View Full Version : Relief but still feel trapped

26-07-12, 12:51
i went to the doctors a few days ago about a swallowing problem i've been having recently which makes me fear eating in that ill probably choke and this makes my stomach go all churny and my appetite seems to have vanished
the doctor said there was nothing wrong with my throat and she did a few tests there and then and said to start treating it like an anxiety problem instead of a physical thing..
but i can't help thinking and although the relief of it being nothing physical i am controlling it as a conscious thing rather than subconscious and whenever i sit down to eat i feel like i have to force it down!

this has lasted for a month and with summer my anxiety tends to be quite high
i don't want to lose anymore weight but i cant stop thinking about this, every minute of every day, it's like a vicious cycle!
also im starting to think this is some kind of physical illness but ive had this before (last summer) and im getting scared about that now!! i love food and it's so horrible and frustrating to have to have this whirling round my mind all day
does anyone have any tips? thanks

26-07-12, 13:06
do you have any burping wind pains or heartburn with it? i have hiatal hernia but even with acid reflux you can get this doctor can give you tablets to reduce stomach acid mine feels like trapped burp in my throat feel like food is stuck i suggest to start on almost a liquid diet ie lots of water soups things that go down easily then work your way up to the point you dont even think about eating.

good luck
sheryl xx