View Full Version : Worried

26-07-12, 01:02
So I'm back to worrying again. This had been triggered by my period being 5 days late to date. I am NOT pregnant. So this has obv sent my HA into overdrive, ovarian cancer is the buzz word of the moment. Feel sick and panicky.just looking for someone to talk to who understands :/

26-07-12, 01:08
How old are you?

26-07-12, 08:10
I'm 33 with kids! My cycle is normally 28-30 days. it's now been 34 days since my last period :0 as I said, Definately not pregnant. Should I be worried?

26-07-12, 08:16
In the past mine have been a week or so late , sometime's when I'm stressed more than usual try not to worry :)