View Full Version : Hi all x

26-07-12, 13:41
Hi im kirsty, i have 3 children, i have not yet had a diagnosis although im been feeling like this since 2007 i had citalopram prescribed in 2008 and stopped them this year in april as i felt a little better without being weaned of them but now im right back where i started with alot of anxiety and depression x

26-07-12, 13:51
Hi gktl10

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-07-12, 14:17
Hi Kirsty i am Kerry im new to this site too...
My doctor has prescribed me with sertraline and im still sat here to scared to take them,as i know they make my anxiety worse at the beginning...altho he has given me diazepam to ease that but i dont know if that works??
Would you back on medication?? seeings it helped you before??...Kerry..x

26-07-12, 14:55
Hello and welcome.

26-07-12, 16:32
gktl10 and beautifulfreak77,

If you are suffering from anxiety/depression and your doctor has prescribed medication, he must that you need it and that it will make you better in the long run.
Taking Diazepam initially to counter the side effects of antidepressents does work, if you are only taking the Diazepam for a couple of weeks there should be no problem stopping it. This is my experience and only my opinion.

26-07-12, 17:44
gktl10 and beautifulfreak77,

If you are suffering from anxiety/depression and your doctor has prescribed medication, he must that you need it and that it will make you better in the long run.
Taking Diazepam initially to counter the side effects of antidepressents does work, if you are only taking the Diazepam for a couple of weeks there should be no problem stopping it. This is my experience and only my opinion.

Yes the dr thinks i should be on this as my agoraphobia is getting worse and i know that soon i will not leave the house and i dont want it to get to that stage...im just scared...dr also said maybe i should take the diazepam the day before so i feel more relaxed when takin it as i know ii will work my self up into a panic as soon as iv swallowed the pill...grrr i get so angry with myself i wish it would all go away...Why am i so scared!!! sorry but i just get so frustrated with myself...i expect il just get up one day and do it..well i hope so :D

28-07-12, 03:24
Welcome gktl10! I have found this site to be incredibly helpful. You will receive invaluable support from this wonderfully supportive community :welcome: