem to be quite happy to throw someone with mental health issues on the scrapheap, or even not take them on in the first place.

A few things struck me regarding the people on the show-firstly they had a level of intelligence and insight that many people ignorant of mental illness would never imagine they could have. Secondly, just because someone has been seriously ill with mental health issues in the past does not mean they are permanently scarred by it or can't function in normal day to day life-I am aware that for many on this site mental illness is a monster that rules their life seemingly permanently and don't wish to underestimate how serious that is. I acknowledge that depression/anxiety is part of my life and without being defeatist accept it will always be there to some extent or other, but I am managing-and have managed for many years-to hold down a fairly responsible job and I believe strongly that so many of us in similar situations are treated grossly unfairly by employers who just won't give people with mental health issues a chance. It is almost as if once diagnosed with mental illness a person carries that tag with them for life.

As I stated earlier in my thread, I am wary of citing one TV programme, no matter how interesting or insightful it was, as a sign that things are changing for the better, But as somebody who worries that if I did attempt to get another job, that I would be discriminated against on the basis of past events which frankly were only a minute percentage of my life so far, I found this show uplifting and thought-provoking.

I thought I'd get it all down whilst it was fresh in my mind, if anybody else saw it would be interested in their feedback. Or just if you want to chat in general-haven't been on NMP for a while and going through an OK patch at the moment but it is a great site and I find it comforting to know there are so many out there feeling the same way.

All the best


26-07-12, 00:24
Hi Gordon

I saw most of it and it was intriguing to say the very least.

For the programme to be made in the first place at least shows 'we' as a minority are being taken seriously. Just because we have mental health issues does not mean we have a lower intelligence level or are not capable of doing a job as good as someone without issues.

great post Gordon


26-07-12, 00:26
A very interesting analogy Gordon, thank you. I will watch this on catch up wheh I get time.

Interseting what you say about being thrown on the scrap heap once the employer gets wind of a mental health issue....this is exactly what is happening to me right now after a period of time off with anxiety related issues. I actually attend my first formal capability hearing tomorrow morning. I have worked at the same company for 19 years and suddenly they are challenging if I am capable of doing my job? It's outrageous really.

I believe these programmes are of great value and have said before that raising awareness can only be a good thing.

I'm glad you are moving forward and how great that your employers acted in their duty of care and stuck with you. I wish you much luck for the future.

Kitti :)

26-07-12, 01:20
Thanks for the replies.

Kitti I wish you luck with your hearing-I have been there and came through it-if it means anything they have to be very careful what they are doing and although I don't know your line of work they do have a duty to look after you-
hopefully they will be fair and realise that loyalty counts sometimes and that in this day and age experienced people are hard to come by.

Good luck


27-07-12, 09:07
I also watched it and thought it was a brilliant programme. I also thought the title of the programme wasn't really appropriate but I guess it grabbed people's attention. I guessed most of the people who had a problem but was very surprised at how the experts kept getting it wrong.

I also liked the Ruby Wax programme on Monday evening and the one on OCD the following day.

Shame they don't show more programmes like that.

27-07-12, 10:16
I didn't see the programme but have read several things about it since, and am excited by the results from it that I have read. I also hope that my recently ex-employers watched it and that it perhaps meant something to them, as in the near past it was made impossible for me to stay in my job due to actions before and after I went on sick leave with acute panic attacks, and I have since had to resign. Peculiarly enough, these actions started soon after I approached my employer to say that I have a mental health issue :(

27-07-12, 19:16

Since beginning this thread I took the time to look at a couple of "feedback" type sites giving folk a chance to air their views. Very interesting how much programmes like this seem to polarise opinion. Firstly I too thought the title was a bit crass but I guess something like "Mental Health-and the Workplace" doesn't grab folks attention.

Some people seemed to think it exploited the subjects and was in bad taste, my own view was that these people were brave to appear on a national TV programme and unlike say, "Big Brother" or shows of that ilk I could see nothing to be gained by them other than to make people think about the plight of those with mental health issues.

My own view, for what it is worth, is that whether you approved of the show or not, anything that gets people, especially employers, to think twice before dismissing-either literally or figuratively-people suffering mental health issues can only be for the good. As many on here point out regularly, other illnesses are tolerated so why not this one. I believe that in fact many people with these issues are by their very nature extremely loyal and hard-working, and whilst well are a real asset to any employer. If the price to pay is standing by an employee when things are not so good then surely that is a small price to pay.

There is still some way to go, whilst it would be nice to believe that all the employers featured had experienced a "road to Damascus" moment re the mental health of their employees, either current or potential, it struck me that in the case of one employer there may have been an element of "playing to the gallery"-but I hope I am wrong. I also, from bitter experience, know only too well how so called "experts"-be they GP's, psychiatrists, or whatever can get it wrong-that is not to take away from the many who truly care and do a superb job but the human mind is too complex surely for it to be assessed by them and for them to be so sure they have the exact remedy for that patient. What I'm trying to say is that if you get a good GP or Psychiatrist you are lucky indeed, one or two in my own experience seem to have an arrogance about them that they know best and you-the patient-should just do as you are told. I know that will not be true of all though and indeed many people-professional and otherwise-have helped me massively with my own demons.

I respect totally peoples right to choose medication too-I have myself used it successfully in the past-but again when you don't "respond" to a particular tablet/pill it seems sometimes another one gets flung at you and you are seen as being "resistant" to the expertise of the GP/Psych. Again pills have their place but it is the "cost-effective" method of "treating" the illness, when another solution, perhaps combined with medication, may be a more appropriate course.

Anyway sorry away on a bit of a tangent there.

Returning to the original subject It is good that these matters reach a wider audience. On another note Kitti I hope your hearing went ok and Elle-Kay I am sorry to hear of your own experience which shows we have a long way to go yet.

Thank you to those who have replied-as I said previously I am relatively ok just now-relative being the operative word with this-but I am as interested as anybody else on this site to see what progress is being made re mental health and to hear peoples thoughts/experiences.

All the best as always


27-07-12, 19:56
Thank you Gordon,

I endured a 2 hour hearing, but I was well prepared, composed and professional and had answers and evidence to support my case. I am optimistic about the outcome (on this occasion) based on my experience of the 'trial' however, it was made perfectly clear that while I am covered by the Equalities Act and they have a 'duty of care' to me, I do have a 'long term' disability based on my mental health. Ultimately, I believe that I will be destined for the scrap heap in the not too distant future. Great!

Thanks for your kind thought. Kitti :)

27-07-12, 20:10
Hi Kitti

Glad it went ok-I understand your reservations-it is clear that whilst employers have to be cognitive of equality legislation etc... they can be quite selective as to which parts they pay attention to! And too many still have old-fashioned attitudes re mental health.

that said I am sure you will be fine-my own experience is you have to stand your ground during these things and it sounds like you did just that.


27-07-12, 20:47
Thank you for your helpful comments. Rest assured, I did stand my ground and I think they were actually quite shocked how prepared I was. K.

oh no_1
30-07-12, 01:18
I watched this program and the ruby wax one and thought this one was brilliant.... it was interesting to eatch as well as upsetting due to my own circumstances at work at the moment.... and feel too scared to have another day off as well as too scared to go to work.... and all this for doing the bravest thing i ever done and been honest about what i had and why i was off sick.