View Full Version : Hi I'm new - Rheumatoid arthritis

26-07-12, 06:09
Hi everyone I have a long history of health anxiety and generalized anxiety.

ugh where do I begin. I've been having a good couple months, everything was dandy. Recently i've been hit with a feeling of fatigue and general malaise, my bones crack all the time. I just feel like total crap, sometimes my joints hurt. I wake up feeling so stiff I don't want to get up in the morning, I'm only 21!

i've been doing research into it and all my symptoms match Rheumatoid Arthritis. My grampa has and my great aunt also had it, I know i'm in a smaller demographic to get it cause I'm young and male, but it just seems like I can't have anything else.

i've felt this way before in the past, and eventually it'll go away after a few months, only to reappear? I feel like maybe I have times of remission from it?

I got a full blood test probably about a year ago, when I was feeling this way and it was all clear, but I'm booking an appointment tomorrow with my doctor to get everything checked again, get my rheumatoid factor checked and my SED rate checked, I'm just sure I have it, the worst part apparently it can cause swelling around your heart and lungs... I'm screwed.

Please help me, is there anyone out there with hypochondria or general anxiety that feels super stiff and achey when they wake that doesn't change through the day and just a general sense of malaise, like you've got the flu? ughhhhhh

26-07-12, 08:29
Im going though exactly the same thing

I made myself go to the docs yesterday and he said he thinks I have a virus that can last for months, aslo he said the axxiety can cause lots of joint pains :hugs:

26-07-12, 09:16
I've been suffering with joint pain for months in my left wrist, neck and now have terrible lower back and neck pain. I have had bloods and they were clear of arthritis. I didnt think it was that anyway as my mum had it really bad and my brother also has it. I'm sure you are aware but with a flare up one of the joints swells, becomes red hot and is absolute agony. I've spent many years watching my mum and brother suffer. I honestly wouldn't put general joint pain and stiffness down to rheumatoid although I could be completely wrong, I'm no doctor, I'm just going off what I have witnessed. I too am freaking out about this pain and imagining all sorts