View Full Version : Need to tell someone every symptom

ever worried
26-07-12, 09:57
Does anyone find that they have to tell someone every time they get a new symptom? I seem to have a new problem every day at the moment it is a pain in my leg and pins and needles in my arm and I have to keep telling my Husband about it,it makes me feel better, but I know it irritates him so much that he doesn't listen any more.

26-07-12, 10:02
yes been there still am feel husband and doctor dont listen pins and needles in arms are common with anxiety i get down my arms even into my jaw and face its scary.

my doctor told me 1 problem maybe 2 is normal but anything more is anxiety.

good luck x

26-07-12, 10:04
I do and my husband is the same as yours lol

We also have a son with HA so my poor husband feels like he is living with a bunch of sick people.

I call my mum and friend and they ask me straight away what I'm dying of today.

26-07-12, 10:44
yes I do this and if I begin to explain a new symptom to my bf he says ' I have a spot on my a**e .. what does google think im dying of ? ' haha x

ever worried
26-07-12, 20:39
Thank you for your replies.I have really tried today not to complain about anything and to keep myself busy,but I am anxious all the time which I know only makes the symptoms worse.It doesn't help that I am agoraphobic so I spend all day at home with my husband who is retired.

26-07-12, 22:41
Hi you could try making a chart and write down the symptom then next to it what you think it is/ why you think it is serious, then next column write what you would say to someone else if they had it, then write a list of normal/more likely things it could be before you tell him because by then you may not be as worried and need to mention it :)